Page 9 - MIN JUS 31 MAART 2016
P. 9

18 AWEMainta Diahuebs, 31 Maart 2016

Letter to the Editor                                                                         the empty Lago School           in the chosen designated
                                                                                             Building and the                areas. When the species
Action Plan - Marine                                                                         Laboratories all empty          are fully grown and
Biological School and                                                                        and going to waste. I           ready the local fisherman
Research Center                                                                              worked for many years           can become an active
                                                                                             for the Organization for        cooperative partner in
This Action Plan written       of the Lago Oil Refinery        based on International        Pure Scientific Research        bringing in the catch of
by Mrs.Helen Mangroelal        was a fact I became             procedures that protects      and for the University of       the day to the non profit
consists of the following      very concerned with             us against serious damages    Leiden and that is how I        cooperative center and get
elements                       the protection of the           caused by outside parties.    came up with the idea of        paid for their share. This
1. Establish an Aruba office   environment of our ocean                                      why not establish a Marine      will give more security to
for Oil Inspection             and the direct littering        2. Aruba Coast Guard to       Biological School and a         the future lives of the local
2. Establish our own Coast     effect this might have to       be established with with      Research Center in Sero         fisherman and also give
Guard *Kust Wacht*with         the grounds and the área        Technical Aid {Technische     Colorado.                       them and a stable source
the Technical Aid of           of Sero Colorado our ocean      Bijstand} from the Dutch      I even suggested to             of income.
Holland                        and surrounding beaches. I      Government In the same        maybe ask the help and
3. Establish a Marine          asked myself how well           advice I requested Minister   expertise of the Smitsonian     5. United Nations and
Biological School and          we were prepared to             Rudy Croes to study the       in Washington to open           World Bank Funding
Research Center with the       legally act if an oil spill or  possibility to establish our  a Research Center for           Research Center and Non
financial aid of the World     something of this drastic       own Aruba Coast Guard I       Oceanography to help            Profit Organization We
Bank and United Nations        matter would take place.        even suggested to see if we   teach us the skills and         are all aware of the fact
4. Project for fish farming a  We our Government was           can do this with the help     bring a different learning      that a Government is not
pilot project in a Non Profit  not really legally prepared     of “Technische Bijstand       experience to our young         prepared to finance a
Organization and later         to act In case of such an       Holland” and the Dutch        boys hanging around             project of this kind.
with active partnership for    environmental disaster.         Government. Our               the beach with no life          It is why I suggested to
all local fisherman            Aruba was still depending       own Coast Guard would         expectations or future          share the Idea with the
5. Fish Farming Industry       on the Office for Oil           have the capacity and skills  development facilities. In      United Nations and
for local use and future       Inspection in Curacao. All      to protect our environment    a Marine Biological School      the World Bank to help
export expansion facilities    this gave me something          and territorial waters.       the students will study         Aruba with the necessary
of fish products and           to think about and to act       The Officers should be        marine biology work while       funds while sharing their
diversification of our         before it was too late. I       authorized to legally fine    they study and so play an       expertise to establish new
economy                        took action in my own           and act effectively against   important role in the Pilot     educational life learning
6. Attract the Atlantis Hotel  hands and decided to write      litterers. There was also a   Project for the Fishery.Our     experiences to our children
Group to integrate as a        this Action Plan                lot of illegal fishing from   oceans are still rather clean   our community and even
hotel into this Project while                                  Venezuela going on at the     when we compare this            to the visiting tourist I
sharing their expertise        1. Office for Oil Inspection    time and our own Coast        with other                      for see that if this Action
while incorporating their      Aruba had to be the             Guard could protect our       countries.                      Plan is well executed it
marine life experiences        first step So I decided         reef and habitats against                                     will develop and play an
with the students              to write an advice to           these fishermen from          4. Fish Farming                 important role in future
and inhabitants. The           the Minister in Charge          outside. Minister Rudy        I am looking here at a NON      diversification of our
educational value to our       Minister Rudy Croes.            Croes followed through and    PROFIT Organization that        economy.I see even more
young children will be of      In my letter I requested        so “The First Kust Wacht      will initiate as a small pilot  this action plan brings
great importance to            Minister Rudy Croes to          Aruba” was established        project for the fishery that    long term ecological and
protecting the environment     study the possibility to try    with Technische bijstand      later could grow into an        environmental solutions
7. Create this important       to establish our own Aruba      from the Netherlands.I        important industry. In the      to quality of the lives in our
tourist attraction for         Office for Oil Inspection so    am very sad to say that       future this project could       community.
San Nicolas supported          that the government could       the current Government        even build a support system
on Green Energy and            be better prepared ,            closed down this service.     to diversify our economy        6. Atlantis Hotel Sea
sustainable Solutions          authorized and able to                                        The research center will        Life Marine Group in
                               go into immediate legal         3. Marine Biological School   conduct studies and tests       Sero Colorado The
My idea was created many       action when an oil spill        and Research Center           for the quality of our          government of Aruba
many years ago and right       or other damages to             While driving around in       waters.                         is constantly meeting
after Aruba had just           the environment and             the Sero Colorado area        The cultivating process         with several groups and
reclaimed her Status           territorial waters would        I saw the half empty oil      and building marine life        hotel developers for the
Aparte. At that time the       occur. Aruba up to the          tanks                         habitats for the fish farming   expandsión of the Sero
closing and dismantling        day of today has no law         and I saw more I saw          industry can be done with       Colorado and San Nicolas
                                                                                             the students The Local          area. It is my opinion
                                                                                             registered divers can help      that a concept like the
                                                                                             to                              Hotel Atlantis Group as
                                                                                             plant the species and so        in the Bahamas would be
                                                                                             help re - cultivate our ocean   a much more successful
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