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Wednesday 5 July 2017
Healthy Brain
derly people, it is not part until dangerous amounts that are aluminum resistant? prepare it as well as avoid-
of normal aging. The differ- have accumulated. Of the Aluminum and oth- ing toxins can lower many
ent names of brain diseases many symptoms, decline in er heavy metals are stored risk factors. We can arrange
are named for doctors who mental functioning is most in the brain, lungs, thyroid, a hair analysis to check for
first describe the symptoms apparent. Babies who are bone and liver and may in- toxic heavy metals that may
affecting a specific part of exposed to lead before birth hibit proper function and contribute to rapid aging,
the brain. Names include: will have learning difficulties cause degeneration of the including brain problems.
Alzheimer, Parkinson’s, Mul- and slowed growth kidneys and liver. Dietary supplements that
tiple sclerosis, or Lou Ger- Another metal to be The liver cleans your blood, have been proven to be
ing Disease, but they all concerned about, alumi- detoxifies chemicals and beneficial for your heart are
By: Dr. Carlos Viana produce dementia that is num generates more than metabolizes drugs. If it is also great brain protectors.
caused by other brain prob- $75 billion a year in the US not working properly, it can- Protecting your brain is not
Dementia is the umbrella lems like a brain tumor, alco- industry alone. Although not make Glutathione, your just for seniors. All ages can
designation for severe loss hol and drug abuse, or after denied as “inconclusive”, body’s most powerful an- benefit from preventative
of intellectual ability and a stroke. medical studies do show in- tioxidant and detoxifying measures.q
personality integration, due Sadly, more and creased levels of aluminum agent. Antioxidants help CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is
to the loss or damage of younger people are being in the brains of people with protect your brain. an Oriental Medical Doc-
brain function. Dementia diagnosed with dementia. Alzheimer’s disease. Cholesterol lowering medi- tor (O.M.D.) having studied
comes from the Latin word In the 1970’s in the United Aluminum has long been cines (statin drugs) are hard in China; a US Board Cert.
“madness” and “out of States, fast food chains known to be poisonous to on the liver. Your brain is the Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.),
one’s mind”. Brain dysfunc- churning out junk food, pro- your nervous system. Evi- fattest organ in the body, an Addiction Professional
tion has been around since cessed meat and grains dence shows chronic expo- made up of about 75% (C.Ad.), Chairperson of the
the dawn of recorded his- grown using nitrogen-con- sure is a factor in many neu- fat! Why would you want Latin American Committee
tory. Dementia is a state of taining fertilizers became our rological diseases, including to eat a “fat-free” diet and of the International Acad-
emotional and mental de- new reality. Sales increased dementia, autism, and Par- lower cholesterol? Stating emy of Oral Medicine and
terioration. A sad position more than eight times from kinson’s disease. Aluminum that cholesterol lowers your Toxicology (IAOMT), a Re-
for family members, I know, 1970 to 2005. is to your central nervous sys- chance of cardiovascular juvenating Cell Therapist
my father Manuel, a vibrant Aided by the new marketing tem as cigarette smoke is to disease is a lie. Of course, specializing in Age Manage-
entrepreneur suffered from business and adding these your lungs. we want to have enough ment, has a weekly radio
bouts of dementia the last new processed grains to Scientists are clear that toxic GOOD cholesterol, like program, writes and lectures
six years of his life. foods, processed grain con- metals damage brain tissue deep-water fish, nuts, and extensively. For informa-
The World Health Organiza- sumption increased 5 times and lead to degenerative virgin olive oil, even eggs tion: VIANA HEALING CEN-
tion states that dementia during this 25-year period! disease. To lower your risk, cooked without bad fats or TER, Kibaima 7, St Cruz TEL:
has become global epi- Interestingly, Alzheimer’s, lower the use of toxic prod- oils. Healthy high cholesterol 585-1270 Web Site: www.
demic. diabetes, and fatty liver dis- ucts. With the amount of foods protect you against or www.
Every year 7.7 million new ease also increased during chemicals and toxic heavy infectious diseases, dying
cases of dementia are di- this period, even though metals in cigarettes, smok- young, being depressed, ingcenter
agnosed. 63% of people medical science and health ers have more than double and having more accidents. “Prescriptions from Para-
living with dementia live in care steadily improved. As a the risk of non-smokers of de- Most of us need more good dise” - International Book
low- and middle-income certified clinical nutritionist, veloping Alzheimer’s. Com- fats than the typical diet Award Winner, Alterna-
countries where access to I have personally witnessed mon products containing give us. The best source tive Health - ta optenible
social protection, services, the relationship between aluminum include, cooking of healthy fat is high qual- na Aruba na Viana Heal-
support and care are very diabetes and liver problems pots, aluminum foil, alumi- ity vitamin E and balanced ing Center, Tur libreria, Gift
limited or even, intentionally and diet and lifestyle. num containing; toothpaste, Omega 3,6,9 supplements. I shops y centro nan di salud
denied. Twenty years ago I underarm deodorant, vac- give lecithin to all my brain di calidad. tambe ta dis-
Memory loss is a common was horrified to see high lev- cinations, processed foods patients. Mothers who take ponibel den forma do print y
symptom of dementia. els of lead when testing pa- (American cheese, baking lecithin while pregnant help pa Kindle download pa nos
However, memory loss by tients for toxic heavy metals. powder, non-dairy coffee the baby’s developing amigo nan pa fo di Aruba
itself does not mean you Our campaign to prohibit creamer, canned drinks), brain. na Pa
have dementia. People the sale of leaded gaso- antacids, aspirin, many Get The Point! Risk factors for anuncio nan acerca di mas
with dementia have prob- line brought almost instant medications and cosmetics. Brain disease are only 5-10% evento nan y firmamento di
lems with two or more brain improvement, lowering the Factories cause aluminum genetics. Lifestyle, environ- buki check , check corant
functions, such as memory amount of lead found in pa- waste and what are they ment and attitude count so nan local, radio y television
and language. Although tients tested. Signs and symp- spraying in the air? Why is much more. Attention to tambe como riba www.via-
dementia is common in el- toms usually don’t appear Monsanto developing plants what we eat and how we naheal.comq