Page 18 - HOH
P. 18
Saturday 4 June 2022 locAl
The 4th KLM Aruba Marathon will take place this weekend on the island
Foundation Run in the Sun Aruba is the orga- tiful course will show the best of Aruba and place early Sunday. The full Marathon will start
nizing party of the KLM Aruba Marathon. This will take you from the high-rise hotels to Eagle at 3:13am. Each runner has a cut off time of 6
unique Running event is an official road race, Beach and up to the famous California Light- hours to complete this race.
AIMS/ IAAF certified (Association of Internation- house. You can expect participants from all
al Marathons and Distance Races) and is orga- around the World during this race. The start and The Half Marathon will start at 5:15 am and at
nized under the supervision of the Aruban Ath- finish of all distances will be the Hilton Aruba Ca- 6:15 am they will start with the 10K race.
letics Federation. This year there will be 2,500 ribbean Resort .
participants of which 550 are from abroad. Be aware that the traffic during race hours will
Saturday: be partially closed. Make sure to take a minute
For everyone a suitable distance is available. The 5k race will be held on Saturday June 4th support and cheer the runners aside the road.
At the finish each runner will receive a special and will start at 5:15 pm.
designed bling-bling shiny Gold medal and of We want to wish all the runners good luck with
course an unforgettable after-finish celebration Sunday: their race and hopefully they can reach a new
party will be waiting on the beach! The beau- The 10k, Half Marathon and Marathon will take PR on our Happy Island.q