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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 20 augustus 2021

                                Saints alter season ticket refund policy amid scrutiny

            (AP) — Amid public and  lican  who  opposes  mask  funds  for  season  tickets,  as
            political scrutiny, the New  mandates,  called  on  state  has been our standard policy.”
            Orleans  Saints  have  ad-   officials Wednesday to with-
            opted a new refund policy  hold  funding  for  ongoing  However,  Bensel  noted,  the
            allowing  fans  to  relin-   improvements  of  the  state-  Saints  have  received  “thou-
            quish  their  season  tickets  owned  Superdome  unless  sands  of  calls”  from  fans
            and get their money back.    the  Saints  agreed  to  provide  wanting  to  purchase  season
                                         refunds.                     tickets made available by cur-
            The  Saints  plan  to  fill  the                          rent account holders seeking
            73,000-seat  Superdome  for  The  Saints,  in  turn,  an-  refunds.
            home games this season but  nounced  the  new  refund
            have said that, in accordance  policy  on  Thursday,  noting  “Our  preference  is  to  have
            with  various  local  and  state  that just 120 account holders  these loyal fans in the seats”
            protocols,  only  fans  who  previously requested refunds  rather  than  see  other  fans
            wear  masks  and  show  proof  — and that anyone else who  who’d  previously  requested
            of  vaccination  or  a  negative  wants a refund must make a  refunds  sell  their  tickets  to
            COVID-19 test 72 hours be-   request by Tuesday.          visiting fans on the secondary  Fans  age  12  and  under  will  last  week  per  capita,  and  its
            fore a game may attend.                                   market, Bensel added.        not have to provide proof of  hospitals  are  breaking  re-
                                         “Last  season,  we  made  the                             vaccination or a negative test  cords  daily  for  the  number
            The  Saints  previously  stated  decision  to  offer  refunds  or  Bensel  also  noted  that  the  to enter.        of  people  hospitalized  with
            that  fans  who  had  chosen  rollover accounts to the fol-  Saints will allow ticketed fans                        COVID-19. The state health
            to  maintain  their  ticket  ac-  lowing  season  because  we  who  show  up  to  the  Super-  The  club  also  has  said  that  department  reported  3,022
            counts for this season would  knew  government  regula-   dome  without  proof  of  vac-  Superdome COVID-19 pro-   COVID-19  patients  in  the
            not be eligible for refunds as  tions  would  not  allow  us  to  cination or a negative test to  tocols could be eased during  hospital  Wednesday,  91%  of
            they had been in 2020, when  fulfill a full season of atten-  gain entry to games if they re-  the season if the rates of in-  them not fully vaccinated.
            government restrictions pre-  dance,”  Saints  spokesman  ceive a free vaccination being  fections drop. Recently, how-  “We are hopeful that the city
            vented  large  crowds  in  the  Greg Bensel said. “This is not  offered at the dome with help  ever, they have spiked.  mandate is temporary and we
            dome.                        the case this season. Based on  from  Ochsner  Health  Sys-                            remain optimistic that as vac-
                                         current city and state regula-  tem,  one  of  the  club’s  chief  Louisiana  had  the  nation’s  cination  rates  increase,  this
            Louisiana  Attorney  Gen-    tions  allowing  full  capacity,  sponsors.               highest  rate  of  new  coro-  policy will no longer be nec-
            eral  Jeff  Landry,  a  Repub-  we did not plan to offer re-                           navirus  infections  over  the  essary,” Bensel said.

                          Olympic champ Korda shares lead at Women's British Open

            (AP) — Nelly Korda’s sen-    Korda rolled in a 5-foot putt  The  23-year-old  Korda  is  in  Tokyo,  rebounded  from  was playing in a group con-
            sational  summer  form  is  at  No.  18  at  Carnoustie  for  the  new  superstar  of  wom-  her second bogey of the day,  taining  European  Solheim
            showing  no  sign  of  dip-  her eighth birdie of a round  en’s  golf,  having  climbed  to  at No. 12, by making a down-  Cup  captain  Catriona  Mat-
            ping.                        that also contained three bo-  No.  1  by  winning  the  PGA  hill putt for birdie at the next  thew, just behind Korda, and
                                         geys  in  overcast,  chilly  but  Championship  in  June  and  and picked up another shot at  will  have  left  a  positive  im-
            Two  weeks  after  winning  largely  wind-free  conditions  followed that up by winning  the par-5 14th after reaching  pression ahead of the naming
            a  gold  medal  at  the  Tokyo  over the links in eastern Scot-  the  Olympic  golf  tourna-  the green in two.     of the six wild-card selections
            Olympics,  the  top-ranked  land. She was later joined on  ment  in  Tokyo  this  month.                            on Monday.
            Korda  began  her  bid  for  a  5 under by Sweden’s Made-  The American has four wins  She finished birdie-birdie by
            second  major  title  in  two  lene Sagstrom, who has never  in 14 events in 2021 and said  hitting her approach close at  She birdied four of her first
            months by shooting 5-under  recorded a top-10 finish at a  she has a “target on my back”  No. 18 with an 8-iron from  six  holes  and  twice  held  a
            67  to  share  the  first-round  major, and South Korea’s Sei  for the last of the five majors.  the center of the fairway.  two-shot  lead  on  her  back
            lead  at  the  Women’s  British  Young  Kim,  a  major  cham-                                                       nine. She kept her round go-
            Open on Thursday.            pion last year and the No. 4.  “I try to take the mindset of  “Very  happy,”  Korda  said  ing  with  some  decisive  par
                                                                      every  day’s  a  new  day,”  said  of  her  start.  “Honestly,  we  putts  but  couldn’t  do  so  at
                                                                      Korda,  who  is  a  combined  didn’t  have  much  wind  to-  No. 18 after finding a bunker
                                                                      87 under par for her last 21  day. It was very chilly in the  to the right of the fairway off
                                                                      rounds.  “It  doesn’t  matter  morning — that was the only  the tee. She hit out to leave
                                                                      what  my  ranking  is.  Every-  thing against us. Other than  herself a tough up-and-down
                                                                      one’s  going  into  this  event  that, the wind kept calm and  for  par,  but  leaked  her  par
                                                                      prepared and wanting to win.  I took advantage of it.”    putt right.

                                                                      “That’s kind of like the mind-  Korda  has  been  on  the  road  “Of  course  I  want  to  show
                                                                      set that I try to take into every  for  six  weeks,  because  of  off  my  game  to  her,  I  can’t
                                                                      event.”                      her appearances at the Evian  deny that,” Sagstrom said of
                                                                                                   Championship  in  France  —  Matthew. “I mean, I’m play-
                                                                      The  Women’s  Open  is  her  the fourth major of the year,  ing well at the moment. Who
                                                                      first  event  since  the  Olym-  where she placed 19th — and  knows where her mind is at
                                                                      pics and she carried the mo-  then  the  Olympics,  where  right now?”
                                                                      mentum to Carnoustie, hol-   she had a one-shot victory.
                                                                      ing  a  left-to-right  20-footer                          Kim is in the mix at another
                                                                      for birdie at No. 3 — the first  “A  little  tired  but  I  am  go-  major having won one for the
                                                                      of three birdies in a four-hole  ing  to  give  it  my  all  these  first time at the PGA Cham-
                                                                      span  to  immediately  throw  next three day, go home next  pionship  last  year.  She  also
                                                                      down the challenge to her ri-  week, and have one week at  finished third at the ANA In-
                                                                      vals.                        home.  Sleep  in  my  bed  for  spiration in April.
                                                                                                   the first time in six weeks —
                                                                      Korda, who wore bulky, ov-   that  will  be  nice,”  she  said.  Her  only  dropped  shot  was
                                                                      en-style mitts between shots  “And  then  Solheim  and  we  at the par-4 15th, which she
                                                                      at times during chilly morn-  start up again.”            reached in the lead after mak-
                                                                      ing conditions that contrast-                             ing birdie at No. 14 to move
                                                                      ed with what she experienced  The  77th-ranked  Sagstrom  to 6 under.
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