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                                                                                                                  Aruba at the top of the Hooiberg Hill
                                                                                      June 27, 2024
                                                                                      T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                                Page 9
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Justices seem set to allow emergency abortions in Idaho for now,

            a prematurely posted opinion says

            Associated Press
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The
            Supreme  Court  appears
            poised to allow emergency
            abortions in Idaho when a
            pregnant  patient's  health
            is at serious risk, according
            to  a  copy  of  the  opinion
            briefly posted on the court's
            website  Wednesday  and
            obtained  by  Bloomberg
            The document suggests the
            court will find that it should
            not have gotten involved in
            the case over Idaho's strict
            abortion ban so quickly. By
            a 6-3 vote it would reinstate
            a  lower  court  order  that
            had  allowed  hospitals  in
            the state to perform emer-
            gency abortions to protect
            a pregnant patient's health.
            Such  an  outcome  would
            leave  the  issues  at  the
            heart  of  the  case  unre-
            solved. It would also mean
            key  questions  remain  un-
            answered,  Justice  Ketanji
            Brown  Jackson  wrote  in  a   Anti-abortion demonstrators protest outside the Supreme Court, Wednesday, June 26, 2024, in Washington.
            concurrence.                                                                                                                    Associated Press
            "Today's  decision  is  not  a   The  Supreme  Court  ac-  Wednesday.  An  opinion  in  Cabe said in a statement.   listed as dissenting from the
            victory  for  pregnant  pa-  knowledged  that  its  pub-  the Idaho case would be is-  Conservative       Justices  decision.
            tients in Idaho. It is delay,"   lications   unit   inadvert-  sued "in due course," court  Clarence  Thomas,  Samuel
            she wrote.                   ently  posted  a  document  spokeswoman Patricia Mc-      Alito and Neil Gorsuch are           Continued on Page 2
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