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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 9 July 2024
            Is college worth it? Poll finds only 36% of Americans have

            confidence in higher education

            By JOCELYN GECKER                                                                                                   tion and the Workforce. And
            Associated Press                                                                                                    during an economic down-
            Americans are increasingly                                                                                          turn, those without degrees
            skeptical  about  the  value                                                                                        are more likely to lose jobs.
            and  cost  of  college,  with                                                                                       “It is sad to see that confi-
            most  saying  they  feel  the                                                                                       dence hasn’t grown at all,”
            U.S. higher education system                                                                                        says  Courtney  Brown,  vice
            is headed in the “wrong di-                                                                                         president at Lumina, an ed-
            rection,”  according  to  a                                                                                         ucation  nonprofit  focused
            new poll. Overall, only 36%                                                                                         on increasing the numbers
            of  adults  say  they  have  a                                                                                      of students who seek edu-
            “great  deal”  or  “quite  a                                                                                        cation beyond high school.
            lot” of confidence in higher                                                                                        “What’s  shocking  to  me  is
            education, according to the                                                                                         that the people who have
            report released Monday by                                                                                           low or no confidence is actu-
            Gallup and the Lumina Foun-                                                                                         ally increasing.”
            dation. That confidence level                                                                                       This  year’s  survey  added
            has  declined  steadily  from                                                                                       new,  detailed  questions  in
            57% in 2015.                                                                                                        an effort to understand why
            Some of the same opinions                                                                                           confidence is shrinking.
            have been reflected in de-                                                                                          Almost one-third of respon-
            clining enrollment as colleges                                                                                      dents say college is “too ex-
            contend with the effects of                                                                                         pensive,” while 24% feel stu-
            the student debt crisis, con-  In this May 13, 2018, file photo, new graduates walk into the High Point Solutions Stadium before   dents are not being properly
                                         the start of the Rutgers University graduation ceremony in Piscataway Township, N.J.
            cerns about the high cost of                                                                       Associated Press  educated  or  taught  what
            tuition and political debates                                                                                       they need to succeed.
            over how they teach about  crats or independents. “It’s  it off. What’s the point?”    people have little or no con-  The survey did not specifical-
            race and other topics.       so  expensive,  and  I  don’t  The  June  2024  survey’s  fidence, 32%, as those with  ly touch on the protests this
            The dimming view of wheth-   think colleges are teaching  overall  finding    that  36%  high confidence.           year against the war in Gaza
            er college is worth the time  people what they need to  of  adults  feel  strong  confi-  Experts say that fewer col-  that divided many college
            and  money  cuts  across  all  get a job,” says Randy Hill,  dence in higher education  lege graduates could worsen  campuses, but political views

            demographics    including  59, a registered Republican  is unchanged from the year  labor shortages in fields from  weighed heavily on the find-
            gender, age, political affili-  in Connecticut and a driver  before. But what concerns  health  care  to  information  ings.  Respondents  voiced
            ation. Among Republicans,  for a car service. His nephew  researchers is shifting opin-  technology. For those who  concerns about indoctrina-
            the number of respondents  plans to do a welding ap-      ion on the bottom end, with  forgo college, it often means  tion, political bias and that
            with high confidence in high-  prenticeship after graduat-  fewer Americans saying they  lower lifetime earnings  75%  colleges today are too lib-
            er education has dropped  ing high school. “You gradu-    have  “some”  confidence  less  compared  with  those  eral. Among the respondents
            36 percentage points over  ate out of college, you’re up  and  more  reporting  “very  who get bachelor’s degrees,  who  lack  confidence,  41%
            the  last  decade    far  more  to eyeballs in debt, you can’t  little” and “none.” This year’s  according  to  Georgetown  cite political agendas as a
            than it dropped for Demo-    get a job, then you can’t pay  findings show almost as many  University’s Center on Educa-  reason. q

            U.S. to expand control of land sales to foreigners near 56

            additional military sites

            By FATIMA HUSSEIN            ed  States  is  a  little-known  its  proximity  to  the  base  a  open  for  public  comment  vehicles,  semiconductors,
            Associated Press             but  powerful  government  “national security risk.”      for 30 days.                 solar equipment and medi-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  committee  also  known  as  Treasury  Secretary  Janet  The U.S. has already issued  cal supplies imported from
            U.S.  wants  to  expand  a  CFIUS    tasked  with  investi-  Yellen  said  in  a  statement  major new tariffs on electric  China.q
            Treasury  committee’s  juris-  gating corporate deals for  that  the  Biden  administra-
            diction to review land sales  national  security  concerns  tion  is  “committed  to  us-
            near U.S. military sites where  that  holds  power  to  force  ing  our  strong  investment
            foreigners are the buyers.   companies     to   change  screening  tool  to  defend
            New     Treasury   rulemak-  ownership  structures  or  di-  America’s  national  secu-
            ing would expand the U.S.  vest  completely  from  the  rity,  including  actions  that
            Committee     on    Foreign  U.S.                         protect military installations
            Investment  in  the  United  It  is  made  up  of  members  from external threats.”
            States’  powers  to  review  from the State, Justice, En-  In May 2023, rulemaking be-
            land sales near 56 addition-  ergy  and  Commerce  de-    gan to give CFIUS the pow-
            al military sites, bringing the  partments among others.  er to review land sales near
            overall number to 227 mili-  The  Monday  rulemaking  military bases after contro-
            tary sites.                  announcement  comes  af-     versy  arose  over  plans  by
            A  2018  law  granted  the  ter  President  Joe  Biden  in  the Fufeng Group to build a
            committee  authority  to  re-  May  issued  a  divestment  $700 million wet corn milling
            view  real  estate  transac-  order  blocking  a  Chinese-  plant  about  12  miles  from
            tions  near  sensitive  sites  backed    cryptocurrency  the  Grand  Forks  Air  Force   Treasury  Secretary  Janet  Yellen  testifies  during  a  Senate
            across the U.S.              mining  firm  from  owning  Base, which houses air and    Appropriations Subcommittee hearing, June 4, 2024, on Capitol
            The U.S. Committee on For-   land  near  a  Wyoming  nu-  space operations.            Hill in Washington.
            eign Investment in the Unit-  clear  missile  base,  calling  The  proposed  rule  will  be                                     Associated Press
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