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Aruba to Me
                                                                                       March 31, 2022

                                                                                       T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                            Page 8
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
             AP sources: Asylum limits at border expected to end May 23

            By COLLEEN LONG, JASON  es  of  top  Democrats  and
            DEAREN and ELLIOT SPAGAT  others  who  say  COVID-19
            Associated Press             has long been used as an         CAP
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  excuse  for  the  U.S.  to  get
            Biden  administration  is  ex-  out  of  asylum  obligations.
            pected to end the asylum  It  also  raises  the  possibility
            limits  at  the  U.S.-Mexico  that  more  asylum-seeking      SPACE
            border by May 23 that were  migrants  will  come  to  the
            put in place to prevent the  border  at  a  time  when
            spread  of  COVID-19,  ac-   flows are already high.
            cording  to  people  familiar  The  Department  of  Home-
            with the matter.             land Security said Tuesday
            The  decision,  not  yet  final,  that  about  7,100  migrants
            would  halt  use  of  public  were  coming  daily,  com-
            health  powers  to  absolve  pared  with  an  average  of
            the United States of obliga-  about 5,900 a day in Febru-
            tions  under  American  law  ary and on pace to match
            and international treaty to  or  exceed  highs  from  last
            provide  haven  to  people  year, 2019 and other peak
            fleeing  persecution,  and  periods.
            would apply to all asylum-   President  Joe  Biden  de-
            seekers.                     clined to discuss his admin-
            Ending  the  limitations  in  istration’s  plans,  telling  re-
            May  would  allow  for  time  porters  Wednesday  at  the
            to  prepare  at  the  border,  White House, “We’ll have a   Nicaraguan migrants walk on the US-Mexico border, in Algodones, Baja California, Mexico, Dec.
                                                                      2, 2021.
            the  people  said.  But  the  decision on that soon.”                                                                           Associated Press
            delay runs against the wish-      Continued on next page
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