Page 9 - HOH OCT 24 2020
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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 24 OctOber 2020
            Dutch hospital airlifts patients to Germany amid virus surge

            By PETER DEJONG and MIKE                                                                                            es  were  reported  over  the
            CORDER                                                                                                              last 24-hour period, just shy
            Associated Press                                                                                                    of  the  record  11,278  mark
            ALMERE,  Netherlands  (AP)                                                                                          set the day before. The na-
            — A bright yellow helicop-                                                                                          tionwide infection rate over
            ter rose into a blue sky Friday                                                                                     the last seven days rose to
            carrying  a  COVID-19  pa-                                                                                          60.3 cases per 100,000 resi-
            tient  from  the  Netherlands                                                                                       dents, up from 56.2 the day
            to a German intensive care                                                                                          before.
            unit,  the  first  such  interna-                                                                                   At the same time, the coun-
            tional airlift since the global                                                                                     try has more than 8,100 in-
            pandemic  first  threatened                                                                                         tensive  care  beds  free  at
            to  swamp  Dutch  hospitals                                                                                         the  moment,  with  about
            in the spring.                                                                                                      21,500  occupied,  accord-
            The  clatter  of  the  helicop-                                                                                     ing to the German Interdis-
            ter's  rotors  as  it  lifted  off                                                                                  ciplinary Association for In-
            from  a  parking  lot  behind                                                                                       tensive Care and Emergen-
            the Flevohospital in Almere,                                                                                        cy  Medicine.  There's  also
            30 kilometers (20 miles) east                                                                                       a reserve of around 12,700
            of Amsterdam, was a noisy                                                                                           beds  that  can  be  activat-
            reminder of how the coro-                                                                                           ed within seven days if nec-
            navirus  is  again  gripping                                                                                        essary.
            Europe and straining coun-                                                                                          During  the  first  phase  of
            tries' health care systems.  A  COVID-19  patient  is  being  carried  into  a  helicopter  at  Flevoziekenhuis,  or  FlevoHospital,  in   the  pandemic,  in  the  last
            The  head  of  the  World    Almere, Netherlands, Friday, Oct. 23, 2020.                                            week  of  March  and  first
            Health        Organization                                                                         Associated Press  two weeks of April, Germa-
            warned  that  countries  in                                                                                         ny took in a total of 232 in-
            the  Northern  hemisphere  overnight      curfews   de-   dro  Sánchez  publicly  ap-  pital in the German city of  tensive  care  patients  from
            were at a "critical juncture"  clared early in the week by  pealed  for  the  country  to  Muenster came amid soar-  Italy, France and the Neth-
            as  cases  and  deaths  con-  governors of Italian regions  pull together to defeat the  ing rates of infection in the  erlands.
            tinue to rise.               including Rome, Milan and  new coronavirus.               Netherlands,  where  the  Germany  is  now  also  in
            "The  next  few  months  are  Naples, the capital moved  "We  have  to  step  up  the  seven-day  rolling  average  talks to take in people from
            going to be very tough and  to  make  "nightlife"  hours  fight,"  he  said  in  a  tele-  of daily new cases has risen  the Czech Republic.
            some  countries  are  on  a  even  shorter  for  young  vised address to the nation  over  the  past  two  weeks  In that hard-hit country, the
            dangerous track," WHO Di-    people  who  tend  to  hang  which  this  week  became  from  24.58  new  cases  per  health  minister  was  under
            rector-General  Tedros  Ad-  out  in  trendy  piazzas,  ca-  the  first  European  country  100,000  people  on  Oct.  pressure  to  resign  Friday
            hanom  Ghebreyesus  said  rousing  for  hours  without  to surpass 1 million officially  7  to  47.74  new  cases  per  after  a  media  report  that
            at  a  media  briefing  from  masks as they sip cocktails  recorded COVID-19 cases.  100,000 on Oct. 21.            he broke strict government
            Geneva.                      and knock down beers.        Sánchez admitted, though,  Flevohospital    spokesman  restrictions  and  visited  a
            The U.N. health agency had  Rome's  populist  Five-Star  that  the  true  figure  could  Peter  Pels  said  flying  pa-  Prague  restaurant  for  a
            recorded  about  445,000  Movement  mayor,  Virginia  be more than 3 million, due  tients across an internation-    meeting,  just  hours  after
            new  coronavirus  cases  in  Raggi, signed an ordinance  to gaps in testing and other  al  border  was  a  last  resort  announcing tightened virus
            the past 24 hours and that  putting  off  limits,  until  Nov.  reasons.               after  other  hospitals  in  the  restrictions.
            nearly  half  of  those  were  13, several gathering spots  In  neighboring  Portugal,  region around Almere said  Polish  Prime  Minister  Ma-
            from  Europe,  Maria  Van  highly  popular  for  night-   the  parliament  passed  a  their  intensive  care  units  teusz   Morawiecki    ap-
            Kerkhove, WHO's technical  time  drinking  starting  at  9  law  Friday  making  it  man-  couldn't  take  them.  The  pealed  to  his  country  to
            lead on COVID-19, said.      p.m. The crackdown covers  datory  for  anyone  age  10  hospital  was  transferring  adhere  to  new  restrictions
            "In  many  cities  across  Eu-  landmark  nocturnal  hang-  or older to wear a mask in  two  patients  to  Germany  coming into force Saturday
            rope, the capacity for ICU  outs  including  Campo  de'  public  spaces  whenever  it  on Friday.                   that  include  wearing  face
            is  going  to  be  reached  in  Fiori, a vast expanse in the  is  "impractical"  to  keep  at  "We  actually  prefer  not  to  masks  outdoors,  closing
            the  coming  weeks.  And  heart of Rome that doubles  least a two-meter distance  move  patients  because  it  primary schools and urging
            that's  a  worrying  situation  as an open-air food market  from others.               is very drastic, also for fam-  anybody  aged  over  70  to
            as  we're  in  October,"  she  during the day, and Piazza  Worldwide,  the  virus  has  ily,"  he  said.  "But  to  keep  stay home.
            said,  noting  the  flu  season  Trilussa,  a  square  near  the  infected more than 41 mil-  the  quality  and  safety  of  The  virus  also  continues  to
            is  about  to  begin  and  will  Tiber  River  that  is  usually  lion people and killed more  care  at  a  good  level,  un-  wreak  economic  havoc.
            likely  increase  the  strain  packed in the evening with  than  1.1  million,  accord-  fortunately it is necessary to  In  Spain  —  where  tourism
            on hospitals. "The worry we  rowdy drinkers.              ing  to  a  count  by  Johns  move patients."             generated 12% of the gross
            have  are  the  numbers  of  A curfew imposed on Paris  Hopkins University. The true  Dutch  Prime  Minister  Mark  domestic   product    and
            individuals  requiring  hospi-  and other French cities last  numbers are far higher due  Rutte  said  he  called  the  sustained  2.6  million  jobs
            talization."                 week  was  extended  to  38  to  gaps  in  testing  and  re-  governor   of   Germany's  before  the  pandemic  —
            An absence of noise was set  more regions starting Friday  porting cases.              North    Rhine-Westphalia  overnight  hotel  stays  were
            to underscore the extent of  night.                       Restrictions  on  European  state  to  thank  him  for  his  down  78%  in  September
            the resurgence of the virus  A    four-and-a-half   hour  daily  life  even  extended  hospitality  and  solidarity  in  from  the  same  month  last
            as  major  cities  from  Rome  nightly  curfew  is  to  come  to  canceling  the  one-day  taking the patients. A flight  year, the national statistics
            to Paris prepared to rein in  into effect Saturday night in  fall  session  of  the  31-seat  carrying  a  second  patient  agency said.
            nightlife  with  new  curfews  the  Greek  capital,  Athens,  parliament  on  the  Arctic  left  the  hospital  Friday  af-  Spain is the world's second
            late  Friday,  part  of  the  in-  and  the  country's  second  island of Greenland after a  ternoon.               most popular vacation des-
            creasingly drastic measures  largest  city  of  Thessaloniki,  member  of  the  assembly's  Numbers have been spiking  tination,  after  France,  but
            nations are enforcing in an  as well as several other ar-  financial committee was in  in neighboring Germany as  hotel  stays  in  the  first  nine
            attempt to slow the spread  eas deemed to have high  contact with a person who  well, with the country's dis-       months of 2020 were down
            of the pandemic.             infection rates.             had tested positive.         ease control center saying  71% from 2019, the agency
            In  addition  to  the  three  In Spain, Prime Minister Pe-  The  Dutch  airlift  to  a  hos-  Friday that 11,242 new cas-  reported.q
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