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Tuesday 30 augusT 2022
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are back and we would like to
portrait you! By inviting you to send us your favorite va-
cation picture while enjoying our Happy Island.
Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is ……. Send your
picture with that text (including your name and where
you are from) to: and we will
publish your vacation memory. Isn’t that Thank you for supporting our free news-
a special way to keep your best mo- paper, we strive to make you a happy
ments alive? Please do note: By submit- reader every day again.
ting photos, text or any other materials,
you give permission to The Aruba Today For today we received a lovely mes-
Newspaper, Caribbean Speed Print- sage from Essie and Preson Crawford
ers and any of its affiliated companies from Euless, Texas, USA.
to use said materials, as well as names,
likeness, etc. for promotional purposes They wrote to us saying “Aruba to me
without compensation. is getting together with friends from all
Last but not least: check out our web- over the USA and sharing great memo-
site, Instagram and Facebook page! ries on this beautiful island.”q
Continuation of Baby Beach waterfront
promenade project
with the Department of
Infrastructure to establish
a beach policy. Since
this development is
sustainable, they will plant
many palm trees to create
shaded spaces and limit
the construction of palapas
on the beach.
The terms of reference
for this project are now
available at the DOW for
Oranjestad – On August f&B kiosks. The idea is for the Awg. 350,00.
25, 2022, the Minister of kiosks to reflect the Aruban
Tourism and Public Health, culture and sell Caribbean DOW will give specific
Mr. Dangui Oduber, CEO food. They will also restore details of the project on
Aruba Tourism Authority the tennis courts to create August 31, 2022, followed
(ATA), Mrs. Ronella Croes, more multifunctional sports by the public tender on
and Director Public Works facilities. September 9, 2022, at the
Department, Mr. Marlon DOW office.
Croes gave an update It will also include facilities
about the continuation of to practice “beach sports” This project is possible
the Baby Beach Waterfront like beach tennis and thanks to the cooperation
Promenade project. beach volleyball. and teamwork of the
Ministry of Tourism, ATA,
This project is part of the A commission of tourism DOW, and the DIP. This
Seroe Colorado master infrastructure projects project is essential for the
plan. This project will led by the Minister of development of the entire
elevate the entire area near Tourism will work closely Seroe Colorado area.q
the beach while preserving
nature in the area and
creating an embellishment
development in the area in
a sustainable way.
The continuation of this
project includes different
aspects. The Baby Beach
area will get a new parking
lot and roundabout.
Consecutively they will build
public restrooms and two