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A30    world news
                       Diasabra 2 Juli 2022

                          Thousands protest migrant deaths at Spain-Morocco border

                                                                                                   Videos  and  photos  that  Morocco's  Human  Rights
                                                                                                   emerged in the days follow-  Association  contested  the
                                                                                                   ing  the  deaths  sparked  out-  official  death  toll,  report-
                                                                                                   rage  and  condemnation  by  ing  instead  that  27  migrants
                                                                                                   several human rights groups  had  died,  while  the  Spanish
                                                                                                   and  officials,  including  the  NGO Walking Borders is re-
                                                                                                   United  Nations  secretary-  porting 37 fatalities.
                                                                                                   general.                     Authorities  in  Morocco  and
                                                                                                                                Spain also reported that 140
                                                                                                   In  one  video  shared  by  the  security officers on the Mo-
                                                                                                   Moroccan  Human  Rights  roccan side and 60 National
                                                                                                   Association dozens of young  Police  and  Civil  Guard  of-
                                                                                                   African  men,  some  of  them  ficers  on  the  Spanish  side,
                                                                                                   motionless and bleeding, are  were injured.
                                                                                                   seen  strewn  on  the  ground  In  an  exclusive  interview
                                                                                                   as  Moroccan  security  forces  with  the  Associated  Press,
                                                                                                   stand  over  them.  One  uni-  Spain's  Prime  Minister  Pe-
                                                                                                   formed man is seen poking a  dro  Sánchez  defended  the
                                                                                                   body with his baton.         way  Moroccan  and  Spanish
                                                                                                                                police  handled  the  incident,
                                                                                                   In  another  video  a  group  of  calling the attempt "an attack
                                                                                                   migrants  is  seen  climbing  a  on Spain's borders."
                                                                                                   fence,  some  hurling  rocks  Meanwhile,  the  dead  have
                                                                                                   at  Moroccan  anti-riot  police  yet to be identified.
                                                                                                   trying  to  stop  them.  At  one
            (AP)  —  Thousands  of  asylum  seekers  to  scale  the  a protester of African descent.  point,  the  fence  collapses,  Omar  Naji  of  Morocco's
            people  in  several  Span-   border  fence  separating  the                            sending them to the ground  Human  Rights  Association
            ish cities protested Friday  territories.  Moroccan  au-  In Rabat, the capital of Mo-  from a height of several me-  in Nador said they have been
            over the deaths of at least  thorities  said  the  migrants  rocco,  some  40  people  held  ters.                  contacted  by  the  families  of
            23  migrants  last  week  at  died as a result of a stampede  placards  splashed  with  red  "I  am  shocked  by  the  vio-  young men from Sudan be-
            the  frontier  between  the  but protesters are blaming of-  paint,  emulating  blood  to  lence  on  the  Nador-Melilla  lieved  to  be  among  the  vic-
            Spanish enclave of Melilla  ficialsand Europe's migration  demand  justice  for  the  dead  border," U.N. chief Antonio  tims  but  have  not  been  al-
            in  Africa  and  Morocco,  policies.                      migrants.                    Guterres  tweeted  this  week.  lowed to see the bodies or the
            amid growing calls for an                                 "The least we can do is voice  "The use of excessive force is  dozens  of  injured  migrants
            independent,     cross-bor-  In  Madrid,  demonstrators  our outrage and demand that  unacceptable, and the human  being  treated  at  a  local  hos-
            der investigation.           filled Callao square and held  the Moroccan state stop act-  rights  and  dignity  of  people  pital.
                                         signs that read "Borders Kill"  ing as Europe's border police,  on the move must be priori-
            The  demonstrations  were  and  "No  human  being  is  il-  because  through  this  nefari-  tized by countries."   Violence  and  political  tur-
            being held under the  moni-  legal."  In  Barcelona,  par-  ous activity it is accountable                          moil  in  Sudan  have  pushed
            ker  "Las  Vidas  Negras  Im-  ticipants  marched  as  they  for what occurred last Friday,"  Spain's  state  prosecutors  an-  thousands  of  Sudanese  to
            portan" in Spanish or "Black  chanted  against  racism  and  said  Al-Tayeb  Madmadh,  nounced  the  launch  of  a  seek  asylum  in  Europe,  in-
            Lives Matter" in English.    colonialism.                 a  member  of  the  Moroc-   probe  "to  clarify  what  hap-  cluding in Spain. On top of
            The deaths occurred June 24  "In order to protect their bor-  can  Association  for  Human  pened"  given  the  "signifi-  this a third of Sudan's popu-
            during  repeated  attempts  by  ders they killed a lot of Black  Rights and one of the protest  cance and seriousness" of the  lation currently face a hunger
            sub-Saharan  migrants  and  people," said Victoria Muñoz,  organizers.                 events at the Melilla border.  crisis.

                           EU prepares emergency plan to do without Russian energy

            (AP)  —  The  European  Union's  sian energy supply and to do it "in a  erEU,  and  therefore,  of  course,  we  help the 27 EU countries start wean-
            executive arm on Friday pledged  smart way" as well as to rally around  count  on  your  presidency  to  reach  ing themselves off Russian fossil fuels
            to  draft  an  emergency  plan  this  EU countries facing supply squeezes.  rapidly agreement on the adoption of  this year. The goal is to deprive Rus-
            month aimed at helping member                                           the REPowerEU regulation," von der  sia, the EU's main supplier of oil, nat-
            countries do without Russian en-    "We need a good, common plan that  Leyen told the Czech premier.        ural gas and coal, of tens of billions in
            ergy in the wake of the Kremlin's  the  energy  flows,  or  the  gas  flows,                                revenue  and  strengthen  EU  climate
            war in Ukraine.                     where  it  is  needed  most,"  von  der  This investment initiative is meant to  policies.
                                                Leyen said.
            European  Commission  President  She  said  the  plan  would  be  devel-
            Ursula  von  der  Leyen  said  the  ini-  oped in coordination with the Czech
            tiative would build on EU moves to  government,  whose  prime  minis-
            ditch Russian coal, oil and natural gas  ter highlighted the political pressure
            and would complement a bloc-wide  across the EU to act.
            push  to  accelerate  the  development  "Energy  prices  are  suffocating  our
            of renewable energy such as wind and  economy,"  Premier  Petr  Fiala  said
            solar power.                        alongside von der Leyen. "This is our
            "We  are  preparing  emergency  plans  biggest test for the coming months."
            for  Europe,"  von  der  Leyen  said  in
            the Czech town of Litomysl, where  The commission announced in May
            she marked the start of the country's  a plan dubbed REPowerEU to aban-
            six-month stint as holder of the rotat-  don Russian energy amid the Krem-
            ing EU presidency. "Energy prices are  lin's  war  in  Ukraine,  proposing  a
            high. People -- rightly so -- expect us  nearly 300 billion-euro ($312 billion)
            to do something about it."          package that includes more efficient
                                                use of fuels and faster rollout of re-
            She  said  the  contingency  plan,  due  newable power.
            around mid-July, would focus on two  "The next step is to make available to
            key  points  including  having  a  "clear  the EU member states the 300 billion
            idea"  of  where  to  cut  back  on  Rus-  euros that come along with REPpow-
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