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U.S. NEWS Thursday 28 May 2020
U.S. on cusp of marking at least 100K deaths from virus
Continued from Front ding to a tally by Johns
Hopkins University of go-
“Don’t start leapfrogging vernment reports, which
some of the recommenda- experts say does not show
tions in the guidelines be- the entire scope of the
cause that’s really temp- pandemic. As of Wednes-
ting fate and asking for day afternoon, the official
trouble.” tally of deaths in the U.S.
After months of lockdowns hovered just below 100,000.
in countries around the In the U.S., President Do-
world, places have begun nald Trump several months
reopening in stages. Me- ago likened the coronavi-
diterranean beaches and rus to the flu and dismissed
Las Vegas casinos laid out worries that it could lead to
plans to welcome tourists so many deaths. The ad-
again. Churches began ministration’s leading sci-
opening up. And humans entists have since warned
restless at being cooped that as many as 240,000
up indoors for weeks be- Americans could die in the
gan venturing outside in country’s outbreak.
droves, often without prac- According to the AP-NORC
ticing safe social distancing poll, about half of Ameri-
or wearing protective co- cans said they would get a
verings. COVID-19 vaccine if scien-
Summertime is already a People stop to look at the fountains at Caesars Palace hotel and casino along the Las Vegas tists working to create one
time when more people Strip devoid of the usual crowds during the coronavirus pandemic, Tuesday, May 26, 2020, in Las succeed.
head outdoors. This year, Associated Press The poll found 31% simply
it also means the every- weren’t sure if they’d get
four-years national political said. “But I think we need with the Kaiser Family Foun- confirmed cases — the big- vaccinated. Another 1 in 5
conventions in the United to reserve judgment right dation in Washington. “In gest daily jump in nearly 50 said they’d refuse. Among
States where the two ma- now, because we’re a few the U.S. we could be look- days. Americans who say they
jor political parties anoint a months from there. Hope- ing at a long pandemic All but four of the cases wouldn’t get vaccinated,
presidential candidate. fully we will see that dimi- summer with a slow burn were in the densely popu- 7 in 10 worry about safety.
The events generally draw nution. If we don’t, then I of cases and deaths. The- lated Seoul region, where “I am not an anti-vaxxer,”
thousands of delegates would have significant re- re’s also reason to be con- officials are scrambling to said Melanie Dries, 56, of
and others who converge servation about that.” cerned about a new wave stop transmissions linked to Colorado Springs, Colo-
for several days. Fauci said And other public health ex- of infections in the fall. So, nightclubs, karaoke rooms rado. But, “to get a CO-
it’s too early to say whether perts cautioned that even we’re definitely not out of and a massive e-commer- VID-19 vaccine within a
this year’s conventions more death is in the offing. the woods yet.” ce warehouse. All were year or two ... causes me to
should be held as normal. “Despite the terrible losses South Korea announced a reopened last month when fear that it won’t be widely
“If we have a really signifi- seen and the many difficul- spike in new infections and social distancing measures tested as to side effects.”
cant diminution in the num- ties Americans have faced considered reimposing so- were relaxed. Among those who want a
ber of new cases and hos- to date in this pandemic, cial distancing restrictions, Worldwide, the virus has vaccine, the AP-NORC poll
pitalizations and we’re at a we’re still probably only in revealing the setbacks infected nearly 5.6 mil- found protecting themsel-
level where it’s really very the early stages,” said Josh ahead for other nations on lion people and killed over ves, their family and the
low, you might have some Michaud, associate direc- the road to reopening. That 350,000, including about community are the top
capability of gathering,” he tor of global health policy country reported 40 newly 170,000 in Europe, accor- reasons.q
U.S. to revoke Iran nuclear cooperation sanctions waivers
By MATTHEW LEE facilities without drawing ponents of the nuclear
AP Diplomatic Writer American penalties. deal that the administra-
WASHINGTON (AP) — The The waivers were last re- tion has not canceled.
Trump administration is newed at the end of But officials said Treasury
ending nearly all of the March and are due to Secretary Steven Mnuchin
last vestiges of U.S. sanc- expire at the end of the had prevailed in an inter-
tions relief provided under week. The revocations will nal debate by arguing
the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, give foreign companies 60 the coronavirus pandem-
according to current and days to wind down their ic made eliminating the
former U.S. officials and operations, according to waivers unpalatable at a
congressional aides. the officials, who were not time when the administra-
They said Wednesday that authorized to publicly dis- tion is being criticized for
Secretary of State Mike cuss the matter and spoke refusing to ease sanctions
Pompeo will revoke all on condition of anonym- to deal with the outbreak.
but one of sanctions waiv- ity. A formal announce- President Donald Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks during a press briefing
ers covering civil nuclear ment was expected on withdrew from the nucle- at the State Department on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, in
cooperation. The waivers Thursday. ar deal in 2018 and has Associated Press
had allowed Russian, Eu- Pompeo in March had steadily reimposed U.S.
ropean and Chinese com- opposed extending the sanctions on Iran that had clear cooperation" waiv- of Iran's declared nuclear
panies to continue to work waivers, which are among been eased or lifted under ers allow foreign compa- sites without becoming
on Iran's civilian nuclear the few remaining com- its terms. The "civilian-nu- nies to do work at some subject to U.S. sanctions.