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                  Thursday 19 March 2020
             Africa should 'prepare for the worst' with virus, WHO says

            By CARA ANNA                                                                                                        nounced  restrictions  on
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the  entry  of  travelers  from
            JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Af-                                                                                             countries  with  more  than
            rica should "prepare for the                                                                                        1,000 coronavirus cases, in-
            worst"  as  the  coronavirus                                                                                        cluding China and the U.S.,
            begins  to  spread  locally,                                                                                        and suspended visas on ar-
            the World Health Organiza-                                                                                          rival for their citizens.
            tion's  director-general  said                                                                                      Nigeria has had eight cas-
            Wednesday,  while  South                                                                                            es  of  the  virus,  all  in  peo-
            Africa  became  the  conti-                                                                                         ple  recently  arrived  from
            nent's  new  focus  of  con-                                                                                        abroad  —  one  of  the  lat-
            cern  as  cases  nearly  dou-                                                                                       est a 6-week-old baby. The
            bled to 116 from two days                                                                                           country said one of the new
            before.                                                                                                             patients, an American, had
            South Africa's health minis-                                                                                        entered via a land border,
            ter, Zweli Mkhize, this week                                                                                        a first.
            called  that  kind  of  rate                                                                                        Three other African nations
            "explosive"  in  the  country                                                                                       announced  their  first  virus
            with the most cases in sub-                                                                                         cases:  Gambia,  Zambia
            Saharan Africa. Fourteen of                                                                                         and  Djibouti.  Thirty-three
            the latest cases were from                                                                                          of  Africa's  54  countries
            local transmission — and six                                                                                        now have cases, with a to-
            were in children under 10.   A Somali man wears a surgical mask and gloves on the street after after the government an-  tal  of  at  least  529  midday
            Though the pandemic is in    nounced the closure of schools and universities and banned large gatherings, following the an-  Wednesday.
                                         nouncement on Monday of the country's first case of the new coronavirus, in the capital Mogadi-
            its early days on the conti-  shu, Somalia Wednesday, March 18, 2020.                                               Somalia,    which      an-
            nent,  health  experts  have                                                                       Associated Press   nounced  its  first  case  this
            warned that even facilities                                                                                         week,  closed  schools  and
            in  Africa's  richest  nation  to  self-isolate  or  take  time  to  limit  contact.  Elsewhere  obtained  by  The  Associ-  universities  for  two  weeks
            could be overwhelmed by  off work," said public health  in  the  store  a  shopper  de-  ated  Press  said  the  man  and warned against public
            the virus' spread.           expert  Dr.  Atiya  Mosam,  terminedly  filled  a  card-  was  returning  home  from  gatherings  as  the  country
            "I  think  Africa  should  wake  who also worried about the  board box with "anti-germ"  a  night  out  Wednesday  with  one  of  Africa's  weak-
            up.  My  continent  should  large  population  without  soap,  and  hand  sanitizer  when  a  group  of  youth  est  health  systems  tries  to
            wake  up,"  said  WHO  chief  clean water or sanitation or  was  out  of  stock  despite  approached  and  "took  stop the virus' spread.
            Tedros   Adhanom      Ghe-   vulnerable  from  HIV  or  tu-  calls to stop panic buying.  advantage of his drunken-  "This  is  really  a  very  scary
            breyesus, who comes from  berculosis.                     Also  Wednesday,  sub-Sa-    ness."                       moment," said Hassan Kafi,
            Ethiopia.                    Others  asked  how  a  per-  haran  Africa  saw  its  sec-  In Ethiopia, the U.S. Embas-  a  medical  student  in  the
            Crowded     conditions   in  son  can  self-quarantine  in  ond death from COVID-19,  sy  noted  a  rise  in  anti-for-  capital,  Mogadishu.  The
            poor  areas  could  lead  to  a  crowded  slum.  The  con-  in  Burkina  Faso,  which  has  eigner sentiment after cas-  country  has  suffered  from
            even faster transmission, ex-  tinent  has  several  of  the  one of the continent's high-  es emerged there. "Reports  nearly  three  decades  of
            perts  say.  Countless  South  world's  fastest-growing  cit-  est  number  of  cases  but  indicate  that  foreigners  conflict.
            Africans  continue  to  pack  ies.                        has not imposed measures  have  been  attacked  with  Uganda, which has no cas-
            into  commuter  trains  and  Despite  widespread  calls  such  as  closing  borders  or  stones,  denied  transporta-  es,  banned  travel  to  the
            minivan  taxis.  But  the  an-  for "social distancing," a ca-  banning  religious  services.  tion services, being spat on,  worst-affected   countries.
            nual pilgrimage of the Zion  shier at a popular pharma-   Sudan  previously  reported  chased on foot, and been  It  also  suspended  religious
            Christian Church, which at-  cy  in  Johannesburg  con-   a death.                     accused of being infected  gatherings  and  restricted
            tracts about 3 million peo-  fided  that  some  custom-   In Kenya, police said a man  with  COVID-19,"  a  security  the  number  of  people  at
            ple, was cancelled.          ers found it rude when she  accused  of  having  the  alert said.                      weddings to 10 in a coun-
            "We    have    low-income  suggested they swipe their  coronavirus  was  beaten  Africa's        most   populous  try known for mass ceremo-
            workers who cannot afford  payment cards themselves  to  death.  A  police  report  country,       Nigeria,   an-   nies. q

            Canada announces massive aid package amid pandemic

            By ROB GILLIES               groceries and pay the rent.  that  of  your  neighbors,"  isolating  after  his  wife,  So-  top  public-health  doctor,
            Associated Press             Up to $82 billion Canadian  Trudeau said. "Not whether  phie  Gregoire  Trudeau,  said  to  expect  the  virus  to
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Cana-      (US$56.4  billion)  is  being  you're  going  to  lose  your  tested positive for the virus  stick around for a long time.
            dian  Prime  Minister  Justin  spent. The money is about  job. Not whether you're go-  after  returning  from  a  trip  British  Columbia  and  the
            Trudeau  said  Wednesday  3%  of  Canada's  gross  do-    ing to run out of money for  to  London.  Trudeau  said  city of Vancouver declared
            his government is deferring  mestic product.              things  like  groceries  and  she is OK, but is experienc-  a state of emergency and
            tax  payments  until  August,  Trudeau  said  he  will  pro-  medication."             ing  flu-like  symptoms  and  Vancouver  Mayor  Kenne-
            providing  a  wage  subsidy  vide  employers  of  small  The  prime  minister  said  headaches.  He  said  he  dy  Stewart  threatened  to
            for  small  businesses  and  businesses  with  a  tempo-  those  who  have  filed  their  and  his  three  children  are  take action if panic buying
            pausing  student  loan  pay-  rary  wage  subsidy  equal  taxes and find out that they  not showing symptoms.       continues.
            ments  as  part  of  massive  to 10% of the salary paid to  owe  money  will  have  un-  Ontario   Health   Minister  "We  have  seen  empty
            stimulus  package  to  limit  employees  for  a  period  of  til August to pay. There will  Christine Elliott said young-  shelves  and  panic  shop-
            economic  damage  from  three months. He said that  also  be  six-month,  interest-    er  people,  in  their  30s,  are  ping  in  the  last  few  days.
            the coronavirus pandemic.    will  encourage  employers  free  moratorium  on  their  becoming  seriously  ill  from  This is unacceptable," Stew-
            Trudeau  said  the  govern-  to keep staff on the payroll.  Canada  Student  Loans  as  the  virus,  needing  ventila-  art said.
            ment  is  focused  on  mak-  "No matter who you are or  well as other measures.        tors. Elliott said they're see-  He  said  all  public  serving
            ing  sure  Canadians  have  what you do, this is a time  Trudeau  made  the  an-       ing that in Ontario and also  businesses will close except
            the  money  they  need  to  when  you  should  be  fo-    nouncement  outside  his  New York.                       those  who  can  offer  take-
            support  their  families,  buy  cused  on  your  health  and  residence,  where  he  is  self  Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's  out and delivery.q
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