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                    Thursday 27 June 2024
            Justices seem set to allow emergency abortions in Idaho for now,

            a prematurely posted opinion says

            Continued from Front

            The finding may not be the
            court's final ruling because
            the justices' decision has not
            been officially released. The
            decision  would  mean  the
            case would continue at the
            9th  U.S.  Circuit  Court,  and
            could end up back before
            the justices.
            The Supreme Court may be
            reluctant to make an abor-
            tion-related decision on the
            merits – rather than proce-
            dural grounds – in an elec-
            tion year, said Greer Donley,
            a reproductive law scholar
            and professor at the Univer-
            sity  of  Pittsburgh  School  of
            A  new  poll  from  The  Asso-
            ciated  Press-NORC  Center
            for  Public  Affairs  Research
            found that about 7 in 10 U.S.
            adults favor protecting ac-
            cess to abortions for patients
            who are experiencing mis-
            carriages or other pregnan-
            cy-related emergencies.
            The decision would reverse   Left to right; Dr. Sara Thompson, an OBGYN provider in ldaho, Jillaine St. Michel, a patient who had to travel out of state to access
            the Supreme Court's earlier   abortive services, U.S. Health Secretary Xavier Becerra, Lauren McLean, Mayor, City of Boise, Dr. Julie Lyons, LY- UHNZ, St Luke's,
            order that allowed an Idaho   Blaine County women's health initiative and Family Physician and Dr. Loren Colson, Cofounder, Idaho Coalition for Safe Healthcare
            abortion ban to temporarily   participate in a conversation with local patients and providers who have been impacted by Idaho's abortion restrictions held at the
            go into effect, even in medi-  Linen Building in Boise, Idaho, Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
            cal  emergencies.  Several                                                                                                      Associated Press
            women have since needed  for  people  in  every  state,"  law abortion at all stages of  being turned away from U.S.  loss of reproductive organs,
            medical airlifts out of state  said general counsel Molly  pregnancy with very limited  emergency  rooms  spiked  the Justice Department ar-
            in cases in which abortion is  Meegan.                    exceptions.                  after  the  Supreme  Court's  gued. Idaho argued that its
            routine treatment to avoid  The case started when the  The case is likely to return to  2022  ruling  overturning  the  exception for a patient's life
            infection, hemorrhage and  Biden  administration  sued  the  Supreme  Court  again,  constitutional right to abor-  covers  dire  health  circum-
            other dire health risks, Idaho  Idaho, arguing that its abor-  said  Rachel  Rebouche,  tion,  according  to  federal  stances and that the Biden
            doctors have said.           tion  ban  conflicted  with  dean of the Temple Univer-   documents obtained by The  administration  misread  the
            The  nation's  top  health  of-  federal healthcare law be-  sity  Beasley  School  of  Law  Associated Press.      law to circumvent the state
            ficial,  Xavier  Becerra,  held  cause doctors wouldn't be  and  a  reproductive  law  If the high court were to rule  ban  and  expand  abortion
            a  scheduled  meeting  with  allowed  to  provide  abor-  scholar.  The  New  Orleans-  in  Idaho's  favor,  it  would  access.
            Idaho  doctors  and  pa-     tions  to  stabilize  pregnant  based 5th U.S. Circuit Court  create  a  "world  in  which  Carol  Tobias,  president  of
            tients  to  discuss  the  state's  patients in rare emergency  of  Appeals  has  ruled  in  a  women would have to lose  the  National  Right  to  Life
            strict abortion ban in Boise  cases when their health is at  similar case that the feder-  their  reproductive  organs,"  Committee,  said  his  group
            Wednesday. Sarah Thomp-      serious risk.                al law does not take prec-   said  Sara  Rosenbaum,  a  was  glad  the  Justice  De-
            son,  an  Idaho  OB/GYN,  Idaho argued its ban does  edence  over  an  abortion  George  Washington  Uni-           partment says its arguments
            said that if a woman's wa-   allow  abortions  to  save  a  ban in Texas.              versity health law and policy  apply to rare cases.
            ter breaks early in pregnan-  pregnant patient's life and  So while the Supreme Court's  professor  who  is  an  expert  Doctors  have  said  Idaho's
            cy,  when  the  fetus  has  no  that  federal  law  does  not  ruling would allow abortion  on the federal EMTALA law.  law  has  made  them  fear-
            chance of survival, she is un-  require  the  exceptions  to  in  medical  emergencies  The  Justice  Department's  ful  to  perform  abortions,
            able to treat the patient by  expand. The state attorney  in  Idaho,  at  least  for  now,  lawsuit came under a fed-  even  when  a  pregnancy
            delivering the baby early.   general's office declined to  Rebouche  said,  "Nearly  38  eral law that requires hospi-  is putting a patient's health
            "While  there's  nothing  we  comment Wednesday.          million people live in the 5th  tals accepting Medicare to  severely at risk. The law re-
            can  do  to  save  her  baby,  Katie Daniel, the state policy  Circuit. That's a lot of people  provide  stabilizing  care  re-  quires  anyone  who  is  con-
            there is something we can  director of Susan B. Anthony  whose lives aren't changed  gardless of a patient's ability  victed  of  performing  an
            do  to  preserve  her  health  Pro-Life  America,  said  an  at all by this."          to pay. The law is the Emer-  abortion  to  be  imprisoned
            and  her  future  fertility,"  Idaho state court had ruled  Alexis   McGill   Johnson,  gency  Medical  Treatment  for at least two years.
            Thompson said.               that  women's  lives  don't  president  and  CEO  of  the  and Labor Act, or EMTALA.   A  federal  judge  initially
            The  American  College  of  need  to  be  in  immediate  Planned Parenthood Feder-     Nearly all hospitals accept  sided with the Democratic
            Obstetricians and Gynecol-   danger to act.               ation of America, said that  Medicare,  so  emergency  administration  and  ruled
            ogists said that it hoped the  Most Republican-controlled  a  decision  without  explicit  room doctors in Idaho and  that abortions were legal in
            court "listened to the scien-  states began enforcing re-  guarantees  that  patients  other states with bans would  medical  emergencies.  Af-
            tific evidence and medical  strictions  after  the  justices  could get abortions in medi-  have to provide abortions if  ter the state appealed, the
            experts  and  will  ultimately  overturned  Roe  v.  Wade  cal emergencies would be  needed to stabilize a preg-    Supreme Court allowed the
            affirm  the  availability  of  two years  ago, and Idaho  "catastrophic."              nant patient and avoid seri-  law to go fully into effect in
            emergency  abortion  care  is among 14 states that out-   Reports of pregnant women  ous health risks such as the  January.q
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