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LOCAL Tuesday 30 augusT 2022
ATSA Members Inspired and Moved by Kaplan Mobray
do more, give more and Association members are:
receive more, determined Amsterdam Manor; Aruba
to drive their organizations Beach Club Resort; Carib-
and themselves to greater bean Palm Village Resort;
successes. Casa Del Mar Beach Re-
At Costa Linda Beach Re- sort; Costa Linda Beach
sort Mobray worked with Resort; Divi Dutch Village
smaller groups showcas- Beach Resort; Divi Aruba
ing his dynamic personality Phoenix Beach Resort; Divi
and sharing his compelling Village Golf and Beach Re-
life lessons. He encouraged sort; Eagle Aruba Resort &
employees to view them- Casino; La Cabana Beach
selves as an integral part Resort and Casino; La Quin-
of the business that builds, ta Beach Resort; Marriott
cures, directs, saves, cre- Aruba Ocean Club; Marriot
ates and enable, multi- Aruba Surf Club; Paradise
tasking and improving their Beach Villas; and Playa Lin-
personal brand and their da Beach Resort.q
leadership development.
Palm Beach.—August 26th, cial in mind for the forum. fun music, and easy-to-
2022. The members of the He was proud to introduce grasp concepts, Mobray
Aruba Timeshare Associa- International Motivational talked about the role of
tion, convened for a lunch- Speaker Kaplan Mobray, leadership in the creation
meeting at La Cabana Kaplan is “Recognized by of excellence. Excellence
Beach Resort & Casino with Meetings and Conventions designed to maximize job
representatives of most of Magazine as one of the na- satisfaction for employees
the island’s Vacation Own- tion’s top business speak- as well as revenues for the
ership properties, their fi- ers” business.
nancial controllers and a Two-years ago, Mobray, The topic of the day was
number of strategic part- an acclaimed author and how leaders set the stan-
ners in attendance. career consultant was a dards, especially in chal-
guest motivational-speaker lenging times. Together
ATSA President Luigi Here- at the ARDA conference, with his audience Mobray
dia, Costa Linda Beach Re- representing the vacation tried to define the changes
sort, welcomed members ownership and resort devel- we have undergone and
and guests just before offi- opment industries, where the challenges we encoun-
cially opening the meeting. he met Heredia, who en- tered during the pandemic
He briskly went through a joyed his presentation so years, sharing his unique
business agenda concern- much, he invited him for a theories and practical strat-
ing the current issues chal- series of talks at his resort, egies to help set the bar
lenging the industry such as Costa Linda Beach Resort, higher as far as service, in-
the reportedly-upcoming and for a special appear- ject energy and purpose in
Tax Reform, Tourist Levy ance at the ATSA meeting. work-associates and apply
and Import Duties increas- Mobray’s message to the effective tools for success,
es, as well as various labor ATSA members was both in hospitality.
issues and the labor short- entertaining and poi- ATSA members left the
age, afflicting the industry. gnant. With the help of a room smiling, heads held
For the August meeting He- saxophone, a green glit- high, knowing they have
redia had something spe- tery ball, colorful slides, ‘it’ in them, the power to