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                      Friday 13 March 2020
            EU condemns Trump travel ban from Europe as virus spreads

            By LORNE COOK and SAM-                                                                                              deal  limiting  Iran's  nuclear
            UEL PETREQUIN                                                                                                       development.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    The  exact  impact  of  the
            BRUSSELS (AP) — European                                                                                            U.S. travel restrictions is un-
            Union  leaders  on  Thursday                                                                                        clear, The United States has
            lashed  out  at  President                                                                                          not had an ambassador in
            Donald Trump's decision to                                                                                          Brussels  since  Trump  fired
            restrict  travel  from  Europe                                                                                      the  previous  envoy,  Gor-
            to  the  United  States  be-                                                                                        don Sondland, last month.
            cause of the new corona-                                                                                            Asked what immediate ac-
            virus,  calling  the  the  pan-                                                                                     tion  the  European  Union
            demic  a  global  crisis  that                                                                                      might  take  in  response,
            "requires cooperation rath-                                                                                         European      Commission
            er than unilateral action."                                                                                         spokesman  Eric  Mamer
            Trump, who had called CO-                                                                                           said that the EU "isn't in the
            VID-19 a "foreign virus" and                                                                                        habit  of  shooting  from  the
            claimed  that  European                                                                                             hip."
            travelers "seeded" infection                                                                                        "Good  policy-making  re-
            clusters in the United States,                                                                                      quires  reflection,"  Mamer
            said  late  Wednesday  that                                                                                         said.
            all  European  travel  would                                                                                        As  Brussels  absorbed  the
            be cut off.                                                                                                         news  from  Washington,
            U.S.  officials  later  said  the   European Council President Charles Michel participates in a videoconference call with EU leaders   borders went up in Europe
            entry ban only would apply   at the European Council building in Brussels, Tuesday, March 10, 2020.                 in reaction to the coronavi-
            to most foreign citizens who                                                                       Associated Press   rus pandemic.
            have  been  inside  Europe's                                                                                        The  government  of  the
            passport-free  travel  zone  said.                        Trump  is  an  ally  of  Prime  probably one in the same."  Czech eEpublic, which has
            during the 14 days prior to  Europe's  passport  and  vi-  Minister  Boris  Johnson  and  The  ban  on  travelers  from  112  confirmed  virus  cases,
            their  arrival  in  the  United  sa-free  Schengen  travel  supported  Britain's  depar-  Europe  was  the  latest  ac-  declared  a  state  of  emer-
            States.                      area  comprises  26  coun-   ture  from  the  EU.  The  U.S.  tion  taken  by  Trump  since  gency   Thursday.   Prime
            "The European Union disap-   tries including EU members  leader also owns three golf  he came to office that ap-    Minister  Andrej  Babis  said
            proves of the fact that the  France,  Italy,  Germany,  resorts  in  the  U.K.  and  Ire-  pears  to  target  the  EU,  a  travelers  from  15  countries
            U.S.  decision  to  impose  a  Greece,  Austria  and  Bel-  land.                      major  trading  partner  with  would  be  denied  entry  to
            travel  ban  was  taken  uni-  gium,  where  the  bloc  has  Around 400 flights cross the  several  member  countries  the country starting at mid-
            laterally  and  without  con-  its  headquarters,  but  also  Atlantic from Europe to the  that  are  also  U.S.  allies  in  night  Friday  if  they  aren't
            sultation,"  European  Coun-  others like Switzerland, Nor-  United  States  each  day,  NATO.                      citizens.
            cil President Charles Michel  way and Iceland.            according  to  flight  tracker  Trump  has  slapped  tar-  The  countries  include  not
            and European Commission  The  measures  announced  FlightAware.                        iffs  on  steel  and  aluminum  only  China,  South  Korea
            President  Ursula  von  der  by  Trump  don't  apply  to  Trump  defended  his  deci-  imports  from  Europe  and  and  Iran,  but  Italy,  Spain,
            Leyen said in a joint state-  the United Kingdom, where  sion to not notify all Europe-  threatened  broader  trade  France,  Denmark,  Austria,
            ment.                        the  number  of  confirmed  an Union leaders before he  action, notably against Eu-    Germany,       Switzerland,
            "The  coronavirus  is  a  glob-  cases  has  reached  almost  announced the temporary  ropean automakers. Trump  Sweden, Norway, the Neth-
            al  crisis,  not  limited  to  any  460,  with  eight  deaths,  or  travel restrictions.   has also abandoned an in-  erlands,  Belgium  and  the
            continent,  and  it  requires  Ireland,  which  isn't  part  of  "When  they  raise  taxes  on  ternational  climate  agree-  U.K.  Czech  citizens  also
            cooperation  rather  than  Schengen, and has 43 cas-      us,  they  don't  consult  us,"  ment  backed  by  France,  were barred from traveling
            unilateral  action,"  the  two  es.                       Trump  said.  "I  think  that's  as well as the EU sponsored  to those countries. q

            Thunderstorms bring widespread flooding to Egypt, killing 5

            By NOHA ELHENNAWY            footage  circulated  on  so-                                                           Hurghada. Nile River cruises
            Associated Press             cial media showed flooded                                                              between the southern cities
            CAIRO  (AP)  —  Thunder-     roads,  damaged  bus  shel-                                                            of Luxor and Aswan, which
            storms packing heavy rains  ters  and  broken  windows                                                              harbor  most  of  ancient
            and lightning caused wide-   around the country.                                                                    Egypt's  monuments,  were
            spread    flooding   across  In  western  New  Valley                                                               suspended and several key
            Egypt on Thursday, killing at  province, a technician was                                                           highways were closed.
            least five people and injur-  electrocuted  while  trying                                                           The  country's  railway  au-
            ing five others, officials said  to fix a lighting column that                                                      thorities  suspended  train
            as   authorities   shuttered  went off due to the rain, lo-                                                         service  nationwide,  citing
            schools,  government  offic-  cal officials said.                                                                   the  bad  weather.  The  an-
            es and an airport.           In  southern  Sohag  prov-                                                             nouncement  came  shortly
            A child died and five peo-   ince,  a  35-year-old  by-                                                             after   two   Cairo-bound
            ple  were  injured  when  stander  died  under  the                                                                 trains  collided  near  their
            floods   demolished    their  rubble  of  a  wall  that  was                                                        final  destination,  injuring
            houses in a rural area in the  knocked down by wind.      A  man  wears  makeshift  rain  gear  as  he  navigates  a  flooded   13  people,  according  to
            southern province of Qena,  A  60-year-old  man  was      road after heavy rains in the Zamalek district of Cairo, Egypt,   health officials. Railroad of-
            where lightning ignited sev-  electrocuted as he walked   Thursday, March 12, 2020.                                 ficials  later  said  in  a  state-
            eral  fires.  Also  in  Qena,  a  down  the  street  in  his  vil-                                 Associated Press   ment the collision was due
            motorist  was  killed  when  lage in the Delta province  International Airport, a key  ranean  port  of  Alexandria  to  a  signal  system  error
            winds  blew  his  car  into  a  of Menoufeya.             hub  for  tourists,  and  three  and  the  Red  Sea  ports  caused by the bad weath-
            canal.  Photos  and  video  Authorities shut down Luxor  seaports  —  the  Mediter-    of  Sharm  el-Sheikh  and  er. q
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