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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Dialuna 20 December 2021

                               Migrants rally in Mexico City to mark immigration day

            (AP)  —  About  100  mi-
            grants  who  trekked  on
            foot north from the Gua-
            temalan  border  gathered
            in  Mexico  City  on  Satur-
            day to mark International
            Migrants Day and remem-
            ber  fellow  travelers  who
            have died on the journey.

            The  migrants  gathered  at  in
            improvised  memorial  to  the
            victims of the 2010 massacre
            of  72  migrants  by  the  Ze-
            tas  drug  cartel  in  Mexico’s
            northern  state  of  Tamauli-
            pas. The memorial is on the  rific truck crash last week in  sacre in January that killed 19  not  forget  the  painful  daily  of these measures,” the state-
            side of the city’s main central  the southern state of Chiapas.  people,  including  16  Gua-  tragedies that migrants often  ment added.
            boulevard, near the U.S. Em-  The first few bodies of those  temalan  migrants,  in  the  suffer  in  silence:  disappear-
            bassy.                       victims  were  expected  to  be  northern state of Tamaulipas.  ances,  executions,  extorsion,  The  Mexican  government
                                         returned  to  their  homeland  Twelve  state  police  officers  rape,  torture,”  the  groups  has tried to appease the Unit-
            The demonstrators erected a  of Guatemala over the week-  face charges in those killings.  wrote.                   ed  States  by  stopping  cara-
            plaque that read in part “Mi-  end.                                                                                 vans of walking migrants and
            gration  is  a  human  right.”                            It  continued  with  Mexican  “In their rush to contain mi-  allowing  the  reinstatement
            Many  in  the  group  had  In  a  statement  marking  the  government  efforts  to  pre-  gration to the United States,  of  the  “Remain  in  Mexico”
            walked  since  late  October  day,  a  coalition  of  groups  vent  the  formation  of  new  the  U.S.  government,  as  policy. But Mexico has been
            from  the  Mexican  border  representing  the  families  of  migrant  caravans,  and  then  well  as  Mexico,  Honduras,  unable to stanch the flood of
            city  of  Tapachula,  after  the  Central  American  migrants  the  Dec.  9  crash  of  a  semi-  Guatemala,  El  Salvador  and  migrants stuffed by the hun-
            government prevented them  who  have  disappeared  in  trailer truck packed with mi-   other  Latin  American  coun-  dreds into trucks operated by
            from hitching rides.         Mexico described 2021 as “a  grants.                      tries,  are  tightening  up  and  smugglers who charge thou-
                                         year of setbacks.”                                        militarizing  their  immigra-  sands of dollars to take them
            The group also remembered                                 “These were the visible trag-  tion  policies,  without  taking  to  the  U.S.  border  —  trips
            56  migrants  killed  in  a  hor-  The year started with a mas-  edies  of  2021,  but  we  must  into account the human cost  that all too often turn deadly.

                        Typhoon deaths in Philippines top 140; mayors plead for food

            (AP) — The death toll in                                                                                            ther damaged or blown away
            the  strongest  typhoon  to                                                                                         entirely.
            batter the Philippines this
            year  has  reached  at  least                                                                                       At least 227 cities and towns
            146,  and  the  governor  of                                                                                        lost  electricity,  which  has
            an  island  province  espe-                                                                                         since  been  restored  in  only
            cially hard-hit by Typhoon                                                                                          21 areas, officials said, adding
            Rai said there may be even                                                                                          that  three  regional  airports
            greater  devastation  that                                                                                          were damaged, including two
            has yet to be reported.                                                                                             that remain closed.

            Gov.  Arthur  Yap  of  Bohol                                                                                        The  deaths  and  widespread
            province in the central Phil-                                                                                       damage  left  by  the  typhoon
            ippines  said  72  people  died                                                                                     ahead  of  Christmas  in  the
            there, 10 others were missing                                                                                       largely  Roman  Catholic  na-
            and 13 injured, and suggested   towns,  Yap  said  “it  is  very  Officials on Dinagat Islands,  prone to typhoons,’” Duterte   tion brought back memories
            the  fatalities  may  still  con-  clear  that  the  damage  sus-  one of the southeastern prov-  told officials.   of  the  catastrophe  inflicted
            siderably  increase  because   tained by Bohol is great and  inces first pounded by the ty-                         by another typhoon, Haiyan,
            only  33  of  48  mayors  were   all-encompassing.”       phoon, separately reported 10  At its strongest, the typhoon   one  of  the  most  powerful
            able  to  report  back  to  him                           deaths just from a few towns,  packed  sustained  winds  of   on record. It hit many of the
            due to downed communica-     He  said  the  initial  inspec-  bringing the overall fatalities  195  kilometers  (121  miles)   central  provinces  that  were
            tions. Officials were trying to   tion did not cover four towns  so far to 146.        per hour and gusts of up to   pummeled last week, leaving
            confirm a sizable number of   where the typhoon blew in as                             270 kph (168 mph), making    more than 6,300 people dead
            deaths  caused  by  landslides   it  rampaged  through  central  President  Rodrigo  Duterte  it  one  of  the  most  power-  in November 2013.
            and  extensive  flooding  else-  island  provinces  on  Thurs-  flew  to  the  region  Saturday  ful in recent years to hit the
            where.                       day and Friday. The govern-  and  promised  2  billion  pe-  disaster-prone   archipelago,   At  the  Vatican,  Pope  Francis
                                         ment said about 780,000 peo-  sos ($40 million) in aid. He  which  lies  between  the  Pa-  expressed his closeness Sun-
            In  statements  posted  on   ple  were  affected,  including  met  officials  in  Maasin  City  cific  Ocean  and  the  South   day to the people of the Phil-
            Facebook, Yap ordered may-   more than 300,000 residents  in  Southern  Leyte  province  China Sea.                 ippines,  referencing  the  ty-
            ors  in  his  province  of  more   who  had  to  evacuate  their  where he was born. Duterte’s                      phoon “that destroyed many
            than 1.2 million people to in-  homes.                    family  later  relocated  to  Floodwaters  rose  rapidly  in   homes.”
            voke their emergency powers                               the  southern  city  of  Davao,  Bohol’s  riverside  town  of
            to secure food packs for large   At  least  64  other  typhoon  where  he  served  as  a  long-  Loboc, where residents were   About  20  storms  and  ty-
            numbers  of  people  along   deaths  were  reported  by  the  time  mayor  before  rising  to  trapped on their roofs and in   phoons batter the Philippines
            with  drinking  water.  Both   disaster-response agency, the  the presidency.          trees. They were rescued by   each  year.  The  archipelago
            have been urgently sought in   national  police  and  local  of-                       the coast guard the following   also lies along the seismically
            several hard-hit towns.      ficials. Most were hit by fall-  “The  moment  I  was  born  day.  On  Dinagat  Islands,  an   active  Pacific  “Ring  of  Fire”
                                         ing trees and collapsed walls,  into  this  world,  I  told  my  official said the roofs of near-  region, making it one of the
            After joining a military aerial   drowned  in  flash  floods  or  mother,  `Let’s  not  stay  here  ly  all  the  houses,  including   countries most susceptible to
            survey  of  typhoon-ravaged   were  buried  in  landslides.  because  this  place  is  really  emergency shelters, were ei-  natural calamities.
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