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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news  Diahuebs 29 Juli 2021

                                                                Racism of rioters takes center stage in Jan. 6


                                                             (AP) - It had only been hinted at in previous
                                                             public examinations of the Jan. 6 Capitol in-
                                                             surrection: Scores of rioters attacked police
                “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta        officers  not  just  with  makeshift  weapons,
                               di nada                       stun guns and fists, but with racist slurs and
                  Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta             accusations of treason.
                           ponemi sosega.                    Four  officers,  two  from  the  U.S.  Capitol  Police
                     E ta hibami na awa trankil,             and two from the D.C.’s Metropolitan Police De-
                      Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.               partment, on Tuesday detailed the racism and big-
                              Salmo: 23                      otry they encountered during the violent assault
                                                             on the Capitol. Their direct, harrowing accounts
                   Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:            laid out the hours when the pro-police sentiment
                                                             of supporters of former President Donald Trump   N-word while he was in uniform. That night, he
                                                             was pushed aside, consumed by the fury of want-
                                                             ing to keep him in the White House.             sat in the Capitol Rotunda and wept.
                                                                                                             Ahead  of  Tuesday’s  hearing,  House  Intelligence
                                                             Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn told lawmak-  Committee  Chairman  Adam  Schiff,  a  member
                                                             ers about an exchange he had with rioters, who
                                                             disputed that President Joe Biden defeated Trump   of  the  panel,  said  the  Capitol  and  D.C.  officers
                                                                                                             would provide insight into “what it was like to be
                                                             in the last presidential election. When Dunn, who
                                                             is  Black,  argued  with  the  rioters  that  he  voted   on the front lines.”
                                                             for Biden and that his vote should be counted, a
                                                             crowd began hurling the N-word at him.          However, Dunn was also speaking to the experi-
                                                                                                             ence of being an African American police officer,
                                                                                                             who make up 29% of roughly 2,300 officers and
                                                             “One woman in a pink ‘MAGA’ (Make America
                                                             Great Again) shirt yelled, ‘You hear that, guys, this   civilians serving on the Capitol Police force.
                                                             n——— voted for Joe Biden!’” said Dunn, who
                                                             has served more than a dozen years on the Capitol   Dunn  said  another  Black  male  officer  told  him
                       Gregorio Franken                      Police force.                                   that, while confronting the rioters on Jan. 6, he
                                                                                                             was told to “Put your gun down and we’ll show
                     *16-02-1944 - †27-07-2021               “Then  the  crowd,  perhaps  around  20  people,   you what kind of n—— you really are!”
                                                             joined in, screaming “Boo! F——— n—— !” he
                  Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia           testified. He said no one had ever called him the   The  panel’s  chairman,  Democratic  Rep.  Bennie
                               despues.                                                                      Thompson of Mississippi, pressed Dunn further
                                                                                                             about how he felt being an African American of-
                                                                                                             ficer facing down racists and enduring racial slurs
                                                                                                             in the halls of democracy.

                                                                                                             “It’s just so disheartening that people like that will
                                                                                                             attack you just for the color of your skin,” Dunn
                                                                                                             replied. “Once I was able to process it, it hurt. My
                                                                                                             blood is red. I’m an American citizen. I’m a police
                                                                                                             officer. I’m a peace officer.”

                 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not                                                        While Black Americans make up roughly 13% of
               want. He maketh me to lie down in green            “Dios ta amor………….y amor ta Dios,          the U.S. population, they were roughly 11% of all
                pastures; he leadeth me beside the still            Maske mi no ta na e mundo aki ,          police officers in 2016 across a sampling of 18,000
                waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth                                                     local  law  enforcement  agencies  in  the  U.S.,  ac-
                me in the paths of righteousness for his         tur dia lo mi ta banda di boso curazon,     cording  to  the  U.S.  Bureau  of  Justice  Statistics.
                        name’s sake.  Psalm 23                     mi por stens di loke señor ta hasi”       Over 71% of officers were white in 2016.
                   With great sorrow but greatful for                                                        It’s this kind of treatment endured by Black men
                everything she did for us, we announce         Conforme cu boluntad di Dios y gradecido na   and women in law enforcement that policing ex-
                            the passing of:                    loke el a haci y nifica pa nos, nos ta participa   perts say makes recruitment and diversity among
                                                                         fayecimento inespera di
                                                                                                             U.S. police forces challenging. The law enforce-
                                                                                                             ment profession has also struggled with its origins
                                                                                                             in America, dating back to the slave patrols in the
                                                                                                             early 1700s formed to capture people who escaped
                                                                                                             slavery and terrorize the enslaved into submission.
                                                                                                             Although  many  African  Americans  have  served
                                                                                                             valiantly on local and federal police forces since the
                                                                                                             civil rights movement, data shows Black Ameri-
                                                                                                             cans are still arrested in disproportionate numbers
                                                                                                             and more likely to be fatally shot by police.

                                                                                                             Another Capitol Police officer, Sgt. Aquilino Go-
                                                                                                             nell, wiped away tears as he recalled the story of
                                                                 Sr. Vdo Norman Reinald Eckmeyer             his immigration to the U.S. from the Dominican
                                                                       Mihor conoci como “Man”
                        Jennifer Joseph                           *30 -October-1932 - † 24 -July-2021        Republic, only to face fellow Americans who con-
                                                                                                             sidered him a traitor for defending the Capitol on
                      *29-07-1965 - †18-07-2021                   Casa di d.f.m. Julia Eckmeyer-Farro        Jan. 6.

                                                                 Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
                Date and place of burial will                      Oportunidad pa condolencia : na cas       “It  was  very  disappointing,”  Gonell  said.  “I  saw
                      be announced later                          Christiaanstraat # 16 di 7:00 pa 9:00 di   many officers fighting for their lives against peo-
                                                                                anochi.                      ple, rioters (and) citizens, turning against us.”
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