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                                                                                                           local Saturday 7 January 2023
            Almost six thousand people ready to light the torch for the 69th

            edition of Aruba’s Carnival

            ORANJESTAD      –   Today,  that  Aruba  draws  thou-
            7th  of  January  the  official  sands  of  visitors:  carnival.
            opening  to  the  Carnival  If  you  have  never  been
            season  in  Aruba  will  take  here  before,  come  in  car-
            place  with  the  torch  pa-  nival  season  as  your  ex-
            rade.  After  two  years  dur-  perience  will  be  amazing.
            ing  which  Aruba  did  not  Sensational musical events,
            celebrate    carnival   be-  queen elections and differ-
            cause  of  the  pandemic  of  ent parades are all part of
            Covid-19, carnival is back,  this  spectacular  phenom-
            and among the people, the  enon.  Carnival  is  part  of
            enthusiasm  is  greater  than  Aruba’s history and cultural
            ever.                        heritage,  actually  it  is  the
                                         largest  cultural  festival  on
            A  total  of  six  groups,  with  the island. For the islanders
            a  total  participation  of  al-  it  is  a  way  to  express  their
            most  six  thousand  people,  creativity and break away
            will be on the road covered  from  the  daily  buzz  of  life.
            in  light,  carrying  torches  Dancing  to  the  rhythm  of
            and  dancing  to  carnival  local  music  while  enjoying
            tonight.                     the ambiance of the pub-
            Empire  Carnival  Group,  lic  are  some  of  the  ingre-
            TOB Carnival Group, Infinity  dients of this festival. Oran-
            Carnival Group, Royal Car-   jestad and San Nicolas are
            nival  Group,  Los  Laga  Bai  the  stages  for  this  display
            Carnival Group and Cham-     of  unique  designed  cos-
            pagne Carnival Group.        tumes, amazing ambience
            Since before the New Year,  and  upbeat,  local  music.
            some  groups  had  already  The festival is for everybody
            announced  that  tickets  to  accessible and safe to visit.
            the  long-awaited  parade  Behind the screens there is
            were  sold  out,  and  with  an  enormous  organization
            only  one  day  remaining  that  makes  sure  that  this
            before  the  great  evening,  festival  runs  smoothly.  The
            most  carnival  groups  who  police,  inspection  depart-
            are taking part in the torch  ment, Red Cross volunteers,
            parade  were  completely  garbage service and many
            sold out.                    others work day and night
                                         to make sure that carnival
            On  social  media  people  is  a  success.  All  the  trailers
            were  still  looking  for  tick-  are being carefully inspect-
            ets to take part in the pa-  ed before they are allowed
            rade,  and  were  willing  to  to participate as well as the
            pay more than Afl. 200 for  vehicles that pull them. Af-
            a spot, as long as they can  ter each parade the streets
            jump  up  to  the  rhythm  of  are  being  cleaned  and
            the  carnival  music  in  the  road blocks are being tak-
            festive ambience tonight.    en  away  so  next  day  nor-
            Expectations are very high,  mal traffic flow occurs. The
            and it is expected that more  several  organizations  and
            than ten thousand people  institutions  work  together
            will be on the streets tonight  with the official carnival or-
            during the parade, either in  ganization SMAC.
            the parade or watching by
            the  side  and  enjoying  the  History
            vibes.                       In the 1920’s the first carni-
                                         val events were organized
            The  Torch  Parade  is  an  by social clubs that started
            easy  going  parade  where  private costume and mas-
            the  costumes  are  mostly  querade  parties.  This  year
            decorated  T-shirts  in  cer-  we celebrate Aruba’s 66th
            tain colors. But…. This is just  carnival, which means that
            a warming up for the most  the first grand parade took
            colorful,  creative,  inspiring  place  in  1955.  Since  than
            parades that are to come.    Aruba’s carnival has grown
                                         big and is now able to stand
            The  island  is  known  for  its  shoulder  to  shoulder  with
            white-sanded      beaches  the  most  renowned  Car-
            and  perfect  climate,  but  nival  celebrations  around
            there is one time in the year  the world.q
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