Page 18 - 26-03-2015c
P. 18
26 MAART 2015
Amigoe Express is a daily publication in English by Uitgeverij Amigoe N.V.
Every Thursday Amigoe will publish various articles featured during the past week.
To the Rescue
vents Curaçao Animal Rescue and Education (CARE)
NIGHTLIFE By Francis Koolman tween the animals and people on the island. Birds,
cats and dogs, and even snakes are nursed back
Los Pistoleros de la Paz “We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to health in one way or another at CARE. Every-
March 27, 8.30 PM of animals.” There are many people who feel a day stray cats and dogs make their way to CARE
Zanzibar sense of superiority towards animals and do not and are given proper medical attention, nutrition,
Caribbean Courage Live care to treat them with the same love and respect and some good old fashion TLC (tender, love, and
March 28, 10 PM as humans. You can also find people on the oth- care). For animal lovers on the island, CARE can
Old Dutch er side of the emotion; those who love and treat be a double edged sword; it is a place where people
Avila Chamber Music animals better than their fellow man. However, a can volunteer and show the animals a little love, but
Celebration happy medium between these two is not difficult it is also where you can see how badly some ani-
March 28-29 to find. People have animals as pets for a num- mals are treated. There can be one or two people
Avila Hotel ber of reasons: to protect the house, a loving com- cuddling a new born puppy or kitten and there also
Loading Band panion, even to chase away certain kinds of pests can be some dogs so underfed, that every bone in
March 28, 5 PM (rats, iguanas, etc.). Many animals, nevertheless, its body can be seen. On the streets of Curacao,
Zanzibar suffer from neglect, abuse, and cruelty. Curacao images of stray animals might be too common, but
Club Americana Animal Rescue and Education (CARE) nurses CARE is driven to nurse them back to health one
March 28, 9 PM wounded animals back to health, sets them free in at a time.
Mambo their natural habitat, or finds a suitable owner for
Caribbean Courage Live them. CARE’s philosophy is “do what you know The second goal of CARE is to educate people on
March 28, 10 PM is right even if no one appreciates it”; the animals the cruelty that some animals face on a regular ba-
Old Dutch most likely appreciate every ounce of it. sis, but also to show people a more humane and
The Living Room Ses- gentle way to interact with them. Because some
sions Founded in 1988, CARE is a non-profit organiza- people believe they are above animals, dogs espe-
March 28, 8.30 PM tion intent on giving as many underprivileged pets cially, they treat them with a degree of meanness
Bistro Le Clochard and animals the attention they need. Marcus De- and negligence that makes your stomach turn.
Musical Integration Maaijer of TeamCARE stated, “I believe that saving When those dogs arrive at CARE, it is as if they
Concert orphaned wild animals takes time, dedication, and died and went to K-9 heaven. CARE will continue
March 28, 7.30 PM - 9.30 perseverance.” So far all the time, dedication, and to attend to the needs of those who are truly less
PM perseverance has been put to great use. For the fortunate members of our island. Many people do
Landhuis Brakkeput Mei last 27 years, members of TeamCARE have nursed not have the same level of feeling and emotion for
Mei back to health countless house pets that were not animals as others, and that’s fine. Those who do
Documentary Concert By being taken care of, found homes for dogs that have a genuine love for animals can volunteer their
Levi Silvanie could now rely on steady meals and affection, and time and energy at CARE, and create that connec-
April 1, 7:30 PM till have made sure not too many non-native animals tion with the wounded animals that is essential in
April 2, 7:30 PM disrupt Curaҫao’s ecosystem. their treatment.
Teatro Lena Blou
Raphael Monsanto The number one mission of CARE is to “rescue wild If you would like to volunteer, CARE can be
April 3 animals and/or their orphaned young babies and reached via their Facebook page; CARE –
Riffort release wild animals back into their wild habitats.” Curacao Animal Rescue and Education.
April Fool’s Comedy This speaks to a balance that must be reached be-
April 4, 8 PM Is there any recourse IN tShPeOT LIGHT
Landhuis Brievengat for victims of online photo memes? Joyce
Dancing under the stars Always caring for everything that lives
April 4, 8.30 PM (AP) - Those pilfered, captioned activists alike paying attention. ers. Some subjects or initiators she finally chose to be a physician, but Struik
Landhuis Brakkeput Mei and shared photos that make us The European Court of Justice take it as good fun, embracing before she starts her traineeship to be-
Mei either cringe, rage or laugh out appeared to support the legal - or trying to, at least - their ac- come an anesthetist at the end of this
Chocolatin Sunday loud are as old as the Internet concept for people who want cidental Internet celebrity. year, Joyce Struik came back to her is-
April 5 itself, but in these wild online to force the removal of old, ir- land, Curaçao, to work in the Sehos for
WTC times, is there any recourse for relevant or false material deter- Clarinet Boy, aka PTSD Clarinet one year. Her inexhaustible energy and
Buleria their victims? mined to infringe on their right to Boy, was all grown up when he perseverance helped her to make her
April 5, 23 PM - 4 AM privacy. innocently enough submitted dream come true. Helping others.
WTC Memes, by definition viral lit- to
Easter Latin Sunday tle beasties, are everywhere, The court, the highest in the Eu- an old school picture. He’s in By Judice Ledeboer
April 5, 9 PM sometimes building over sev- ropean Union, sided last year a marching band uniform and
Club Elevate eral years. And they have many with a man in Spain who had there’s a double exposure, a Joyce is born and raised on Curaçao and when she was 16 she
Raphael Monsanto heads - shaming wrongdoers, asked Google to eliminate from full-body image of himself, pro- moved to the Netherlands. Now she is back on her island as a
April 10 bullying innocents and poking its search index information jected onto the side of his head general physician. “From the moment I started studying medicine
Riffort fun at an awkward facial expres- about some long-paid debts. It in the same uniform as he holds I knew that I wanted to come back to Curaçao to work as a physi-
Galaxia III sion, twerk attempt, family por- ruled that Google can be com- a clarinet. cian, and here I am.”
April 11, 9.30 PM trait or school photo. pelled to take that step, but the From childhood she knew for sure that she wanted to become a
Saliña Galleries company so far has limited re- That was 2009. It was titled “A marine biologist. Living on an island in the Caribbean with sparkling
All in White Pool Party Private companies that own so- moval in the specific case to its Beautiful Mind” and the site en- blue waters she did swim and snorkel a lot. “I love the underwater
April 12, 5 PM cial media streams and chan- Spain service, leaving the ma- couraged readers to guess what world, the fish and coral, and wanted to learn more about marine
Saint Tropez nels juggle a broad range of terial readily searchable world- he might have been thinking. life. I am aware of the fact that man has a great deal of influence on
Raphael Monsanto take-down demands and other wide. So they did. The image of the nature. Here on Curaçao you can see that very clear. Everything
April 17 content issues such as copy- The ruling has broad implica- redheaded boy made its way we do affects nature and we have to keep our wonderful natural
Omundo right infringement, high-stakes tions in the tightrope walk be- around the Internet and onto surroundings. So my choice to do the Study of life was easy.” But
Toe Maar privacy invasion and online ha- tween online privacy and free meme generator sites, including before Joyce started, she first went to Australia to travel around for
April 18, 9 PM rassment. But it can be difficult speech across the EU and one that came up with stories in a year, and ended up working on a cattle farm.
Hemmingway - Chill to eradicate viral content like around the globe, particularly captions of Vietnam War vets As an experienced cattle-girl Joyce kept sheep together while rid-
Raphael Monsanto photo memes altogether. in the United States, where free suffering from post-traumatic ing a horse. She did that with the help of a whip and her loud voice.
April 18 speech protection is deeply in- stress, looking back on child- While she thinks back to that wonderful time she smiles, “I could do
Omundo “We don’t tolerate bullying or grained. hood. this forever. I loved it. The outback, the space and freedom, I even
Raphael Monsanto harassment on Facebook and became a trainer for other backpackers after just one week!” But
April 25 Instagram, and remove content “It’s very hard. We’ve had un- “I left for Vietnam as a boy. I back home her parents thought different about her future and her
Omundo that appears to purposefully tar- authorized use of photographs came back as a monster,” reads mother convinced her to come back to start her study, which Joyce
Kadir & Friends For The get people with the intention of since we’ve had photographs. one. did. She started studying in Leiden. “The Study of life is a very nice
Cliniclowns degrading or shaming them,” the It’s much easier to go after No one knows exactly how many study, but becoming a marine biologist was no longer an option
April 28, 7.30 PM company said in an email when somebody who uses pictures for versions are out there, but it’s because I have trouble with clearing my ears when I dive. I followed
Freewinds asked about memes. clearly commercial purposes, many thousands, as opposed to some bio medical science topics, studied pathology and immunol-
but once you get outside of the millions for other memes. Mike ogy and I earned some money by working in a home for people with
ART & CULTURE While community standards and commercial realm, when you’re Bender, co-founder of Awkward- multiple disabilities. I enjoyed that so much and thought: this will be
guidelines do exist on many talking about political or artistic familyphotos, said he and his my future. I want to help people and become a physician.” After four
CIFFR 15 Film Quiz sites, including newly spelled- expression, in this country we partner know the real Clarinet years of her Study of life she changed and started to study medi-
March 27, 7.30 PM out rules on Facebook, routine get a lot more reluctant to inter- Boy. cine. She had to start all over. “I never looked back,” she says. She
The Cinemas photo meming may not include vene,” Grimmelmann said. finished her study in September 2012, within five years, because
The Wedding Experience outright threats, hate speech or “He’s a teacher in Texas,” Bend- she never took any vacation during her traineeships. First she start-
March 28, 5 PM - 8 PM behavior that draws the atten- Not all photo meming is tragic er said. “His students think he’s ed working at the Erasmus emergency department, but that was
Acoya Hotel Suites & Vil- tion of those in charge, such and not all sharers are evil-do- a hero.” too much for the young physician. After four months she went to
las as a pattern of stalking or ha- Helmond (close to Eindhoven) to work at the Intensive Care. In the
Wela Seu rassment targeting individuals meantime she knew that she wanted to become an anesthetist. “In
March 29 identified by name, location Leiden I was accepted to study for anesthetist, but before I start, I
Hofi Biesheuvel or through other revealing de- wanted to go to Curaçao to work in the hospital.” Joyce is here now
4th International Film tails or leaks of Social Security for about seven months and works as a general physician at the
Festival Rotterdam 2015 numbers, phone numbers and internal department in the Sehos. She sees patients in intensive
March 25-29 street addresses, some Internet care, the emergency department, and patients with problems from
The Cinemas watchers said. diabetes to severe infections. “It is hard to work here. People come
Arts & Crafts Fair to the hospital when they are already very ill. Because of the small-
April 4, 1 PM - 6 PM But a movement in Europe has scale situation I have close contact with the specialists. I also see
Ostrich Farm taken hold in defense of the so- many different patients and that is why I enjoy working here,” she
Local handcraft market called “right to be forgotten” that says. October 1st she has to be back in the Netherlands to start
‘Marshe di Artesania’ has free speech and privacy with her training to become an anesthetist. Until then, she enjoys
Every 2nd Saturday of the working and living here. “I am home again,” she says.
month, 10 AM - 2 PM
Gallery Alma Blou
Art Workshop by
Nena Sanchez
Every Sunday, Tel:864-0965
Landhuis Jan Kok
26 MAART 2015
Amigoe Express is a daily publication in English by Uitgeverij Amigoe N.V.
Every Thursday Amigoe will publish various articles featured during the past week.
To the Rescue
vents Curaçao Animal Rescue and Education (CARE)
NIGHTLIFE By Francis Koolman tween the animals and people on the island. Birds,
cats and dogs, and even snakes are nursed back
Los Pistoleros de la Paz “We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to health in one way or another at CARE. Every-
March 27, 8.30 PM of animals.” There are many people who feel a day stray cats and dogs make their way to CARE
Zanzibar sense of superiority towards animals and do not and are given proper medical attention, nutrition,
Caribbean Courage Live care to treat them with the same love and respect and some good old fashion TLC (tender, love, and
March 28, 10 PM as humans. You can also find people on the oth- care). For animal lovers on the island, CARE can
Old Dutch er side of the emotion; those who love and treat be a double edged sword; it is a place where people
Avila Chamber Music animals better than their fellow man. However, a can volunteer and show the animals a little love, but
Celebration happy medium between these two is not difficult it is also where you can see how badly some ani-
March 28-29 to find. People have animals as pets for a num- mals are treated. There can be one or two people
Avila Hotel ber of reasons: to protect the house, a loving com- cuddling a new born puppy or kitten and there also
Loading Band panion, even to chase away certain kinds of pests can be some dogs so underfed, that every bone in
March 28, 5 PM (rats, iguanas, etc.). Many animals, nevertheless, its body can be seen. On the streets of Curacao,
Zanzibar suffer from neglect, abuse, and cruelty. Curacao images of stray animals might be too common, but
Club Americana Animal Rescue and Education (CARE) nurses CARE is driven to nurse them back to health one
March 28, 9 PM wounded animals back to health, sets them free in at a time.
Mambo their natural habitat, or finds a suitable owner for
Caribbean Courage Live them. CARE’s philosophy is “do what you know The second goal of CARE is to educate people on
March 28, 10 PM is right even if no one appreciates it”; the animals the cruelty that some animals face on a regular ba-
Old Dutch most likely appreciate every ounce of it. sis, but also to show people a more humane and
The Living Room Ses- gentle way to interact with them. Because some
sions Founded in 1988, CARE is a non-profit organiza- people believe they are above animals, dogs espe-
March 28, 8.30 PM tion intent on giving as many underprivileged pets cially, they treat them with a degree of meanness
Bistro Le Clochard and animals the attention they need. Marcus De- and negligence that makes your stomach turn.
Musical Integration Maaijer of TeamCARE stated, “I believe that saving When those dogs arrive at CARE, it is as if they
Concert orphaned wild animals takes time, dedication, and died and went to K-9 heaven. CARE will continue
March 28, 7.30 PM - 9.30 perseverance.” So far all the time, dedication, and to attend to the needs of those who are truly less
PM perseverance has been put to great use. For the fortunate members of our island. Many people do
Landhuis Brakkeput Mei last 27 years, members of TeamCARE have nursed not have the same level of feeling and emotion for
Mei back to health countless house pets that were not animals as others, and that’s fine. Those who do
Documentary Concert By being taken care of, found homes for dogs that have a genuine love for animals can volunteer their
Levi Silvanie could now rely on steady meals and affection, and time and energy at CARE, and create that connec-
April 1, 7:30 PM till have made sure not too many non-native animals tion with the wounded animals that is essential in
April 2, 7:30 PM disrupt Curaҫao’s ecosystem. their treatment.
Teatro Lena Blou
Raphael Monsanto The number one mission of CARE is to “rescue wild If you would like to volunteer, CARE can be
April 3 animals and/or their orphaned young babies and reached via their Facebook page; CARE –
Riffort release wild animals back into their wild habitats.” Curacao Animal Rescue and Education.
April Fool’s Comedy This speaks to a balance that must be reached be-
April 4, 8 PM Is there any recourse IN tShPeOT LIGHT
Landhuis Brievengat for victims of online photo memes? Joyce
Dancing under the stars Always caring for everything that lives
April 4, 8.30 PM (AP) - Those pilfered, captioned activists alike paying attention. ers. Some subjects or initiators she finally chose to be a physician, but Struik
Landhuis Brakkeput Mei and shared photos that make us The European Court of Justice take it as good fun, embracing before she starts her traineeship to be-
Mei either cringe, rage or laugh out appeared to support the legal - or trying to, at least - their ac- come an anesthetist at the end of this
Chocolatin Sunday loud are as old as the Internet concept for people who want cidental Internet celebrity. year, Joyce Struik came back to her is-
April 5 itself, but in these wild online to force the removal of old, ir- land, Curaçao, to work in the Sehos for
WTC times, is there any recourse for relevant or false material deter- Clarinet Boy, aka PTSD Clarinet one year. Her inexhaustible energy and
Buleria their victims? mined to infringe on their right to Boy, was all grown up when he perseverance helped her to make her
April 5, 23 PM - 4 AM privacy. innocently enough submitted dream come true. Helping others.
WTC Memes, by definition viral lit- to
Easter Latin Sunday tle beasties, are everywhere, The court, the highest in the Eu- an old school picture. He’s in By Judice Ledeboer
April 5, 9 PM sometimes building over sev- ropean Union, sided last year a marching band uniform and
Club Elevate eral years. And they have many with a man in Spain who had there’s a double exposure, a Joyce is born and raised on Curaçao and when she was 16 she
Raphael Monsanto heads - shaming wrongdoers, asked Google to eliminate from full-body image of himself, pro- moved to the Netherlands. Now she is back on her island as a
April 10 bullying innocents and poking its search index information jected onto the side of his head general physician. “From the moment I started studying medicine
Riffort fun at an awkward facial expres- about some long-paid debts. It in the same uniform as he holds I knew that I wanted to come back to Curaçao to work as a physi-
Galaxia III sion, twerk attempt, family por- ruled that Google can be com- a clarinet. cian, and here I am.”
April 11, 9.30 PM trait or school photo. pelled to take that step, but the From childhood she knew for sure that she wanted to become a
Saliña Galleries company so far has limited re- That was 2009. It was titled “A marine biologist. Living on an island in the Caribbean with sparkling
All in White Pool Party Private companies that own so- moval in the specific case to its Beautiful Mind” and the site en- blue waters she did swim and snorkel a lot. “I love the underwater
April 12, 5 PM cial media streams and chan- Spain service, leaving the ma- couraged readers to guess what world, the fish and coral, and wanted to learn more about marine
Saint Tropez nels juggle a broad range of terial readily searchable world- he might have been thinking. life. I am aware of the fact that man has a great deal of influence on
Raphael Monsanto take-down demands and other wide. So they did. The image of the nature. Here on Curaçao you can see that very clear. Everything
April 17 content issues such as copy- The ruling has broad implica- redheaded boy made its way we do affects nature and we have to keep our wonderful natural
Omundo right infringement, high-stakes tions in the tightrope walk be- around the Internet and onto surroundings. So my choice to do the Study of life was easy.” But
Toe Maar privacy invasion and online ha- tween online privacy and free meme generator sites, including before Joyce started, she first went to Australia to travel around for
April 18, 9 PM rassment. But it can be difficult speech across the EU and one that came up with stories in a year, and ended up working on a cattle farm.
Hemmingway - Chill to eradicate viral content like around the globe, particularly captions of Vietnam War vets As an experienced cattle-girl Joyce kept sheep together while rid-
Raphael Monsanto photo memes altogether. in the United States, where free suffering from post-traumatic ing a horse. She did that with the help of a whip and her loud voice.
April 18 speech protection is deeply in- stress, looking back on child- While she thinks back to that wonderful time she smiles, “I could do
Omundo “We don’t tolerate bullying or grained. hood. this forever. I loved it. The outback, the space and freedom, I even
Raphael Monsanto harassment on Facebook and became a trainer for other backpackers after just one week!” But
April 25 Instagram, and remove content “It’s very hard. We’ve had un- “I left for Vietnam as a boy. I back home her parents thought different about her future and her
Omundo that appears to purposefully tar- authorized use of photographs came back as a monster,” reads mother convinced her to come back to start her study, which Joyce
Kadir & Friends For The get people with the intention of since we’ve had photographs. one. did. She started studying in Leiden. “The Study of life is a very nice
Cliniclowns degrading or shaming them,” the It’s much easier to go after No one knows exactly how many study, but becoming a marine biologist was no longer an option
April 28, 7.30 PM company said in an email when somebody who uses pictures for versions are out there, but it’s because I have trouble with clearing my ears when I dive. I followed
Freewinds asked about memes. clearly commercial purposes, many thousands, as opposed to some bio medical science topics, studied pathology and immunol-
but once you get outside of the millions for other memes. Mike ogy and I earned some money by working in a home for people with
ART & CULTURE While community standards and commercial realm, when you’re Bender, co-founder of Awkward- multiple disabilities. I enjoyed that so much and thought: this will be
guidelines do exist on many talking about political or artistic familyphotos, said he and his my future. I want to help people and become a physician.” After four
CIFFR 15 Film Quiz sites, including newly spelled- expression, in this country we partner know the real Clarinet years of her Study of life she changed and started to study medi-
March 27, 7.30 PM out rules on Facebook, routine get a lot more reluctant to inter- Boy. cine. She had to start all over. “I never looked back,” she says. She
The Cinemas photo meming may not include vene,” Grimmelmann said. finished her study in September 2012, within five years, because
The Wedding Experience outright threats, hate speech or “He’s a teacher in Texas,” Bend- she never took any vacation during her traineeships. First she start-
March 28, 5 PM - 8 PM behavior that draws the atten- Not all photo meming is tragic er said. “His students think he’s ed working at the Erasmus emergency department, but that was
Acoya Hotel Suites & Vil- tion of those in charge, such and not all sharers are evil-do- a hero.” too much for the young physician. After four months she went to
las as a pattern of stalking or ha- Helmond (close to Eindhoven) to work at the Intensive Care. In the
Wela Seu rassment targeting individuals meantime she knew that she wanted to become an anesthetist. “In
March 29 identified by name, location Leiden I was accepted to study for anesthetist, but before I start, I
Hofi Biesheuvel or through other revealing de- wanted to go to Curaçao to work in the hospital.” Joyce is here now
4th International Film tails or leaks of Social Security for about seven months and works as a general physician at the
Festival Rotterdam 2015 numbers, phone numbers and internal department in the Sehos. She sees patients in intensive
March 25-29 street addresses, some Internet care, the emergency department, and patients with problems from
The Cinemas watchers said. diabetes to severe infections. “It is hard to work here. People come
Arts & Crafts Fair to the hospital when they are already very ill. Because of the small-
April 4, 1 PM - 6 PM But a movement in Europe has scale situation I have close contact with the specialists. I also see
Ostrich Farm taken hold in defense of the so- many different patients and that is why I enjoy working here,” she
Local handcraft market called “right to be forgotten” that says. October 1st she has to be back in the Netherlands to start
‘Marshe di Artesania’ has free speech and privacy with her training to become an anesthetist. Until then, she enjoys
Every 2nd Saturday of the working and living here. “I am home again,” she says.
month, 10 AM - 2 PM
Gallery Alma Blou
Art Workshop by
Nena Sanchez
Every Sunday, Tel:864-0965
Landhuis Jan Kok