Page 43 - Diario 18 Feb'15
P. 43

DIARANZON 18 FEBRUARI 2015                                               DIARIO                                                                     PAGINA 43
                                                             Oracion pa awe:
ARUBAANSE ZWEMBOND                                                                                                             A laga KIA riba
                                                             Mi ta gradici Bo Señor pa tanto amor, cu                        bloki pa horta wiel
Cu gran tristesa Arubaanse Zwembond ta anuncia fayecimento   Bo ta demostra mi. Danki Señor. Danki.
di                                                                                                                           ORANJESTAD.(AAN); Co-
                                                                                                                             mandante dialuna merdia a
      Sr. Herman Schotbotg                                                                                                   dirigi patruya di Noord na La
                    Mihor conoci como “Henk”                                                                                 Cabana pa nan atende un lad-
                                                                                                                             ronicia reporta. E guardia di
Tata di nos Miembro di Directiva, sra. Annelise Ponson-      Specialista den seguro di entiero  Presenta pa:                 seguridad a dirigi e patruya na
Schotborg, y ademas welo di nos miembronan Ally y Gaby                                          (297) 582-4427               yegada na e parkinglot pa em-
Ponson.                                                                                     pleadonan. Doño di e auto mr
                                                                                                                             Gomez a declara na polis cu un
Den nomber di directiva, clubnan miembro y entrenadornan     You’ve left us precious memories                                hende a horta wiel patras di su
y instructornan, officials, landadornan y e famia grandi      Your love will be our guide                                     auto. E auto ta riba un bloki di
di landamento Arubiano, nos ta expresa nos mas sincero       You live through those who loved you                            cement sin wiel patras na banda
                                                             It broke our hearts to lose you                                 robez. Mr Gomez a declara di a
palabranan di pesame y ta desea e famia, amigo y conocirnan  At the age of 81 years our dear sister                          staciona su auto KIA Rio color
di Henk hopi forza den e temponan dificil aki.                passed away in the hope of a resurrection.                      blauw scur A 51541 dialuna
                                                             For 38 years she faithfully served her                          mainta pa alrededor di 7:22 or
Cu Henk por encontra sosiego eterno.                         heavenly Father Jehovah as his witness.                         den parkinglot y pa 11:50 or el
                                                             Acts 24:15                                                      a ricibi informacion di guardia
            Pa Arubaanse Zwembond                                                                                            di seguridad cu un hende a horta
                                                                                                                             wiel di su auto. Lo revisa video
Marion Kan                  Esther Croes                                                                                     awor.
Presidente                  Secrataria General.
                                                                                                                             TA CHAPI
                                                             With deepest sympathy we announce the death of our                  Nos ta haci tur sorto
                                                             beloved mother:                                                    hardin y nos ta benta
                                                                                                                                        sushi afo.
                                                              Laurel Antoinette Thomson-Lispier                                    Nos tin bon prijs.
                                                                                                                                     Cel: 569-8003
                                                                         Better known as “Jaja and Momsy”
                                                               Sunrise March12th 1933 Sunset February 15th 2015              Ta bCusHcaAunPheInde
                                                              (Ex-wife of the late Eardly Quashie and widow of the              pa chapi cura.
                                                                                                                               Cel: 594-0815.
                                                                                   late Max Thomson)
                                                                                                                              FREE LANCE
 S.E.L. Maduro & Sons (Aruba) Inc./                          Left to mourn her lost are her:
      Maduro Travel (Aruba) Inc.                             Children:Claudia Constance Quashie and family in                     Bo ta pensionado(a) entre
                                                             Holland                                                            60-63 aña di edad cu rijbewijs
Ta extende nan mas profundo palabra di condolencia na        Francis Quashie (Sico)                                             valido? Cu deseo di ta activo.
                             famia di:                       David Quashie                                                      Mitar dia a base di freelance?
                                                             Jeanette Thomson (Linda) and family
 Sr. Herman Schotborgh (Henk)                                Merril Thomson                                                         Please tuma contact cu
                                                             Mack Junior Thomson                                                             630-6058.
      Suegro di nos ex-director Sr. Hensey Beaujon           Bienvenido Thomson (Hector) and family in Holland
     Nos ta desea su Casa Elba, su yuinan, nietonan,         Lee Andrew Thomson and family                                   MAURER REAL ESTATE N.V.
                                                             Curtis Allan Thomson and family                                    TEL: 582-9989 / CEL: 561-4830
                        rumanan y demas                      Brenda Thomson and family                                                734-1967 / 600-8213
       famianan hopi forsa den e dianan dificil aki           Anthony Thomson                                                             FOR SALE
                                                             Saskia Thomson
                 Cu “Sr. Henk” sosega na paz                 Grandchildren:Marco Thomson                                       New house in Villas Casibari:
                                                                                                                               3 bed., 3 bath, nice kitchen,
           Invitacion                                        Jubitza Thomson                                                   fully fenced. Awg.385.000,-
                                                             Adonis Constance
           Milda Croes-Maduro                                Zolaigkia Thomson (Sol)                                         MAURER REAL ESTATE N.V.
                                                             Richard Thomson                                                    TEL: 582-9989 / CEL: 561-4830
                  Recorda 5 aña fayecimento                  Ugina Thomson                                                            734-1967 / 600-8213
                                                             Shaday Thomson                                                              FOR RENT
                       Pa tur cu a conoce                    Lorenzo Constance                                                   New house Cunuco style
    Milda Croes-Maduro lo tin un Santo Sacrificio pa          Withney Thomson                                                    Calabas residence 3 bed.,
                                                             Leon Thomson                                                          3 bath., Awg.2.300,-
                 recorda 5 aña di fayecimento                Elton Nicastia                                                    AIRCO
     Na misa Inmaculada Concepcion na Sta. Cruz,                                                                                   “Special servicio di airco
                                                             Andy Lee Thomson
          Diaranzon 18 februari 2015 pa 7:00 pm              Great-grandchildren:CheavellyMilop                                solamente Awg.85,- pa split-unit
                                                             Chrisheilee Thomson
  Pa avisonan di morto                                       Charmaine Thomson                                                y solamente Awg.95,- pa Inverter                                             Nieces:Cynthia Lispier (Mary)                                     type. Servicio liher y garantiza.
                                                             Sharon Richards (Valvie) and the rest of the nieces and
                                                             nephews are too numerous to mention.                                    Techniconan Certifica.
                                                             Son in law:Ronald Constance
                                                             Daughters in law:Jacklyn Thomson-Morris                               Cel: 740-7158 / 741-6210.
                                                             Yahiara Lopez
                                                             Shirley Macnack                                                 CONSTRUCTION
                                                             Ex-daughter in law:Virginia Blijden                                  Ta traha cas, ta traha apartment,
                                                             The late Mrs. Thomson was related to the following                   bijbouw, ta renoba cas bieuw, ta
                                                             families:Quashie, Thomson, Constance, Lispier, Steward,           instala gas, plomeria, pega azulego,

                                                             Baptist, Richards, Timber, Veenstra, Conliffe, Glynn,                   ceramica, plafona, strootjes,
                                                             Hofdom-Kingsale, Carty, Batson, Hogde, Spanner,                       sheetrock, lanta pos, verf cas,
                                                             Fermin, Marsdin.
                                                                                                                                       oficina, lanta cura di cas.
                                                             Close Friends:Alberta Burke, Elsa Berkel, Leonie                       Yama Howard tel: 566-1673.
                                                             Panthophlet and Johannes Valburg
                                                             Our sincere apology goes to the family and friends names,       IMPACT MULTI SERVICES
                                                             we may have forgotten in our grief.
                                                             The funeral will take place on Thursday 19th February,            Ta ofrece servicio, instalacion y
                                                             at The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Pastoor                  repair dryer, wasmachine,
                                                             Hendrickstraat 106 San Nicolas.The late Mrs. Thomson                  frigidaire, cooler, walk-in
                                                             will be laid out from 1:00 pm. The discourse will start at               freezer. Problema di
                                                             3pm and will depart from there at 3.30pm to the Sabana
                                                             Basora Cemetery.                                                   electricidad nos ta dreche pa
                                                                                                                                 bo tlf: 738-1558 / 744-8449.
                                                             Regretfully we will not be able to receive any condolences
                                                             after the funeral at home.
                                                             Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home extend
                                                             theirmost sincere condolences to thefamily.
                                                             Condolences can be sent through our e-mail address or

                                                             f u n e r al h o m e                   Van Rensselaerstraat 2

                                                                                                 Family owned and operated
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