Page 29 - MIN ECEM
P. 29
LOCAL Tuesday 18 July 2017
Aruba Symphony Festival will be Music to Your Ears
Simon Gollo is the founder of the Festival Nuevo Mundo at Maracaibo, Venezuela and of the Aruba Symphony Festival. Gollo is a world famous violin player, music
professor at University of New Mexico, director of the San Antonio orchestra, Texas and part of the La Catrina quartet.
ORANJESTAD - Lovers of
classical music will be hap-
pily served soon: Nuevo
Mundo Foundation an-
nounces the organization
of the Aruba Symphony
Festival from July 21 to 29.
The concerts present clas-
sical music masters that are
world famous. With the ex-
ception of the last evening
all concerts are free.
The last concert of the se-
ries, 29th of July, puts both
classical masters and stu-
dents of the Academia
Nuevo Mundo in the spot-
This all under the profes-
sional guidance of Carlos
Botero from Colombia. The
orchestra consists of about
80 musicians. This is a quite This picture shows the Aruba Symphony Orchestra in 2016 with Jan Wagner as orchestra master. The orchestra is a selection of
masters and the best students of the Academia Nuevo Mundo.
impressive happening for
the island and the good
news is that all concerts under 18 years there is a the theatre of Cas di Cul- master of the orchestra. He University. He performs
are for free, except for the special price: 20 florin. En- tura, be sure to buy in time achieved his ABD from the also as Assistant Director
last night where a ticket trance tickets for the clos- as space is limited. Doctoral Orchestral Con- of the Houston Symphony
costs 40 florin. For children ing night are to be sold at ‘Maestro’ Botero is the ducting at Michigan State Orchestra.q