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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diasabra 2 Juli 2022

                                                                  Pre-pandemic sized crowds descend on US

                                                                                         airports for holiday

                                                             (AP) – The July Fourth holi-
                                                             day weekend is off to a boom-
                                                             ing start with airport crowds
                                                             crushing the numbers seen in
              Laga tur loke ta spera mi ta bunita
              Laga tur locual cu mi encontra na caminda ta   2019, before the pandemic.
              Laga tur locual mi laga atras ta bunita y      Travelers  seemed  to  be  experi-
                                                             encing fewer delays and canceled
              Laga esakinan termina den buniteza
                                                             flights Friday than they did ear-
                                                             lier this week.
              Cu inmenso tristeza den nos curason
              nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
                                                             The Transportation Security Ad-
                                                             ministration screened more than
                                                             2.4  million  travelers  at  airport
                                                             checkpoints  on  Thursday,  17%
                                                             more  than  on  the  same  Friday
                                                             before July Fourth in 2019.
                                                             "We expect that (Friday) is going
                                                             to  be  busy,  of  course,  and  then
                                                             Sunday will be very busy," TSA  If  you're  already  at  the  airport  business travel and international
                                                             Administrator  David  Pekoske  when your flight is canceled, "it's  flying remain depressed, and the
                                                             said on NBC's "Today" show.     time  to  flex  your  multitasking  total number of people flying has
                                                                                             skills," said Sebastian Modak, ed-  not  fully  recovered  to  pre-pan-
                                                             AAA predicts that nearly 48 mil-  itor-at-large of travel guide pub-  demic levels. TSA screened 11%
                                                             lion people will travel at least 50  lisher Lonely Planet. He advises  fewer people in June than it did
                                                             miles or more from home over  heading  straight  to  the  airline's  in the same month of 2019.
                                                             the weekend, slightly fewer than  help  desk,  checking  its  app  on  Thursday marked the 11th time
                                                             in 2019. AAA says car travel will  your phone, and calling the air-  since  the  pandemic  started  that
                                                             set  a  record  even  with  the  na-  line's customer-service line — an  TSA checked more people than

                                                             tional average price for gasoline  international  number  might  be  it did on the same day in 2019,
              Marcolina Werleman-Kelly                       hovering near $5.               answered sooner than a U.S. one  and  just  the  second  time  since
                      *27-07-1938 - † 30-06-2022                                             for airlines that have both.    February.
                                                             Leisure travel has bounced back  Modak said driving or taking the
                                                             this year, and that means particu-  bus or train will often be a better  Airlines  could  almost  surely  be
              acto di despedida lo wordo anuncia despues
                                                             larly big crowds over holidays.  option in the U.S. this summer.  carrying more passengers if they
                                                             With many flights sold out over  "There's  no  getting  around  the  had enough staffing. Many U.S.
                                                             the  July  Fourth  weekend,  air-  fact  that  this  is  going  to  be  a  airlines have trimmed their sum-
                                                             lines  will  struggle  to  find  seats  summer of travel delays, cancel-  mer schedules after bad weather,
                                                             for passengers whose flights are  ations, and frustrations," he said.  air-traffic  delays  and  a  lack  of
                                                             canceled.  Airlines  advise  cus-                               enough employees caused wide-
                                                             tomers to check their flight's sta-  While  vacationers  are  crowing  spread  cancellations  over  the
                                                             tus before going to the airport.  airports and roadside restaurants,  Memorial Day weekend.

                                                                                                    2 police officers killed in

              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada                                   Kentucky by suspect with rifle
              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                                                   Hunt said four deputies initially  Frasure  worked  for  39  years
              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                                                      responded,  and  then  called  for  in  law  enforcement  in  Floyd
              Salmo: 23                                                                     backup when shots were fired at  County.  Another  Prestonsburg
                                                                                            them.  The  officers  at  the  scene  officer,  Jacob  Chaffins,  is  cur-
              Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:                 (AP)  —  Two  law  enforce-    were under fire for hours, Hunt  rently hospitalized, Prestonsburg
                                                             ment  officers  were  killed  said. He said Storz surrendered  Mayor Les Stapleton said in a so-
                                                             and  five  were  injured  when  after  negotiations  that  included  cial media post.
                                                             a man opened fire on police  Storz's family members.
                                                             attempting  to  serve  a  war-                                 Few  details  from  police  were
                                                             rant  at  a  home  in  eastern  Storz  was  arraigned  Friday  available  Friday  morning  from
                                                             Kentucky  Thursday  night,  morning  by  a  judge  in  Pike  the rural area in a mountainous
                                                             authorities said.              County.  He  pleaded  not  guilty  part  of  eastern  Kentucky.  State
                                                                                            to  two  counts  of  murder  of  a  police  said  in  a  brief  statement
                                                             Police  took  49-year-old  Lance  police  officer  and  was  jailed  on  that  they  are  investigating  an
                                                             Storz into custody late Thursday  a $10 million bond. One of the  "officer-involved  shooting,"  and
                                                             night.                         charges was originally attempted  gave few other details.
                                                             An emergency management offi-  murder of a police officer, but a
                                                             cial was also injured and a police  judge said at the hearing that was  Attorney  General  Daniel  Cam-
                                                             K9 dog was killed, according to  upgraded to murder. He is also  eron said in a social media post
                                                             the arrest citation.           facing  another  attempted  mur-  Friday  that  he  is  "heartbroken
                                                                                            der charge and assault on a ser-  to learn of the deaths of two law
                     Veneranda Angela                        The responding officers encoun-  vice animal.                  enforcement officers" during the
                                                                                                                            shooting in Floyd County.
                                                             tered  "pure  hell"  when  they  ar-
                       *01-09-1922 - †25-06-2022             rived on the scene, Floyd County  Hunt  said  one  of  his  deputies,  "Our law enforcement exhibited
                                                             Sheriff John Hunt told reporters  William Petry, and Prestonsburg  unimaginable heroism and sacri-
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.      Friday afternoon.              Police Capt. Ralph Frasure were  fice last night in the face of evil,"
                                                             "They had no chance," he said.  killed  in  the  shooting  incident.  Cameron said.
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