Page 12 - ATA June 20 2015
P. 12
U.S. NEWSSaturday 20 June 2015
Wisconsin school district bans American Indian team logos
DANA FERGUSON Madison West High School sophomore Vaughn Bahr, left, two years after Gov. Scott dents’ free speech and
Associated Press Walker signed a law that seems counterproductive
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — and senior Gabriel Saiz, talk in the hallways of the school in made it harder for the by stifling conversation
Sports fans may have to state’s public schools to about American Indian
leave their Blackhawks, Madison, Wis. The students, and several other members of the drop tribal nicknames. The portrayals. “This kind of
Indians or Redskins gear measure was prompted by Band-Aid doesn’t fix these
at home if they plan on school’s Native American Student Association, are in favor of officials in a handful of Wis- sorts of underlying prob-
entering a Madison public consin cities who refused lems,” Dupuis said. “What
school next year. a recent school board decision which bans the wearing of any to part with mascots such a horrible thing to tell kids
Starting this fall, public as the Chieftains and the that we can’t discuss these
school students in Wiscon- clothing that features Indian logos and mascots used by sports Indians after the state De- ideas, that we should avert
sin’s capital city cannot partment of Public instruc- our eyes to this.” Brian
wear shirts, hats or other teams. (John Hart/Wisconsin State Journal via AP) tion ordered them to drop Howard, a spokesman for
items that display the the monikers. Previous the National Congress of
name, logo or mascot of at Madison West High, told says a list of prohibited lo- state law allowed the state American Indians, wel-
any team that portrays a the city school board in gos and mascots would be agency to launch a hear- comed the ban, which he
“negative stereotype” of May shortly before it voted made available before the ing into each race-based said was the first he’d heard
American Indians. Those unanimously to adopt the beginning of the school nickname with a single of in a public school. He
who do must change or policy. year. complaint. Current law re- said a private school, San-
face suspension or expul- The district’s dress code The move comes some quires a petition to trigger dy Spring Friends School
sion. the hearing. in Maryland, approved a
“The existence of these Larry Dupuis, legal director much more limited ban in
mascots destroys our self- for American Civil Liberties February against only the
esteem. The existence of Union of Wisconsin, said he word “Redskins,” the mas-
these mascots shows us was not pleased with the cot of the Washington,
how people really think of Madison school district’s D.C. NFL team. The school
us,” Gabriel Saiz, a junior move. He said it limits stu- doesn’t require uniforms.q
Cruise ship crashes at upstate
New York seaway; 22 injured
MASSENA, New York (AP) The crash remains under
— A cruise ship taking Eu- investigation.
ropean tourists to Ontario, The impact punched
Canada, crashed into a a hole in the ship’s hull,
wall while entering a lock causing it to take on wa-
on the St. Lawrence Sea- ter, said Petty Officer 2nd
way in northern New York, Class Lauren Laughlin of
injuring 19 passengers and the Coast Guard’s Cleve-
three crew members, offi- land-based Ninth District,
cials said Friday. which covers the St. Law-
The U.S. Coast Guard said rence River and the sea-
the Saint Laurent was way.
headed from Montreal to The lock’s doors were
Toronto when it hit a wall closed and the water
in the Eisenhower Lock drained out so the boat
near the Canadian border wouldn’t sink, Laughlin
Thursday night. There were said. A salvage crew and
273 people on board, in- Coast Guard team were
cluding 81 crew members assessing the damage
and 192 passengers who Friday to determine how
are mainly French and best to move the vessel,
Swiss nationals. she said.
The ship’s operator, Mi- The Washington, D.C.-
ami-based FleetPro, said based Saint Lawrence
19 passengers and three Seaway Development
crew members were treat- Corp. said the ship is stable
ed at a hospital and re- and the uninjured passen-
leased. The company said gers remained on board
all the injuries were minor. overnight.q
U.S. NEWSSaturday 20 June 2015
Wisconsin school district bans American Indian team logos
DANA FERGUSON Madison West High School sophomore Vaughn Bahr, left, two years after Gov. Scott dents’ free speech and
Associated Press Walker signed a law that seems counterproductive
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — and senior Gabriel Saiz, talk in the hallways of the school in made it harder for the by stifling conversation
Sports fans may have to state’s public schools to about American Indian
leave their Blackhawks, Madison, Wis. The students, and several other members of the drop tribal nicknames. The portrayals. “This kind of
Indians or Redskins gear measure was prompted by Band-Aid doesn’t fix these
at home if they plan on school’s Native American Student Association, are in favor of officials in a handful of Wis- sorts of underlying prob-
entering a Madison public consin cities who refused lems,” Dupuis said. “What
school next year. a recent school board decision which bans the wearing of any to part with mascots such a horrible thing to tell kids
Starting this fall, public as the Chieftains and the that we can’t discuss these
school students in Wiscon- clothing that features Indian logos and mascots used by sports Indians after the state De- ideas, that we should avert
sin’s capital city cannot partment of Public instruc- our eyes to this.” Brian
wear shirts, hats or other teams. (John Hart/Wisconsin State Journal via AP) tion ordered them to drop Howard, a spokesman for
items that display the the monikers. Previous the National Congress of
name, logo or mascot of at Madison West High, told says a list of prohibited lo- state law allowed the state American Indians, wel-
any team that portrays a the city school board in gos and mascots would be agency to launch a hear- comed the ban, which he
“negative stereotype” of May shortly before it voted made available before the ing into each race-based said was the first he’d heard
American Indians. Those unanimously to adopt the beginning of the school nickname with a single of in a public school. He
who do must change or policy. year. complaint. Current law re- said a private school, San-
face suspension or expul- The district’s dress code The move comes some quires a petition to trigger dy Spring Friends School
sion. the hearing. in Maryland, approved a
“The existence of these Larry Dupuis, legal director much more limited ban in
mascots destroys our self- for American Civil Liberties February against only the
esteem. The existence of Union of Wisconsin, said he word “Redskins,” the mas-
these mascots shows us was not pleased with the cot of the Washington,
how people really think of Madison school district’s D.C. NFL team. The school
us,” Gabriel Saiz, a junior move. He said it limits stu- doesn’t require uniforms.q
Cruise ship crashes at upstate
New York seaway; 22 injured
MASSENA, New York (AP) The crash remains under
— A cruise ship taking Eu- investigation.
ropean tourists to Ontario, The impact punched
Canada, crashed into a a hole in the ship’s hull,
wall while entering a lock causing it to take on wa-
on the St. Lawrence Sea- ter, said Petty Officer 2nd
way in northern New York, Class Lauren Laughlin of
injuring 19 passengers and the Coast Guard’s Cleve-
three crew members, offi- land-based Ninth District,
cials said Friday. which covers the St. Law-
The U.S. Coast Guard said rence River and the sea-
the Saint Laurent was way.
headed from Montreal to The lock’s doors were
Toronto when it hit a wall closed and the water
in the Eisenhower Lock drained out so the boat
near the Canadian border wouldn’t sink, Laughlin
Thursday night. There were said. A salvage crew and
273 people on board, in- Coast Guard team were
cluding 81 crew members assessing the damage
and 192 passengers who Friday to determine how
are mainly French and best to move the vessel,
Swiss nationals. she said.
The ship’s operator, Mi- The Washington, D.C.-
ami-based FleetPro, said based Saint Lawrence
19 passengers and three Seaway Development
crew members were treat- Corp. said the ship is stable
ed at a hospital and re- and the uninjured passen-
leased. The company said gers remained on board
all the injuries were minor. overnight.q