Page 24 - AHATA
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A6   U.S. NEWS
                      Friday 13 March 2020
            Q&A: New travel ban shakes up airlines, passengers

                                                                                                                                time industry observer. "This
                                                                                                                                is new territory.
                                                                                                                                You  have  a  9/11-like  drop
                                                                                                                                in  demand,  but  you  can't
                                                                                                                                tell people that you're ab-
                                                                                                                                solutely safe to fly — you're
                                                                                                                                not absolutely safe around
                                                                                                                                any  group  of  people,"  Ka-
                                                                                                                                plan said.
                                                                                                                                WHICH FLIGHTS WILL BE AF-
                                                                                                                                FECTED BY THE BAN?
                                                                                                                                The  largest  number  will
                                                                                                                                be  flights  to  the  U.S.  from
                                                                                                                                Germany  and  France,  fol-
                                                                                                                                lowed by the Netherlands,
                                                                                                                                Spain and Switzerland.
                                                                                                                                Germany's        Lufthansa
                                                                                                                                Group  said  it  will  keep  fly-
                                                                                                                                ing  to  Chicago  and  the
                                                                                                                                New York and Washington,
                                                                                                                                D.C.,  areas  from  Frankfurt,
                                                                                                                                Zurich, Vienna and Brussels
                                                                                                                                to  maintain  "at  least  some
                                                                                                                                air  traffic  connections  to
                                                                                                                                the USA."
                                                                                                                                But  it  will  stop  U.S.-bound
                                                                                                                                flights  from  Munich,  Ge-
                                                                                                                                neva and Duesseldorf. The
                                                                                                                                group's subsidiaries include
                                                                                                                                Lufthansa  and  Austrian,
            People walk by a departures monitor at the Rome Leonardo da Vinci International Airport, Thursday, March 12, 2020.    Swiss  and  Brussels  airlines.
                                                                                                               Associated Press
                                                                                                                                The  big  U.S.  carriers  to  Eu-
            By DAVID KOENIG and BEN  fore their scheduled U.S. ar-    port  controls  within  its  bor-  skeptical,  noting  that  the  rope  —  United,  Delta  and
            FOX                          rival would be barred. The  ders.                         virus  is  now  being  passed  American — were already
            Associated Press             United Kingdom is not part  Trump's  executive  order  through  so-called  commu-      planning  to  reduce  the
            Airlines  and  travelers  are  of the 26-country Schengen  also carves out exemptions  nity transmission — among  number of flights to Europe
            still  sorting  out  the  new  Area and will be exempted  for airline crews, people on  people  who  haven't  trav-  because of falling demand.
            travel  ban  that  President  from  the  ban,  along  with  United Nations business, for-  eled  overseas  or  been  in  Analysts  believe  they  will
            Donald  Trump  announced  Ireland,  Romania,  Croatia,  eigners  invited  by  the  U.S.  contact with someone who  now speed up those plans.
            late  Wednesday  that  bars  Ukraine  and  several  other  government  to  help  con-  has.                         Most  major  airlines  are
            most foreign visitors coming  European states.            tain  the  virus,  and  anyone  Dr.  Bruce  Aylward,  who  waiving  fees  for  chang-
            to the U.S. from continental  Neither  Trump  nor  the  whose  entry  is  deemed  to  led  a  World  Health  Orga-  ing  or  canceling  a  ticket
            Europe for 30 days.          Homeland Security Depart-    be "in the national interest."  nization  team  in  China  as  through April 30.
            The  ban  will  affect  7,300  ment explained the reason  WHERE  CAN  AMERICANS  the COVID-19 disease was  WILL  AIRLINES  ASK  FOR
            flights  –  and  more  than  2  for  leaving  out  the  U.K.  A  RE-ENTER THE COUNTRY?  surging  last  month,  said  GOVERNMENT HELP?
            million airline seats -- sched-  U.S.  official  who  spoke  on  Like  previous  bans  apply-  countries might gain in the  Airline  officials  say  they
            uled from 26 European na-    condition  of  anonymity  to  ing  to  people  who  have  short term by limiting travel  haven't  asked  for  assis-
            tions to the U.S., according  discuss  internal  delibera-  been in China or Iran, they  but  overall  "it  doesn't  help  tance — yet.
            to travel data firm Cirium.   tions said the U.S. sees the  will  be  funneled  to  one  of  to restrict movement."  Several  top  airline  CEOs
            Airlines  are  reeling  from  a  biggest threat coming from  11 airports: Atlanta; Dallas-  HOW  DOES  THE  OUTBREAK  who  met  with  Trump  and
            drop  in  travel  caused  by  the  European  continent,  Fort Worth; Detroit; Newark,  COMPARE  TO  PAST  CRISES  Vice President Mike Pence
            the  new  coronavirus,  and  not the U.K. — although the  New Jersey; Honolulu; Ken-   FOR THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY?    at  the  White  House  last
            the ban will add to pressure  U.K.  has  at  least  459  con-  nedy  Airport  in  New  York;  The  combination  of  the  week   emphasized   that
            on carriers, said Alexandre  firmed  coronavirus  cases  Los  Angeles  International;  drop  in  demand,  wide-     they  were  not  seeking  a
            de Juniac, CEO of the Inter-  and eight deaths.           Chicago  O'Hare;  Seattle;  spread  and  growing  re-     bailout like the one the in-
            national Air Transport Asso-  The  ban  doesn't  apply  to  San  Francisco;  and  Dulles  strictions on travel, and un-  dustry  got  after  the  2001
            ciation trade group.         American citizens returning  International outside Wash-  certainty  over  how  long  it  terror attacks.
            "We  have  already  seen  from  abroad,  at  least  for  ington, D.C.                  will  last  is  unprecedented,  After  a  decade  of  heady
            Flybe  go  under,"  he  said,  now.  It  also  doesn't  cover  WILL  THE  BAN  PROTECT  even  by  the  U.S.  travel  in-  profits,  U.S.  airlines  have
            referring  to  a  British  airline  foreigners  who  are  law-  AMERICANS?             dustry's  decline  after  the  never been stronger finan-
            that  shut  down  last  week.  ful  permanent  residents  of  Dr.  Anthony  Fauci,  the  2001 terror attacks and the  cially.
            "And this latest blow could  the  U.S.,  or  the  spouses  or  the  National  Institutes  of  brief  but  sharp  downturn  However, the longer the vi-
            push others in the same di-  children  of  American  citi-  Health's  top  official  on  in-  in  global  travel  during  the  rus disrupts travel, the more
            rection."                    zens  and  foreign  children  fectious   diseases,   said  SARS  outbreak  in  Asia  in  likely  a  bailout  becomes.
            Here  are  some  frequent  being  adopted  by  Ameri-     Thursday  that  70%  of  new  2002.                       Some  airlines  are  lining  up
            questions  about  the  travel  cans. The official said there  infections can be traced to  Security  measures  after  more  credit  from  banks  to
            ban and its repercussions:   are no plans to expand the  Europe. "It was pretty com-   9/11  made  the  few  pas-   preserve liquidity. They are
            WHO  IS  COVERED  BY  THE  order to include American  pelling  that  we  needed  sengers  who  kept  flying  slashing  capital  spending.
            NEW TRAVEL BAN?              citizens  or  lawful  perma-  to turn off the source from  feel safe, and they sensed  They  could  cancel  or  de-
            Most  foreign  citizens  who  nent  residents  who  have  that region," he told a con-  things  would  get  better,  fer aircraft orders, although
            have  been  in  continental  been  to  Schengen  coun-    gressional panel.            said  Seth  Kaplan,  a  trans-  none  have  announced
            Europe  in  the  14  days  be-  tries,  which  have  no  pass-  Other  medical  experts  are  portation analyst and long-  such moves.q
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