Page 7 - HOH OCT 24 2020
P. 7
Aruba Analitics
October 24, 2020
T: 582-7800
Page 8
A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Some hospitals in crisis as U.S. nears high for COVID-19 cases
In this Oct. 21, 2020, file photo, Exam Corp Lab employee, right, wears a mask as she talks with a patient lined up for COVID-19 testing in Niles, Ill.
Associated Press
By REBECCA BOONE and DAVID CRARY Utah's governor, and an increasingly desperate "People are dying, they're going to keep dying
Associated Press situation at a hospital in northern Idaho, which is and catching this stuff," Kirby said. "How many
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — The United States is ap- running out of space for patients and consider- people won't wear a mask? The same people
proaching a record for the number of new dai- ing airlifts to Seattle or Portland, Oregon. that won't get vaccinated for it."
ly coronavirus cases in the latest ominous sign "We've essentially shut down an entire floor of Utah's Gov. Gary Herbert proclaimed Friday to
about the disease's grip on the nation, as states our hospital. We've had to double rooms. We've be "a record day for Utah — but not a good
from Connecticut to the Rocky Mountain West bought more hospital beds," said Dr. Robert one" as COVID-19 cases reached an all-time
reel under the surge. Scoggins, a pulmonologist at the Kootenai high for the state.
The impact is being felt in every section of the Health hospital in Coeur d'Alene. "Our hospital "Up until now, our hospitals have been able to
country — a lockdown starting Friday at the is not built for a pandemic." provide good care to all COVID and non-COV-
Oglala Sioux Tribe's reservation in South Dakota, Among those joining Scoggins at a meeting of ID patients who need it," he said.
a plea by a Florida health official for a halt to northern Idaho's Panhandle Health District was
children's birthday parties, dire warnings from board member Walk Kirby. Continued on Page 2