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Thursday 29 June 2023 locAl

            Globally lauded Regenerative Travel Adds Caribbean’s Top

            Hotel Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort

            Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, Aruba, delivers tranquil luxury in climate-forward setting

            Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort,                                                                                         is timely for the resort. A re-
            Aruba, continues to elevate                                                                                         cent Sustainable Travel Study
            travelers’  experiences  by                                                                                         by Expedia showed that 90%
            becoming the newest mem-                                                                                            of consumers are looking for
            ber  of  Regenerative  Travel.                                                                                      sustainable options and seek
            This  comes  just  as  the  Ca-                                                                                     hotel, transportation, dining,
            ribbean’s  first  certified  car-                                                                                   and  excursions  that  align
            bon-neutral  hotel  is  being                                                                                       with their own personal com-
            celebrated as the newly an-                                                                                         mitments to sustainability.
            nounced No. 1 Hotel in the
            Caribbean and Top 18 Best                                                                                           About  Bucuti  &  Tara  Beach
            Hotel in the World by Tripad-                                                                                       Resort
            visor.                                                                                                              Declared  the  first  Carbon-
                                                                                                                                Neutral® hotel in the Carib-
            Bucuti  &  Tara  has  long                                                                                          bean in August 2018, Bucuti
            been  recognized  globally                                                                                          & Tara Beach Resort is one
            as a pioneer in proving that                                                                                        of the Top 10 Hotels for Ro-
            memorable  vacations  and  Bucuti & Tara is proud of its  wide.  Bucuti  Associates  in-  Nations calls it “highly repli-  mance in the World (fourth
            sustainability  can  be  mutu-  island home, Aruba. The re-  vite the opportunity to con-  cable and scalable,” Bucuti  straight year), No. 1 Hotel for
            ally  inclusive.  By  joining  Re-  sort encourages guests to go  nect  with  guests  whether  & Tara wants the best for its  Romance in the Caribbean
            generative  Travel,  Bucuti  beyond  the  property  and  it  is  through  a  shared  lan-  guests.  As  a  regenerative  (seventh  straight  year)  and
            &  Tara  becomes  one  of  its  revel  in  all  of  the  wonders  guage,   specific   dietary  travel  experience,  it  invites  No. 3 Hotel for Service in the
            Regenerative HotelsTM. The  of the island. It begins upon  needs  or  cultural  traditions.  every  guest  to  its  monthly  Caribbean. Aruba’s premier
            marketplace brings together  arrival, which is streamlined  Every  couple  is  assigned  a  beach clean-up, helps them  adults-only  boutique  resort
            travelers, hotels, tour opera-  from  curbside  to  accom-  personal  concierge.  Long  discover  and  advocate  for  is  led  by  celebrated  hote-
            tors, travel agents and other  modations  including  every  before it is wheels down on  nesting Leatherback sea tur-  lier  and  environmentalist,
            stakeholders with the shared  couples’ personal concierge  island, the concierge works  tles and/or provides them a  Ewald  Biemans,  named  by
            commitment to travel expe-   encouraging them to head  with  them  to  discover  their  view as hatchlings take their  Caribbean  Journal  as  the
            riences  that  are  as  caring  straight to the beach for an  vacation  wishes.  It  can  be  first steps to sea, encourages  2017  Caribbean  Hotelier  of
            for  guests  as  they  are  the  ocean swim filled with well-  off-the-beaten  path  pic-  them to Pack for a Purpose  the Year. The resort is nestled
            planet.                      ness benefits.               nics  to  remote  parts  of  the  by bringing needed items for  on the powdery white sands
                                         In  protecting  its  island  en-  island,  helping  them  along  a Imeldahof, and helps them  of  Eagle  Beach,  home  to
            As  a  Regenerative  Hotel,  vironment,   the   property  their  continuum  of  wellness  by providing climate-friendly  protected  sea  turtles  and
            Bucuti & Tara represents:    does not promote off road-   through  the  resort’s  all-en-  menu options to name just a  named one of the “Dream
            Mission-driven, independent  ing  tours  that  damage  lo-  compassing  wellness  pro-  few.                        Beaches of the World.”
            spirit.  Celebrating  its  35th  cal flora and fauna, rather,  gram, or helping them plan
            anniversary  year,  Bucuti  &  they pair guests with one of  a unique engagement of in-  “Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort  Home  to  the  Caribbean’s
            Tara’s firm foundation com-  the  Caribbean’s  top  bird-  timate wedding. The goal is  welcomes  the  opportunity  Safest,   Healthiest   Vaca-
            prises  three  cornerstones:  ing experts and professional  that guests have an enrich-  to  join  with  Regenerative  tion Experience thanks to its
            romance, wellness and sus-   photographers for a private  ing  experience  laced  with  Travel,  to  exchange  best  physician-developed  CO-
            tainability.  Its  unrelenting  excursion. Public spaces and  new perspectives that they  practices  with  other  mem-  VID 19 safety protocols and
            pursuit of providing superior  accommodations    feature  hopefully even take back to  ber properties, and to con-  Aruba’s Health & Happiness
            guest service with the utmost  interactive,  colorful  artwork  their own communities.   nect guests with a vacation  Code  seal,  Bucuti  has  104
            care of the community and  by internationally acclaimed                                highlighted with authenticity  well-appointed guestrooms,
            environment.                 local artist Elisa LeJuez. Spa  One  tangible  example  is  in dining, art, excursions, de-  suites  and  penthouses.  It
                                         treatments  proudly  incor-  that  the  resort  has  long  sign,  community  and  envi-  offers  sunbeds  and  shade
            The  property  boldly  shares  porate  the  island’s  largest  gifted every guest upon ar-  ronmental stewardship and  for  every  guest;  freshwater
            “what we are not,” sharing  export,  abundantly  healthy  rival with a reusable, logoed  where their ethos are shared  infinity  pool;  spa;  WiFi;  and
            it does not cater to groups  and diverse aloe.            canteen. With Aruba’s water  and  honored,”  says  Ewald  complimentary iPad for use
            or  allow  children,  its  Sand-                          being  among  the  highest  Biemans,  Owner/CEO  of  during  stay.  Award-winning
            Bar is reserved only for resort  The  resort’s  Authentic  Aru-  rated in the world, tap water  Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort,  healthy dining is enjoyed at
            guests  so  they  will  always  ban  &  Caribbean  menu  is  reigns. This initiative annually  Aruba.               oceanfront  Elements,  Tara
            have  a  seat  and  receive  literally  generations  in  the  prevents  290,000  single  use                        Lounge and private beach
            undivided attention, it is not  making  with  its  rich  collec-  water bottles from ever be-  Regenerative   Resorts'  dining.
            an ideal property for smok-  tion of staffs’ family recipes  ing used and therefore dis-  Founder and CEO, Michael
            ers, and more. As a pioneer,  - and when locals approve,  carded.  Guests  love  taking  Phillips,  commented,  "We  Reserved   exclusively   for
            the resort leads, whether on  guests know it is going to be  their  keepsake  cup  home  warmly  welcome  Bucuti  &  guests and their friends, the
            island  or  on  a  global  level.  a culinary highlight. Most re-  and  continue  using  it  long  Tara  Beach  Resort  to  our  open-air SandBar offers top-
            It  helped  a  local  compa-  cently, the resort donated a  after their vacation,  as  evi-  network   of   exceptional  shelf cocktails and live mu-
            ny  create  the  resort’s  so-  new green space, Bucuti &  denced in pictures they will  properties. Their unwavering  sic daily along with the Ca-
            lar  panel  system,  teaching  Tara - GMC Nature Preserve,  share on social media.     dedication  to  sustainability  ribbean’s first Healthy Hour.
            them skills while creating the  a 30-acre carbon sink. As it                           and commitment to deliver-   The resort is TAG Approved®
            largest  renewable  energy  continues  to  reforest  the  A  vacation  that  meets  val-  ing outstanding quality and  as  an  LGBTQ-friendly  hotel.
            system in the private sector.  protected  space,  the  trees  ues. Whether it is the value of  service perfectly aligns with  Bucuti  &  Tara,  a  worldwide
            When  pet  overpopulation  and plants will protect island  the nightly rate, which is nev-  our mission to redefine hos-  sustainable  tourism  leader,
            became an issue, the resort  wildlife while drawing down  er discounted and there are  pitality through regenerative  holds   eco-certifications
            launched a nonprofit in 2016  carbon  emissions  from  the  no surprise fees, ensuring ev-  practices. Together, we will  of  CarbonNeutral®,  LEED
            and more than 35,000 island  atmosphere.                  ery guest receives the same  inspire positive change and  Gold, Green Globe Platinum
            dogs  and  cats  have  been                               fair price, or the values such  pave the way for a more sus-  and Travelife Gold and was
            spayed or neutered.          An ethos of service. On any  as  choosing  a  resort  that  tainable future."          named the World’s Most Sus-
                                         given  day,  guests  hail  from  has a sustainability program                          tainable Hotel/Resort in 2016
            Honors  the  sense  of  place.  25 different countries world-  that is so solid that the United  Joining Regenerative Travel  by Green Globe.q
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