Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210729
P. 30

A30    world news
                      Diahuebs 29 Juli 2021

                         US sanctions hit Syria prisons, abusers including opposition

                                                                      notorious, the Saydnaya mil-  ments accuse Assad’s govern-  has repeatedly endured mass
                                                                      itary  prison,  located  in  the  ment  of  most  of  the  war’s  displacement.
                                                                      town of the same name north  atrocities.
                                                                      of the capital, Damascus.                                 The  other  armed  group
                                                                                                   The previous administration  is  affiliated  with  the  Syr-
                                                                      The  sanctions  follow  U.S.  had focused most of its sanc-  ian military, Saraya al-Areen.
                                                                      enactment  last  summer  of  tions in Syria on businesses,  The group has been fighting
                                                                      legislation  called  the  Cae-  financial institutions and as-  alongside government troops
                                                                      sar  Syria  Civilian  Protection  sociates of Assad and his fam-  in  northwestern  Idlib  prov-
                                                                      Act.  The  act  is  named  after  ily.                    ince,  where  the  last  opposi-
                                                                      a  Syrian  military  photogra-                            tion  enclave  is  located.  The
                                                                      pher  who  leaked  thousands  Among  those  sanctioned  by  U.S. Treasury said the group
                                                                      of photographs of thousands  the  U.S.  Treasury  is  an  op-  was targeted for violating and
                                                                      of victims of torture in pris-  position armed group, Ahrar  obstructing  a  cease-fire  in
                                                                      ons run by the Assad govern-  al-Sharqiya,  whose  fighters  place since 2020.
                                                                      ment.                        are mostly from eastern Syr-
            (AP)  —  The  Biden  ad-                                                               ia. Two of the group’s leaders  “Today’s  designations  pro-
            ministration  announced  “The United States is taking  The U.S. Treasury said many  were also sanctioned.           mote    accountability   for
            Wednesday  its  first  sanc-  action  to  promote  account-  of  the  prisons  designated                           abuses committed against the
            tions  on  Syria,  targeting  ability  for  entities  and  indi-  Wednesday  were  specifically  The group has been incrimi-  Syrian people and deny rogue
            prison  facilities  and  of-  viduals that have perpetuated  highlighted  in  images  pro-  nated in the killing of a Syri-  actors  access  to  the  interna-
            ficials  who  run  them,  as  the  suffering  of  the  Syrian  vided by Caesar. It is not clear  an Kurdish politician, Hevrin  tional financial system,” said
            well as armed groups, fo-    people,”  said  U.S.  Secretary  how a Syrian prison may be  Khalaf, in 2019. It is believed  Director of the Office of For-
            cusing  on  human  rights  of  State  Anthony  Blinken.  impacted by U.S. sanctions.   to  have  incorporated  many  eign  Assets  Control  Andrea
            abuses.                      “Today’s  action  makes  clear                            Islamic State group militants  M. Gacki.
                                         that  the  United  States  will  In a groundbreaking report in  into its ranks. It has also par-
            The sanctions announced by  not forget the victims of hu-  2017,  Amnesty  International  ticipated  in  Turkey-backed  Syria’s government has criti-
            the U.S. Treasury are part of  man  rights  abuses  in  Syria  said Syrian authorities killed  operations   against   Syr-  cized  the  U.S.  sanctions,
            Washington’s  policy  to  keep  and will use appropriate tools  at least 13,000 people in the  ian Kurdish groups in north-  blaming them for a worsen-
            up  pressure  on  the  Syrian  to target and single out those  first  five  years  of  the  coun-  western Syria.   ing economic crisis and call-
            government led by longtime  responsible, regardless of the  try’s civil war in mass hang-                           ing them “crimes against hu-
            President  Bashar  Assad.  But  perpetrator.”             ings at Saydnaya. The rights  The  U.S.  Treasury  said  Ah-  manity.”
            signaling a new approach, the                             group referred to the killings  rar  al-Sharqiya  has  commit-
            administration  also  targeted  The  sanctions  target  eight  as a “calculated campaign of  ted numerous crimes against  In  power  since  2000,  Assad
            two  armed  groups,  widen-  Syrian prisons, most of them  extrajudicial execution.”   civilians,  particularly  Syrian  began  a  fourth  term  in  of-
            ing the net of those impacted  linked  to  the  powerful  gen-                         Kurds. They include unlaw-   fice  earlier  this  month  with
            by the sanctions. One of the  eral and military intelligence  Rights  groups  estimate  that  ful  killings,  abductions,  tor-  the  country  still  devastated
            groups was implicated in vi-  agencies,  and  the  generals  130,000 Syrians are still miss-  ture  and  seizures  of  private  by the 10-year war and slid-
            olating  a  cease-fire  in  place  who  administer  them.  They  ing  or  detained.  The  U.S.  property,  compounding  the  ing  deeper  into  a  worsening
            since 2020.                  include  one  of  Syria’s  most  and many European govern-  suffering of a population that  economic crisis.

                                 China-Taliban ties warming ahead of US withdrawal

            (AP) — China’s foreign minister  peace talks or at least reduce the level                                   Russia to produce statements calling
            met Wednesday with a delegation  of violence as they gobble up territory  The  heads  of  the  Taliban  Religious  on the Taliban to enter into a peace
            of  high-level  Taliban  officials  as  from Afghan government forces.  Council  and  the  Propaganda  Com-  deal.
            ties  between  them  warm  ahead                                        mittee were also on the trip.
            of the U.S. pullout from Afghani-   China and Afghanistan share a narrow                                    Zalmay    Khalilzad,   Washington’s
            stan.                               border  high  in  the  remote  Wakhan  The U.S. withdrawal from Afghani-  point  person  in  talks  aimed  at  end-
                                                Valley, and China has long been con-  stan by Aug. 31 is seen as a boon to  ing  decades  of  war  in  Afghanistan,
            A  photo  posted  on  the  ministry’s  cerned  about  a  possible  spillover  of  China,  Washington’s  chief  strategic  also made a brief visit to Pakistan ear-
            website showed Wang Yi posing with  Islamic  militancy  into  its  formerly  competitor, which has long resented  lier this month as relations between
            senior  Taliban  leader  Mullah  Abdul  volatile  Xinjiang  region.  China  has  the presence of U.S. troops in what it  Islamabad and Kabul reached a new
            Ghani Baradar and his delegation in  also signed deals for oil, gas and cop-  considers its own backyard.   low.
            the city of Tianjin, then sitting down  per mining in Afghanistan, although
            to  talks.  The  highly  conspicuous  those have long been dormant.     If  the  Taliban  do  topple  the  U.S.-  That has fed perceptions that the U.S.
            show of friendliness had the appear-                                    backed  central  government,  China  is  engaged  in  stepped-up  efforts  to
            ance of a diplomatic mission at a time  “The  Taliban  are  a  pivotal  military  could gain a strategic corridor allow-  obtain a peace deal ahead of the Aug.
            when  the  Taliban  are  craving  legiti-  and political force in Afghanistan and  ing it and long-time ally Pakistan to  31 deadline that also includes China.
            macy.                               are expected to play an important role  bring  further  pressure  against  com-
                                                in the in process of peace, reconcilia-  mon rival India.               After U.S. Deputy Secretary of State
            Wang  said  China  respects  Afghan  tion and reconstruction,” Wang said.                                   Wendy Sherman met Wang in Tianjin
            sovereign independence and territo-                                     Baradar’s  visit  comes  shortly  after  on Monday, she and the State Depart-
            rial  integrity  and  always  adheres  to  China, Wang said, hopes the Taliban  Pakistan’s  foreign  minister  and  in-  ment included Afghanistan on the list
            non-interference in Afghanistan’s in-  will put the nation’s and the people’s  telligence  chief  made  their  trips  to  of “areas of global interest” that the
            ternal affairs.                     interests first and focus on peace talks,  China.                       U.S. and China could cooperate on.
                                                set  peace  goals,  establish  a  “positive
            He said the hasty withdrawal of the  image” and work for unity among all  Pakistan is seen as key to peace in Af-
            U.S. and NATO “reveals the failure  factions and ethnic groups.         ghanistan.  The  Taliban  leadership  is
            of  America’s  policies  and  offers  the                               headquartered in Pakistan and Islam-
            Afghan  people  an  important  oppor-  Wang also said China hopes the Tal-  abad  has  used  its  leverage,  which  it
            tunity  to  stabilize  and  develop  their  iban  will  “deal  resolutely”  with  the  says is now waning, to press the Tal-
            own country.”                       East Turkistan Islamic Movement, a  iban to talk peace.
                                                group China claims is leading a push
            While no agenda was announced for  for  independence  in  Xinjiang,  but  While the Tianjin meeting could be
            the  meeting,  China  has  an  interest  which many experts doubt even ex-  seen as a snub at the U.S., Washing-
            in pushing the Taliban to deliver on  ists in any operational form.     ton has been meeting with China and
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