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                    Wednesday 20 May 2020
            Indian troops kill rebel commander in Kashmir’s main city

            By AIJAZ HUSSAIN                                                                                                    their  attacks  on  govern-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ment  forces  and  alleged
            SRINAGAR, India (AP) — A                                                                                            informants.  More  than  two
            rebel  commander  and  his                                                                                          dozen  militants  and  about
            aide  were  killed  in  a  gun-                                                                                     a dozen Indian troops were
            battle  with  government                                                                                            killed  in  April,  the  most  in
            forces in Kashmir's main city                                                                                       any  month  since  August
            on  Tuesday,  officials  said,                                                                                      2019,  when  India  revoked
            triggering  anti-India  pro-                                                                                        the  region's  semi-autono-
            tests and clashes in the dis-                                                                                       mous status and statehood
            puted region.                                                                                                       and imposed direct federal
            Scores  of  counterinsurgen-                                                                                        rule. Indian troops killed the
            cy  police  and  paramilitary                                                                                       region's  top  commander
            soldiers  cordoned  off  a                                                                                          and his close aide in south-
            congested  neighborhood                                                                                             ern  Kashmir  valley  several
            in  Srinagar's  old  quarters                                                                                       weeks  ago.  On  Sunday,  a
            on a tip that some militants                                                                                        militant and a soldier were
            were  hiding  there,  said                                                                                          killed in a shootout in the re-
            Pankaj Singh, a paramilitary                                                                                        mote Doda area.
            spokesman.  An  exchange                                                                                            There also has been almost
            of gunfire began as troops                                                                                          daily  fighting  over  the  last
            scoured  the  area  looking                                                                                         several  months  along  the
            for militants, he said.                                                                                             rugged  and  mountainous
            The  gunbattle,  the  first  in   Kashmiri men and fire fighters douse a fire in a house which was destroyed in a gun battle in   frontier that divides Kashmir
            the city in two years, lasted   Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Tuesday, May 19, 2020.        Associated Press   between  India  and  Paki-
            about 12 hours and ended                                                                                            stan.  Rebels  have  been
            with  the  killing  of  Junaid  the  fighting  as  explosions  between  India  and  Paki-  alties were immediately re-  fighting  Indian  rule  since
            Ashraf  Sehrai,  a  militant  and  gunshots  rattled  the  stan but claimed by both in  ported.  Authorities  did  not  1989.  Most  Kashmiris  sup-
            commander  with  Kash-       city during a tight corona-  its entirety.                hand  over  the  bodies  of  port the rebel goal of unit-
            mir's  largest  rebel  group,  virus lockdown.            As  the  gunbattle  raged,  the two slain rebels to their  ing  the  territory,  either  un-
            Hizbul Mujahideen, and his  Residents  accused  troops  authorities cut off most mo-   families  under  a  new  gov-  der  Pakistani  rule  or  as  an
            aide.  Junaid,  son  of  senior  of  setting  the  houses  on  bile internet and voice call  ernment policy designed to  independent country.
            separatist  political  leader  fire and looting jewelry and  services in Srinagar, a com-  thwart  large-scale  funerals  India  accuses  Pakistan  of
            Mohammed  Ashraf  Sehrai,  cash  from  some  homes.  mon  Indian  tactic  when  that have become a rally-           arming  and  training  the
            joined  the  rebel  ranks  in  Singh  said  these  were  fighting erupts in the region.  ing point for anti-India pro-  anti-India  rebels.  Pakistan
            early 2018 after graduating  "baseless   allegations   to  As  news  of  the  killings  tests.  Instead,  police  bur-  denies  this,  saying  it  offers
            in  business  management  malign troops."                 spread,  scores  of  young  ied the bodies in a remote  only moral and diplomatic
            from the region's main uni-  "It  was  a  clean  operation  men  chanting  anti-India  mountainous graveyard.       support to the militants and
            versity. Three soldiers and a  with  no  collateral  dam-  and  pro-rebel  slogans  de-  India  has  stepped  up  its  to Kashmiris who oppose In-
            police  official  were  injured  age," he said.           fied  the  lockdown  and  counterinsurgency  opera-       dian rule.
            in the fighting, police said.  Security  officials  said  Ju-  hurled  stones  at  govern-  tions  across  Kashmir  in  re-  About 70,000 people have
            Over a dozen houses were  naid's  killing  was  a  major  ment forces, who fired tear  cent  months  during  the  been  killed  in  the  uprising
            damaged,      some    com-   success against militants in  smoke and shotgun pellets  coronavirus lockdown. Mili-   and the ensuing Indian mili-
            pletely  destroyed,  during  Kashmir,  which  is  divided  to disperse them. No casu-  tants  have  also  continued  tary crackdown.q

              UN: Floods in central Somalia hit nearly 1 million people

                                                                       temporary shelter.          rains  continue  to  pound  but  those  who  are  too
                                                                       At  least  24  people  have  Somalia and the highlands  weak or old are need more
                                                                       died in the flash floods that  of neighboring Ethiopia.  help because they cannot
                                                                       hit  Beledweyne  and  Jow-  Residents   in   Beledw-    wade through these flood-
                                                                       har,  two  agricultural  cen-  eyne, a city of more than  ed  streets  because  the
                                                                       ters  in  Somalia's  central  400,000,  said  they  are  water  is  moving  too  fast."
                                                                       area, according to United  wading  through  flooded  The  flooding  also  threat-
                                                                       Nations Office for the Co-  streets  to  escape  waters  ens  to  cut  off  the  main
                                                                       ordination  of  Humanitar-  that are still rising from the  road  connecting  Beledw-
                                                                       ian  Affairs.  The  area  is  still  Shabelle River.    eyne  to  the  airport  which
                                                                       recovering from floods last  They  said  they  are  wor-  could  disrupt  deliveries  of
                                                                       year  that  displaced  more  ried about further flooding  emergency  humanitarian
                                                                       than 500,000 people,        in  the  city,  the  epicenter  supplies  to  the  town,  ac-
                                                                        Belet Weyne in Hiraan re-  of  last  year's  devastating  cording to the U.N.
              In this image made from video taken Sunday, May 17, 2020,   gion  is  the  most  affected  flood,  the  worst  in  the  re-  Nearly  40%  of  the  people
              people wade through a flooded street in Beledweyne, central
              Somalia.                                                 district  after  the  Shabelle  cent history.           in Jowhar, a smaller center
                                                      Associated Press   River  burst  its  banks  on  "The flooding here has af-  of  about  20,000  residents,
                                                                       May  12,  inundating  85%  fected  the  entire  city.  ...  have been displaced from
              By ABDI GULED               about 400,000 people, the  of Belet Weyne town and  People  are  very  worried  their homes, according to
              Associated Press            United  Nations  said  Mon-  25 villages by the river, the  about  their  safety,"  said  the  Somali  government's
              NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) —       day,  warning  of  possible  U.N. said.                  Hassan  Elmi,  a  resident  of  Ministry  of  Humanitarian
              Flooding  in  central  Soma-  disease   outbreaks   be-  The  risk  of  disease  out-  Beledweyne.               Affairs  and  Disaster  Man-
              lia  has  affected  nearly  1  cause of crowding where  breaks  is  high  in  the  city  "The  government  forces  agement  in  Hirshabelle
              million  people,  displacing  the displaced are seeking  of  Beledweyne  as  heavy  are helping some people,  state.q
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