Page 8 - MIN ECEM
P. 8
LOCAL Saturday 15 July 2017
Peller Family Honored by ATA at the Marriott Surf Club
Brooke, from New Jersey, celebrat- staying at the Marriott Surf Club is
ing their 14th and 10th consecutive like being at their vacation ‘home-
annual visits to Aruba! away-from-home.’
The Pellers are loyal members of The certificate was presented by
the Marriott Surf Club and they Ms. Marouska Heyliger represent-
love Aruba very much because of ing the Aruba Tourism Authority to-
the friendly people, fun in the sun, gether with Executive Administra-
the climate, the beaches and the tive Assistant to the General Man-
restaurants. ager Ms. Jenny Boekhoudt from
They say that being on Aruba and the Marriott Surf Club.q
PALM BEACH - Recently the Aruba in the name of the Minister of Tour-
Tourism Authority had the great ism as a token of appreciation to
pleasure of honoring a very nice guests who visit Aruba for 10-to-19
family who are loyal and friendly consecutive years.
visitors of Aruba as Distinguished The honorees were Mr. Robert and
Visitors at the Marriott Surf Club. The Mrs. Shoshana Peller, together with
symbolic honorary title is presented their kids Zachary, Morgan and
Special Guests Honored at Renaissance Ocean Suites
ORANJESTAD - Re- tini, all from New York,
cently the Aruba and Mr. T.J. Melvin from
Tourism Authority had Massachusetts.
the great pleasure These special guests are
of honoring a spe- loyal members of the
cial group of island Renaissance Ocean
guests who are loyal Suites and they love
and friendly visitors Aruba very much be-
of Aruba as Goodwill cause of the friendly
Ambassadors at the people, fun in the sun,
Renaissance Ocean the climate, the beach-
Suites. The symbolic es and the restaurants.
honorary title is pre- They say that being on
sented in the name Aruba and staying at
of the Minister of Tour- the Renaissance Ocean
ism as a token of ap- Suites is like being at
preciation to guests their vacation ‘home-
who visit Aruba for away-from-home.’
20-to-34 consecutive Ms. Marouska Heyliger
years. representing the Aruba
The honorees were Tourism Authority pre-
Mr. Murray and Mrs. sented the certificates
Jennifer Arvin, Ms. Lu- together with associ-
cille De Martini and ates from the Renais-
Ms. Mary Lou De Mar- sance Ocean Suites.q