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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 9 July 2024
            Myanmar's ethnic rebels say they captured an airport in a new

            setback for the military government

            By GRANT PECK                                                                                                       Press on Monday his staff had
            Associated Press                                                                                                    fled the property.
            BANGKOK  (AP)  —  One  of                                                                                           A travel agent in Thandwe,
            Myanmar's  most  powerful                                                                                           about 5 kilometers (3 miles)
            ethnic minority groups bat-                                                                                         east  of  Ngapali,  told  the
            tling the military government                                                                                       AP that she had heard the
            said it captured an airport                                                                                         sound of the fighting com-
            serving  the  country's  top                                                                                        ing from outside of the town,
            world-class  beach  resort,                                                                                         but the situation inside was
            marking  the  first  time  resis-                                                                                   quiet with no guerrillas in the
            tance  forces  have  seized                                                                                         immediate vicinity.
            such a facility.                                                                                                    Both spoke on condition of
            Residents of the area in the                                                                                        anonymity because of fear
            southern part of the western                                                                                        for their safety.
            state of Rakhine, along with                                                                                        Western  nations  including
            local media, also reported                                                                                          the United States have im-
            the seizure of Thandwe Air-                                                                                         posed economic and dip-
            port, also known as Ma Zin                                                                                          lomatic sanctions on Myan-
            Airport, about 260 kilometers                                                                                       mar's  military  leaders  and
            (160 miles) northwest of Yan-                                                                                       businesses and their cronies
            gon, Myanmar's biggest city.                                                                                        in  response  to  what  they
            It's the latest major setback                                                                                       see as serious human rights
            for the military government                                                                                         violations including usurping
            that took power in 2021 after                                                                                       democracy.
            ousting the elected govern-                                                                                         The  military's  critics  urge
            ment of Aung San Suu Kyi.                                                                                           stronger measures, especially
            Armed resistance to military   In this handout photo provided by Mandalay People's Defence Force, members of the Ta'ang   blocking the supply of jet fuel
                                         National Liberation Army, one of the ethnic armed forces in the Brotherhood Alliance, and the
            rule is taking place in much   Mandalay People's Defence Force pose for a photograph in front of the captured toll-gate in   to Myanmar, to try to limit its
            of the country, led by pro-  Nawnghkio township in Shan state, Myanmar, June 26, 2024.                              use of air power, which has
            democracy militants as well                                                                        Associated Press  been frequently employed
            as guerrilla groups affiliated                                                                                      and  often  causes  civilian
            with ethnic minorities.      fighting in the area, as well  Rakhine  state,  where  they  Ngapali,  a  7-kilometer  (4-  casualties.  Many  countries
            The violence in Myanmar has  as a cache of ammunition.  are  the  majority  and  seek  mile) long beach on the Bay  honor  such  an  embargo,
            caused  international  con-  The Associated Press could  autonomy from Myanmar's  of Bengal, had been getting  but there are no measures
            cern, with its military widely  not independently verify the  central  government. It  has  attention from international  to force others to do so.
            condemned for the dispro-    claims by the group, which  recently also called itself the  tourism  but  development  The human rights group Am-
            portionate  use  of  deadly  in the past have been dis-   Arakha Army.                 stalled due to COVID-19 pan-  nesty International on Mon-
            force to try to quash its op-  puted.                     Since  November  last  year,  demic and the conflict that  day  issued  a  report  docu-
            ponents. Critics of the military  The  seizure  of  the  airport,  the group has been on the  followed the army takeover.  menting "new shipments of
            have urged the international  one of six in Rakhine, would  offensive  and  has  gained  Since  April,  sporadic  fight-  aviation fuel to Myanmar de-
            community to impose ever-    appear to open the way for  control of nine of 17 town-   ing in nearby villages halted  spite global calls to deprive
            stronger sanctions to restrain  the rebels to seize Rakhine's  ships,  along  with  one  in  flights to the airport, which  the country's military of the
            its use of force.            coastal region, even as they  neighboring Chin state. It is  serves  the  beach  resort,  resources it needs to carry
            The Arakan Army said in a  consolidates  control  over  also part of an armed ethnic  and  most  of  the  46  hotels  out unlawful air strikes."
            statement on the Telegram  much  of  the  northern  part  alliance  that  launched  an  and guest houses were shut  It said the evasive means by
            messaging app on Sunday  of the state.                    offensive last October and  down.                         which Myanmar obtains the
            night that it had recovered  The Arakan Army is the mili-  gained strategic territory in  A  Ngapali  hotel  executive  fuel involve convoluted sup-
            the  bodies  of  more  than  tary  wing  of  the  Buddhist  the  country's  northeast  on  who had recently escaped  ply chains to make it hard to
            400 soldiers from the recent  Rakhine  ethnic  group  in  the border with China.       the area told The Associated  trace.q

            Rwanda says it is aware of the UK’s intention

            to terminate contentious deportation scheme

            By IGNATIUS SSUUNA           UK, not Rwanda." This is the  Minister  Keir  Starmer  said
            Associated Press             first time Rwandan authorities  in his first news conference
            KIGALI,  Rwanda  (AP)  —  are  officially  commenting  Saturday that the Rwanda
            Rwanda's government says it is  on  plans  by  the  UK's  new  deportation plan "was dead
            aware of the United Kingdom's  Labour Party government to  and buried before it started."
            intention to terminate its plan  cancel the scheme, which  Starmer denounced it as a
            to deport asylum-seekers to  drew criticism from human  "gimmick," though it's unclear
            the East African country. In  rights watchdogs and others  what he will do differently as
            a  statement  late  Monday,  as  cruel  and  inhumane.  It  a record number of people   British Prime Minister Keir Starmer delivers a speech, following
            the office of the Rwandan  was  not  clear  if  Rwandan  have come ashore in the first   his first cabinet meeting as Prime Minister, in London, Saturday,
            government spokesman said  authorities were reacting to  six months of the year.       July 6, 2024.
            the deal had been initiated by  press  reports  or  had  been  The  Rwanda  deportation                                         Associated Press
            the UK "to address the crisis of  given  official  notification  plan  once  was  billed  as  a  lives on a journey that could  the UK government hundreds
            irregular migration affecting  of  plans  to  terminate  the  solution  that  would  deter  end with their deportation to  of millions of dollars without
            the UK — a problem of the  agreement.  British  Prime  migrants  from  risking  their  East Africa. So far, it has cost  taking flight.q
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