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P. 28

                     Thursday 28 May 2020
            Spread of coronavirus fuels corruption in Latin America

            By JOSHUA GOODMAN                                                                                                   corruption  —  hundreds  of
            Associated Press                                                                                                    billions of dollars every year.
            MIAMI  (AP)  —  Even  in  a                                                                                         But  abuse  multiplies  in
            pandemic, there's no slow-                                                                                          emergencies  like  natural
            down  for  swindlers  in  Latin                                                                                     disasters.
            America.                                                                                                            He  said  the  risks  are  even
            From  Argentina  to  Pana-                                                                                          higher  in  the  pandemic,
            ma,  a  number  of  officials                                                                                       as  officials  compete  for
            have been forced to resign                                                                                          limited  supplies,  disrupting
            as reports of fraudulent pur-                                                                                       established  price  mecha-
            chases of ventilators, masks                                                                                        nisms.
            and other medical supplies                                                                                          "If  you  don't  stop  at  the
            pile up. The thefts are driv-                                                                                       red light, and nothing hap-
            en  by  price-gouging  from                                                                                         pens, or you can bribe the
            manufacturers  and  profi-                                                                                          policeman  and  get  away
            teering  by  politically  con-                                                                                      with  it,  then  more  people
            nected  middlemen  who                                                                                              will  have  incentives  not  to
            see the crisis as an opportu-                                                                                       stop  at  the  red  light,"  said
            nity for graft.                                                                                                     de  Michele.  "That's  institu-
            "Whenever there's a dire sit-                                                                                       tional design, not culture."
            uation,  spending  rules  are                                                                                       Latin  America  countries
            relaxed and there's always                                                                                          consistently  rank  among
            someone around looking to                                                                                           the  most  corrupt.  The  lat-
            take  advantage  to  make                                                                                           est survey  by Berlin-based
            a profit," said José Ugaz, a                                                                                        Transparency  International
            former Peruvian prosecutor                                                                                          found  that  more  than  half
            who jailed former President   In this May 18, 2020, file photo, a pigeon flies in the General Cemetery, in La Paz, Bolivia. Even   of  the  region's  residents
            Alberto  Fujimori  and  was   amid a global pandemic, there’s no sign that corruption is slowing down in Latin America.   think the problem is getting
            chairman  of  Transparency                                                                         Associated Press   worse,  with  1  in  5  admit-
            International from 2014-17.                                                                                         ting  to  paying  a  bribe  to
            Coronavirus clusters are still  expired,  cost  the  city  10  ated a task force to inves-  But  stealing  state  funds  is  public  officials  in  the  past
            spreading in Latin America,  times their listed price.    tigate   pandemic-related  especially  vexing  in  Latin  year. Scandals involving of-
            fueling  a  spike  in  deaths,  Perhaps  the  biggest  fall-  crimes.  Its  nickname,  "Co-  America  because  of  gap-  ficials caught stealing from
            swamping  already-precar-    out  is  in  Bolivia,  where  the  rona Jato," is a nod to the  ing poverty and a tattered  school  lunch  programs,
            ious  hospitals  and  threat-  health  minister  was  ar-  region's biggest recent cor-  social  safety  net.  More  passing  briefcases  full  of
            ening  to  ravage  slumping  rested  amid  allegations  ruption  scandal,  the  "Lava  than  half  its  workers  toil  in  cash  or  placing  lovers  in
            economies.                   that  170  ventilators  were  Jato," or "Car Wash," probe  the informal sector without  cushy jobs are frequently in
            Against  this  backdrop,  re-  bought  at  inflated  prices.  that uncovered billions sto-  health care or social secu-  the news.
            ports of fraud have prolifer-  The  breathing  machines  len  from  state-run  compa-  rity.                        Still,  de  Michele  is  optimis-
            ated.                        were  purchased  for  near-  nies.                        "That's  the  real  scandal,"  tic  that  social  pressure  will
            On  Tuesday,  police  in  Rio  ly  $28,000  each.  But  their  Tuesday's  surprise  search  said  Argentine  writer  Mar-  bring change.
            de Janeiro raided the gov-   Spanish  manufacturer  said  of  the  governor's  mansion  tín  Caparrós,  co-editor  of  A  turning  point  came  in
            ernor's residence as part of  it sold them to a distributor  and  10  other  addresses  in  a  book  about  the  region's  2016,  when  Brazilian  con-
            a widening probe into the  for only 6,000 euros ($6,500).  Rio has rattled Brazil's politi-  most  shameless  stories  of  struction  giant  Odebrecht
            alleged  embezzlement  of  Making  matter  worse,  the  cal establishment because  graft called "We Lost: Who  admitted  to  paying  $788
            part  of  the  $150  million  in  machines aren't suitable for  Gov.  Wilson  Witzel  is  a  Won  the  Americas  Cup  of  million in bribes across Latin
            public funds earmarked for  longer-term care.             fierce critic of President Jair  Corruption?"  (Spoiler  alert:  America  over  more  than
            building field hospitals.    The probe threatens to de-   Bolsonaro,  accusing  him  An  Argentine  vice  presi-    a decade. That led to the
            In Colombia, 14 of 32 gov-   rail  the  presidential  can-  of undermining state mea-  dent  convicted  of  buying  jailing  of  former  presidents
            ernors are under investiga-  didacy  of  interim  leader  sures to fight the virus. Wit-  a stake in a money-printing  in Peru and Brazil.
            tion for crimes ranging from  Jeanine  Anez.  She  as-    zel denied any wrongdoing  company while overseeing  Technology  can  also  help
            embezzlement  to  unlaw-     sumed  power  in  Novem-     and accused Bolsonaro of  its bankruptcy proceedings  protect state funds, de Mi-
            fully  awarding  no-bid  con-  ber,  promising  a  clean  ordering  the  raid  as  politi-  was  voted  the  worst  of-  chele said.
            tracts.                      break from 13 years of left-  cal retribution.            fender by readers).          He  cited  Paraguay,  which
            In  Argentina's  capital  of  ist rule by Evo Morales, who  To be sure, disasters breed  Acceptance  of  corruption  unveiled  a  platform    al-
            Buenos  Aires,  prosecutors  resigned amid vote-rigging  corruption  all  over  the  dates  to  the  Spanish  con-  lowing  users  to  track  in  al-
            are  probing  a  politically  allegations.                world,  not  just  in  Latin  quest, when powerful vice-  most real time the status of
            connected  crony  for  buy-  Similar accusations of over-  America.  Spain,  Italy  and  roys  gave  extensive  land  110  emergency  contracts
            ing  15,000  N95  surgical  billing  have  shaken  Pana-  other  countries  also  have  holdings  to  friends,  and  worth $26 million in spend-
            masks that, despite having  ma,  where  a  top  aide  to  been rocked by revelations  forgiveness of sins could lit-  ing  tied  to  COVID-19.  Fi-
                                         President  Laurentino  Cor-  of  impropriety  during  the  erally  be  bought  from  the  nance  Minister  Benigno
                                         tizo quit and his vice presi-  pandemic.  In  the  U.S.,  an  Roman  Catholic  church,  López said the platform will
                                         dent  is  under  pressure  to  estimated  16% of $1 billion  Caparrós said.            empower citizen groups to
                                         resign after prosecutors last  in aid spent after Hurricane  Roberto  de  Michele,  the  monitor how resources are
                                         month  began  investigat-    Katrina was lost in potential-  top  transparency  expert  spent.
                                         ing  the  planned  purchase  ly  fraudulent  payments.  In  at  the  Washington-based  "The  solution  to  corruption
                                         of 100 ventilators at nearly  one  example,  the  Federal  Inter-American   Develop-   is  punitive  justice,"  López
                                         $50,000 each.                Emergency  Management  ment Bank, disagrees, say-         told  The  Associated  Press.
                                         In  Brazil,  which  has  the  Agency paid one individu-   ing  that  even  in  normal  "But  at  least  this  tool  puts
                                         world's     second-highest  al rental assistance as well  conditions,  an  estimated  all public officials on notice
                                         number  of  confirmed  cas-  as  $8,000  to  stay  70  nights  10% to 25% of global spend-  that our actions will be un-
                                         es, police in one state cre-  at a hotel — in Hawaii.     ing on health care is lost to  der the microscope."q
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