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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 27 June 2024
            U.S. ambassador calls China’s tech support for Russia during

            Ukraine invasion a ‘major mistake’

            Associated Press                                                                                                    in China, ramping up restric-
            SHANGHAI,  China  (AP)  —                                                                                           tions on the embassy’s social
            China’s support for Russia’s                                                                                        media posts and whipping
            full-scale invasion of Ukraine                                                                                      up anti-American sentiment.
            through  the  provision  of                                                                                         His comments drew a rebuke
            technology for missiles and                                                                                         from  the  Chinese  foreign
            other weaponry is a “major                                                                                          ministry.
            mistake,”  U.S.  Ambassador                                                                                         “It is the U.S., not China, that
            to Beijing Nicholas Burns said                                                                                      has disrupted and prevented
            Wednesday.                                                                                                          cultural and people-to-peo-
            In a speech in the Chinese                                                                                          ple exchanges between the
            financial  hub  of  Shanghai,                                                                                       two countries,” Chinese for-
            Burns  also  said  Russia’s  in-                                                                                    eign ministry spokeswoman
            vasion, now in its third year,                                                                                      Mao Ning said Wednesday.
            had become an “existential                                                                                          “The U.S. has used national
            crisis” in Europe.                                                                                                  security as a false pretext to
            “We  think  it’s  a  major  mis-                                                                                    harass, interrogate and de-
            take to allow Chinese com-                                                                                          port Chinese students arriv-
            panies, by the thousands, to                                                                                        ing in the U.S. Such moves
            be sending so many com-                                                                                             inflicted enormous damage
            ponents,  technology  com-                                                                                          on the persons concerned.
            ponents,  microprocessors                                                                                           They’ve  created  a  chilling
            (and) nitrocellulose to Russia   U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns, center, shakes hands with Wu Xinbo, Professor & Dean,   effect.”
            to reinforce and strengthen   Institute of International. Studies, Fudan University as Yuan Ming, Professor, School of International   In  Washington,  the  State
            the defense industrial base   Studies,  Peking  University,  right,  looks  as  they  attend  the  Barnett-Oksenberg  Lecture  on  Sino-  Department   “absolutely”
            of the Russian Federation for   American Relations hosted by Amcham Shanghai, at a hotel in Shanghai, China, Wednesday,   agreed  with  “everything
                                         June 26, 2024.
            this brutal war,” Burns said.                                                                      Associated Press  the ambassador said” in the
            China “is not neutral, but has                                                                                      interview, spokesman Mat-
            effectively sided with Russia  the conflict, along with visits  China and Russia signed an  relations centered on the life  thew Miller said.
            in this war,” the ambassador  between Putin and Chinese  agreement  vowing  a  limit-  of Henry Kissinger, a career  “It’s very hard” to improve
            said, adding that the deci-  leader Xi Jinping.           less  friendship.  China  has  diplomat who died last year.  people-to-people  relations
            sion  directly  contradicted  China  is  also  a  major  pur-  refused to refer to the inva-  In  a  recent  interview  with  “when  the  Chinese  gov-
            China’s  longstanding  insis-  chaser  of  Russian  oil  and  sion as such and has blamed  The Wall Street Journal, Burns  ernment  harasses  either
            tence on “sovereignty and  gas, providing a lifeline for  NATO for provoking Russian  also criticized Beijing for un-  American citizens who are
            territorial integrity.”      Moscow’s  war  economy  President Vladimir Putin.         dermining people-to-people  in China or harasses Chinese
            China insists it does not pro-  that  is  under  international  There  was  no  immediate  cultural  and  educational  citizens who participate in ...
            vide  direct  military  aid  to  sanctions.               Chinese  reaction  to  Burns’  exchanges by interrogating  or attempt to participate in
            Russia  but  has  maintained  Prior  to  Russia’s  February  remarks,  which  came  dur-  and intimidating citizens who  American programs,” Miller
            strong trade ties throughout  2022  invasion  of  Ukraine,  ing a seminar on China-U.S.  attend U.S.-organized events  said. q

            Independent U.N. experts accuse Sudan’s warring parties of using

            starvation as weapon

             By SAMY MAGDY               ing  to  the  United  Nations,  said.                     likely the worst affected.   unprecedented  violence
             Associated Press            but  rights  activists  say  the  Neither the military nor the  The  independent  experts  and  targeted  attacks  on
             CAIRO (AP) — Human rights  toll could be much higher.    RSF  returned  phone  calls  said local efforts in response  civil  society  and  local  re-
             experts working for the Unit-  There  were  widespread  seeking comment.              to  Sudan’s  hunger  crisis  sponders. q
             ed Nations on Wednesday  reports  of  rampant  sexual  The  experts  warned  that  have  been  hampered  by
             accused  Sudan’s  warring  violence  and  other  atroci-  famine  has  become  immi-
             parties  of  using  starvation  ties  that  rights  groups  say  nent  in  the  country  as  hu-
             as  a  war  weapon,  amid  amount to war crimes and  manitarian  aid  has  been
             mounting  warnings  about  crimes  against  humanity.  blocked  and  harvest  sea-
             imminent famine in the Af-  The  conflict  created  the  son was disrupted because
             rican nation.               world’s  largest  displace-  of  the  war.  They  added
             Sudan plunged into chaos  ment crisis with over 11 mil-  that  more  than  25  million
             in April last year when sim-  lion  people  forced  to  flee  civilians in Sudan and those
             mering  tensions  between  their homes.                  who  fled  the  country  are
             the  country’s  military  and  “Both the SAF and the RSF  being  starved  and  need
             a  notorious  paramilitary  are using food as a weapon  urgent  humanitarian  assis-
             group,  the  Rapid  Support  and  starving  civilians,”  the  tance.
             Forces, exploded into open  experts  said,  using  initials  A report by Clingendael In-
             fighting in the capital, Khar-  for  the  Sudanese  Armed  stitute said last month that
             toum and elsewhere in the  Forces and the Rapid Sup-     around 2.5 million people in
             country.                    port Forces. “The extent of  Sudan could die from hun-
             Fourteen  months  of  fight-  hunger  and  displacement  ger by the end of Septem-    Sudanese Children suffering from malnutrition are treated at an
             ing  have  killed  more  than  we  see  in  Sudan  today  is  ber, with about 15% of the   MSF clinic in Metche Camp, Chad, near the Sudanese border,
             14,000 people and wound-    unprecedented and never  population in the regions of     on April 6, 2024.
             ed  33,000  others,  accord-  witnessed  before,”  they  Darfur and Kordofan being                                            Associated Press
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