Page 8 - DESPA.
P. 8
CLASSIFIED Wednesday 5 July 2017
Trump, Putin Tillerson has made the dOCTOR ON dUTY
adoption issue a prior-
Continued on page 27 ity, according to aides, al- Dr. Dirksz
Tel. 587 9787
though it remains unclear
San Nicolas
Shannon and Ryabkov’s if he has succeeded in Dr. Tromp
canceled June 23 meeting convincing the Russians to TIME SHARE FOR SALE RENT Time Share Resale Tel. 584 7224
in St. Petersburg has yet to even consider revisiting the Divi Phoenix Aruba Divi Phoenix EMERGENCIA 911
be rescheduled. It was not ban. The property dispute 1 br 1 1/2 baths tower suite 1 Bedroom week 27 Room #102
clear if either Trump or Pu- in St. Petersburg dates to 1205, wk 26 7/1 to 8, $4500 Ocean Front Villas with 20
tin would seek to reopen 2014 when Russia blocked divi dutch Village three rm suite weeks remain
the channel when they see the U.S. from developing unit 92 to 96, 2 1/2 baths wk 26, on the contract Price :$6500
each other in Hamburg, al- the site after the Obama July 1 to 8 $5700 More Info Call:(011-297- POLICE 100
though Tillerson and other administration hit Russia Mill Marriott Resort 2 br suite 6301307) ORANJESTAD 527-3140
State Department officials with sanctions because of unit 234 b/c wk 28 7/15 to 7/22 NOORD 527-3200
have taken pains to stress it’s annexation of Ukraine’s $3900 _________________________________207720 STA. CRUZ 527-2900
that they remain open to a Crimea region. Time Share Resale SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
resumption of the talks. Officials say the U.S. won’t 508 651 0016 Aruba Divi Phoenix POLICE TIPLINE 11141
simply swap the Russian ________________________________207594 2 Bedroom lock -out unit FIRE DEPT. 115
RUSSIA’S WISH LIST compounds for the St. Pe- TIME SHARE FOR SALE RENT Week 27 /28 Room #861/862 FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
Russia has been especially tersburg consulate. Action Complete renovated With 36 weeks remain on the DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
vocal about its chief de- on the other demands is Divi Dutch Village contract AMBULANCE 582-1234
mand: the return of two also required, they say. wk 27, pool floor studio unit Price : $13,500 each IMSAN 524-8833
properties it owns in the 13, all special asessment pd, More Info Call: RED CROSS 582-2219
U.S. that were seized by SYRIA $4200 week 26 divi Villa and (011-297-630-1307)
the Obama administra- Eager to bolster his global golf unit 5509, 1 br 6/25 start Women in Difficulties
tion as punishment for Rus- legitimacy, Putin has been $3900 and week 29 unit 5503, _________________________________207720 PHARMACY
sian meddling in the 2016 pressing the U.S. to coop- July 16 to 23 $3900 sale , Time Share Resale Oranjestad:
election. The recreational erate militarily with Russia in rent $650 Costa Linda Beach Resort EagleTel. 587 9011
compounds are located in Syria, where both Moscow 2 Bedroom Week 28/29 San Nicolas
Oyster Bay, New York, on and Washington oppose 508 651 0016 Room #2008 Pool/Ocean View Aloe Tel. 584 4606
Long Island, and along the the Islamic State group but ________________________________207549 Friday Check in :
Corsica River in the Eastern disagree about Syrian Pres- Price : $7500 each INFORMATION 118
Shore region of Maryland ident Bashar Assad. Though TIME SHARES FOR SALE More Info Call:(011-297- TAXI-TAS 587-5900
On Monday, Putin’s foreign defense laws passed in the Caribbean Palm Village 6301307) PROF. TAXI 588-0035
affairs adviser, Yuri Usha- wake of the Ukraine crisis Week 7 $ 6,500.00 TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
kov, said Russia had been bar the U.S. military from Week 26 $ 2,000.00 ________________________________207720 SERVICE AUA 583-3232
remarkably restrained by cooperating with Russia, all are 2 bedroom all are Time share Resale 280-2828
declining to retaliate but the two have maintained Garden View Marriott Ocean Club CRuIse sHIP
that its patience was run- a “deconfliction” hotline email: or 1 BR Ocean View Gold $6000
ning out. If the U.S. doesn’t to ensure their forces don’t Call: 609 775 3836 2 BR Ocean View Platinum
soon give back the com- accidentally collide on the _________________________________207577 $20,000
pounds, also known as crowded Syrian battlefield. Marriott surf Club
dachas, Moscow will have The Pentagon has stead- 2 BR Ocean View Gold $8500
no choice but to retaliate, fastly resisted proposals to 3 BR Ocean View Gold $15000 Junly 5
Carnival Vista
Ushakov said. Another Rus- work closely with Russia in Call:(011-297-6301307) adventure of the seas
sian demand is to ease sur- Syria, out of concern the Zenith / Freewinds
veillance of its diplomats in U.S. can’t trust Moscow ________________________________207720 Aruba Airport 524-2424
the U.S. with sensitive intelligence Time Share Resale American Airlines 582-2700
information.q Free non exclusive listings Avianca 588-0059
US DEMANDS Free appraisal Report Aruba Airlines 583-8300
Jet Blue
The U.S. has its own list, Rent, sell, Buy, Surinam 582-7896
topped by a resumption of 31 years doing Honest Venezolana 583-7674
adoptions of Russian chil- Business Aruba Foundation
dren by American parents More Information : For those Visually Incapasitated
which Russia banned in Call :(011-297-6301307) Tel. 582-5051
late 2012, an end to what AL-ANON group
it says is intensifying harass- ________________________________207720 Sabana Liber #8, Noord
ment of U.S. diplomats and Time Share Resale Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
other officials in Russia and Divi Village FUNDACIONS
a resolution to a dispute studio Week 5/6 Room # 8203 Respetami
over a piece of land in St. with 18/10 Weeks on Contract Tel. 582-4433
Petersburg that was meant studio Week 7 Room #7104
to be the site of a new U.S. with 18/10 Weeks on contract Centro Diabetic Arubano
Tel. 524-8888
consulate in Russia’s sec- $6500 each
ond-largest city. The U.S. Call:(011-297-6301307) Narcotics Anonymous
also wants expanded cul- Tel. 583-8989
tural and exchange pro- ________________________________207720 QUOTA Club
grams between the two Tel. 525-2672
countries. Such programs
were vastly curtailed or Women in Difficulties
ended after Putin’s 2012 Foundation
Tel. 583-5400
return to the Kremlin in
an election he accused Bloodbank Aruba
Washington of interfering Tel. 587-0002