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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 31 March 2022
            Biden receives 2nd booster, presses Congress on virus funds

            By ZEKE MILLER                                                                                                      $15.6  billion  bipartisan  ver-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    sion   that   congressional
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            leaders  crafted  earlier  this
            dent  Joe  Biden  called  on                                                                                        month.  The  original  com-
            Congress to pass billions of                                                                                        promise  collapsed  after
            dollars  in  additional  fund-                                                                                      rank-and-file   Democrats
            ing  to  fight  the  COVID-19                                                                                       rebelled  against  cuts  in
            pandemic on Wednesday,                                                                                              unspent   pandemic     aid
            as  he  received  a  second                                                                                         for  states  that  would  have
            booster  dose  of  the  Pfizer                                                                                      helped pay for it.
            vaccine  a  day  after  fed-                                                                                        The  two  parties'  continu-
            eral regulators approved a                                                                                          ing disagreements are over
            fourth  shot  for  those  aged                                                                                      how to find savings to offset
            50 and older.                                                                                                       the measure's cost, not the
            Biden  spoke  as  his  admin-                                                                                       new spending itself.
            istration  rolled  out  COVID.                                                                                      Leaders  would  like  Con-
            gov, designed to be a one-                                                                                          gress  to  approve  the  as-
            stop website to help people                                                                                         sistance  before  lawmakers
            in the United States access                                                                                         leave for a spring recess af-
            COVID-19  tests,  vaccines                                                                                          ter next week.
            and treatments, along with                                                                                          "We are not yet at the finish
            status  updates  on  infec-                                                                                         line, but we will keep work-
            tion  rates  where  they  live.                                                                                     ing  throughout  the  day,"
            Biden  pressed  lawmakers    President Joe Biden receives his second COVID-19 booster shot in the South Court Auditorium on   Schumer  said  Wednesday.
            to provide additional fund-  the White House campus, Wednesday, March 30, 2022, in Washington.                      He  said  if  a  new  COVID
            ing "immediately" to ensure                                                                        Associated Press  variant  emerges  that  "ex-
            continued  supply  of  the                                                                                          tends  its  nasty  tentacles
            tools that have helped the  dose  was  administered  by  the  Centers  for  Disease  won't  have  the  supplies  across the country and we
            nation  begin  to  emerge  a  member  of  the  White  Control  and  Prevention  we  need  this  Fall,"  Biden  don't have the tools to re-
            from the pandemic.           House Medical Unit.          cleared  the  way  for  an-  warned, noting the possibil-  spond, then woe is us."
            "Congress,  we  need  to  "It  didn't  hurt  a  bit,"  Biden  other  shot  for  anyone  50  ity  that  regulators  will  ap-  Romney  said  Tuesday  that
            secure  additional  supply  said.                         and  older,  who  can  get  prove  a  fourth  shot  for  all  bargainers were discussing
            now,"  he  said,  warning  of  The   additional   booster  the  additional  booster  at  Americans.                 savings  options.  "But  we're
            shortages of vaccines, tests  is  meant  to  beef  up  the  least four months after their  Senate  Majority  Leader  making progress and hope-
            and  treatments.  "This  isn't  body's  protection  against  last  vaccination.  Severely  Chuck  Schumer,  D-N.Y.,  fully  we'll  get  there  soon,"
            partisan, it's medicine."    COVID-19  in  populations  immune-compromised  pa-        and  Sen.  Mitt  Romney,  R-  he said.
            Biden, 79, received the first  most  vulnerable  to  the  tients, such as organ trans-  Utah, have been negotiat-   A  subvariant  of  the  highly
            series  of  two  doses  of  the  coronavirus,   which   has  plant  recipients,  as  young  ing in hopes of reviving the  transmissible  omicron  that
            coronavirus vaccine shortly  killed  more  than  975,000  as 12, are also eligible.    COVID-19 package.            scientists  call  BA.2  is  now
            before taking office and a  people in the U.S.            "We  have  enough  supply  If  an  agreement  emerges,  the  dominant  coronavi-
            first booster shot in Septem-  On Tuesday, the Food and  to  give  booster  shots,  but  participants  say  they  ex-  rus  mutant  in  the  United
            ber. The additional booster  Drug  Administration  and  if  Congress  fails  to  act  we  pect it to be similar to the  States.q
             Police chief: More officers needed to fully reopen Capitol

            By KEVIN FREKING             U.S.  Capitol  Police  Chief  the U.S. Capitol Police and
            Associated Press             Thomas  Manger  said  the  Metropolitan  Police  De-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  department  doesn't  have  partment  responded  to
            chief  of  the  U.S.  Capi-  the  personnel  to  staff  the  the Jan. 6 attack and doz-
            tol  Police  told  lawmakers  number  of  posts  deemed  ens  of  them  were  beaten
            Wednesday  it  was  his  rec-  necessary  to  secure  the  and injured as the mob of
            ommendation  to  move  Capitol  and  adjacent  of-        former  President  Donald
            forward  with  a  phased-in  fices. Additional posts were  Trump's  supporters  pushed
            reopening of the U.S. Capi-  added after Jan. 6.          past them to break into the
            tol  as  his  agency  works  to  "I  regret  we're  the  choke-  building  and  interrupt  the
            overcome  attrition  after  point,  we're  the  problem  certification  of  President
            the  January  6  insurrection  in  terms  of  getting  it  re-  Joe Biden's victory.
            and hiring delays because  opened fully," Manger said.    Congress    has   boosted
            of the pandemic.             The  Capitol  saw  a  return  funding for the agency af-
            The  testimony  before  a  of  more  visitors  this  week  ter  Jan.  6  to  increase  hir-  The reflection of the U.S. Capitol during a early rainy morning,
            House  subcommittee  un-     with  congressional  offices  ing,  cover  overtime  costs   is reflected in a skylight in Washington, Wednesday, March. 30,
            derscores  that  persistent  limited to leading one tour  and  bolster  the  security  of   2022.
            security concerns are play-  weekly. The adjacent Capi-   the  complex  itself.  Hazard                                         Associated Press
            ing  a  major  role  in  restrict-  tol Visitor Center would re-  bonuses  were  paid  to  offi-
            ing  the  public's  access  to  open for limited numbers of  cers who responded to the  fiscal  year  recommends  cy has about 1,850 officers,
            the Capitol, an increasingly  people on May 30.           insurrection  and  retention  about  a  17%  increase  in  but  is  about  300  short  of
            sore  point  with  lawmakers  "By the end of the summer,  bonuses were paid to curb  funding.                       where it needs to be. Some
            from  both  parties  who  are  my hope is that we can do  attrition  levels  that  tempo-  Manger said it takes time to  of  those  positions  have  al-
            urging a return to normalcy  a  little  bit  more,"  Manger  rarily  doubled  their  normal  get in place the number of  ready   been   authorized
            after  two  years  of  restric-  said.                    rate.                        officers the agency needs,  and about 130 officers are
            tions.                       Hundreds  of  officers  from  The budget for the coming  though. He said the agen-     in training.q
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