Page 11 - UTILITIES MACRH 2,2016
P. 11


BUSINESSWednesday 2 March 2016

Stocks snap higher following encouraging signs on US economy 

MARLEY JAY                    or 2.4 percent, to 1,978.35.  China, Europe, and Japan                           than any other industry, as    not that bad.”
                              That was the biggest gain                                                        investors worry about loans    Cavanaugh said investors
AP Markets Writer             for the S&P 500, a widely     are slowing or struggling.                         banks have made to en-         are pleased with the con-
                              used benchmark, since                                                            ergy companies and low         struction and manufactur-
NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks        late January.                 Tuesday’s report showed                            interest rates.                ing reports, and relieved
                              The Nasdaq composite                                                             In recent months the strong    that the dollar and oil pric-
roared to their best day in                                 construction  spending                             dollar has hurt tech stocks,   es seem to have stabilized.
                                                                                                               which do a lot of business     Agribusiness giant Mon-
more than a month Tues-                                     rose by the most in eight                          outside the  U.S., because     santo gained $2.50, or 2.8
                                                                                                               it makes their products        percent, to $92.49 and
day as investors hit the                                    months. A manufacturing                            more expensive overseas        chemical maker DuPont
                                                                                                               and cuts into their revenue.   rose $2.07, or 3.4 percent,
“buy” button following                                                                                         Those stocks climbed Tues-     to $62.94. Among con-
                                                                                                               day, with the biggest gains    sumer stocks, Amazon rose
some encouraging signs of                                                                                      going to familiar names.       $26.52, or 4.8 percent, to
                                                                                                               Apple gained $3.84, or 4       $579.04 and Netflix gained
strength in the  U.S. econo-                                                                                   percent, to $100.53. It had    $4.89, or 5.2 percent, to
                                                                                                               been more than a month         $98.30.
my. Construction spending                                                                                      since Apple stock closed       Most automakers reported
                                                                                                               above $100. Alphabet,          big gains in their Febru-
reached its highest level                                                                                      the parent of Google, rose     ary U.S. sales. Ford climbed
                                                                                                               $24.95, or 3.5 percent, to     58 cents, or 4.6 percent, to
in eight years in January.                                                                                     $742.17. Microsoft picked      $13.09 after its sales rose al-
                                                                                                               up $1.70, or 3.3 percent,      most 20 percent, a better
Banks, the worst-perform-                                                                                      to $52.58 and Facebook         gain than analysts expect-
                                                                                                               stock added $2.90, or 2.7      ed. Honda, Fiat Chrysler
ing sector of the market so                                                                                    percent, to $109.82.           and Nissan also reported
                                                                                                               Karyn Cavanaugh, senior        big improvements. GM’s
far this year, led the way                                                                                     markets strategist for Voya    sales fell as it tries to shift its
                                                                                                               Investment Management,         business away from rental
higher.                                                                                                        said investors abandoned       sales, but its stock gained
                                                                                                               tech and bank stocks as        57 cents, or 1.9 percent, to
Stocks jumped at 10 a.m.,                                                                                      the market slumped in Jan-     $30.01.
                                                                                                               uary and February.             Auto parts supplier Borg-
when the Commerce De-                                                                                          “They’ve just been beaten      Warner rose $1.48, or 4.6
                                                                                                               with a stick this year,” she   percent, to $34.16, and
partment reported that                                                                                         said. “Earnings have not       navigation device maker
                                                                                                               been that bad and the          Garmin added 93 cents, or
construction        spending                                                                                   companies’ financials are      2.3 percent, to $41.44.

continued to rise in Janu-

ary. At the same time, a      John Bishop, foreground, works with fellow traders on the floor
                              of the New York Stock Exchange, Tuesday, March 1, 2016. U.S.
survey showed some signs      stocks are opening modestly higher as the market recovers
                              from a loss the day before.
of life in the beaten-down
                                                                                      (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
manufacturing       sector.

Those were good signs for

the U.S. economy.

Banks rose the most, but big  index, which is heavily       index had its best reading
                              weighted with technology      in six months, though activ-
names in consumer and         companies, made its big-      ity is still declining.
                              gest gain since August,       Bank of America picked
tech stocks also climbed,     adding 131.65 points, or 2.9  up 67 cents, or 5.4 percent,
                              percent, to 4,689.60.         to $13.19 and JPMorgan
as did oil prices.            Stocks have stumbled this     Chase gained $2.90, or 5.2
                              year as investors feared for  percent, to $59.20, leading
The Dow Jones industrial      the health of the U.S. econ-  financial stocks higher. The
                              omy at the same time that     S&P 500’s financial compo-
average jumped 348.58                                       nent has slumped about
                                                            9 percent this year, worse
points, or 2.1 percent, to


The Standard & Poor’s 500

index surged 46.12 points,

                                                            Medtronic 3Q profit rises 1%, revenue up 61%

                                                            NEW YORK (AP) — Medtron-                           time gains and costs, were     last year, was just shy of
                                                            ic’s third-quarter revenue                         $1.06 per share, which was     analyst projections.
                                                            soared more than 60 per-                           in line with Wall Street ex-   Shares fell 3 percent be-
                                                            cent, led by health sales of                       pectations, according to a     fore the opening bell.
                                                            heart and surgical devices                         survey by Zacks Investment     Revenue from the cardiac
                                                            in the U.S.                                        Research.                      and vascular unit, which
                                                            The company earned $1.1                            Revenue while rising to        includes implantable heart
                                                            billion, or 77 cents per share.                    $6.93 billion, from $4.3 bil-  devices and valves, rose
                                                            Earnings, adjusted for one-                        lion during the same period    8 percent to $2.41 billion.
                                                                                                                                              Revenue from minimally in-
                                                                                                                                              vasive therapies, which in-
                                                                                                                                              cludes patient monitoring
                                                                                                                                              and surgical devices, rose
                                                                                                                                              5 percent to $2.29 billion.
                                                                                                                                              The company’s restorative
                                                                                                                                              therapies unit saw revenue
                                                                                                                                              jump 7 percent to $1.76
                                                                                                                                              billion, while the diabetes
                                                                                                                                              care unit saw revenue rise
                                                                                                                                              6 percent to $474 million.
                                                                                                                                              Shares of Medtronic Inc.
                                                                                                                                              have increased roughly 1
                                                                                                                                              percent since the begin-
                                                                                                                                              ning of the year, while the
                                                                                                                                              Standard & Poor’s 500 in-
                                                                                                                                              dex has declined 5.5 per-
                                                                                                                                              cent. The stock has de-
                                                                                                                                              clined slightly in the last 12
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