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Tuesday 18 July 2017
Team Aruba Resets After Mid-America Nationals
Aruba just completed
the fifth stop on the 2017
PDRA Tour at the historic
Lucas Oil Raceway at In-
dianapolis. The hot and
humid condition made
for a tough weekend for
the Mustang.
Despite qualifying a very
respectable fourth with a
4.097 effort, Trevor Eman
fell in round one to Matt
Giangrande. Giangrande
pulled out his best number
of the weekend, a 4.184,
enough for a narrow vic-
tory over Eman.
“We had a very disappoint-
ing weekend,” confessed
Eman. “We had a good
momentum through the
first races of the year. Los-
ing first round this race was
unexpected. Our team
worked hard all weekend
to get the car down the
track as fast as possible. On
the Racepak computer ev-
erything looked the way it Despite the unfortunate “Our hope was to come out new fans. Being a new lo- back for its scheduled re-
was supposed to. It almost early exit from the Mid- of this race with the points cation for us to race, we fresh and hopefully we can
seems like the Mustang America Nationals, Eman lead. That did not happen, could introduce our para- turn things around in Tulsa
didn’t have the energy and team are still in good but we’ll do everything we dise home to more people, in a couple of weeks. There
this weekend in the poor condition to make a bid for can to catch back up. which is one of the things are still three events left
weather conditions we the 2017 PDRA Extreme Pro “On the up side, we had we love most to do. and we plan to make the
were facing.” Stock Championship. the chance to interact with “The engine will be going most of them.”q
Loyal Island Guests Honored at the Aruba Beach Club
EAGLE BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tour- Michael and Claire are loyal members
ism Authority had the great pleasure of of the Aruba Beach Club and they love
honoring a very nice couple who are loyal Aruba very much because of the friendly
and friendly visitor of Aruba as Goodwill people, fun in the sun, the climate, the
Ambassadors at the Aruba Beach Club. beaches and the restaurants. They say
The symbolic honorary title is presented in that being on Aruba and staying at the
the name of the Minister of Tourism as a Aruba Beach Club is like being at their va-
token of appreciation to guests who visit cation ‘home-away-from-home.’
Aruba for 20-to-34 consecutive years. The certificate was presented by Ms. Emely
The honorees were Mr. Michael and Mrs. Ridderstaat representing the Aruba Tour-
Claire Boutin from Sanford, Maine, cel- ism Authority together with Mrs. Theresa
ebrating their 21 consecutive annual visit from the Aruba Beach Club.q
to Aruba!