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a8 local
Wednesday 6 december 2023
The Ostrich Farm
including a trip to the incubators and the bird
kindergarten, housing baby ostriches, baby
emus, chicken and ducks, and even a land
It was a National Geographic moment when
on cue Mr. Ostrich flapped his wings excit-
edly and poked around the ground with his
bill, triggering Mrs. Ostrich who ran around
in circles, flapped her wings and also poked
around, before collapsing on the ground in a
heap of feathers, allowing him to mount her,
shaking, winding and spiraling his head in all
Mr. Ostrich concluded his unexpected per-
formance with a loud honking, his eyes roll-
Matividiri – One of the most entertaining va- ing, then got up in a huff to nonchalantly strut Tours are available daily every half hour from
cation activities is a visit to the Ostrich Farm, away, leaving his wife and the scrutiny of our 10– 3pm. No reservations needed for small
a popular stopover on most island jeep tours. cameras. groups.
Locals and visitors enjoy the guided ostrich It was a surprise reality TV moment, and not Matividiri 57, Open daily
tour at the farm and features a well-stocked usually included in the regular program. from 10:00 AM till 4:00 PM
locally crafted and produced Art Boutique. Feeding the Ostriches is however always on Telephone: 5859630
The highlight of the visit is always the fun inter- the program, and they are eternally hungry, For more information go to the website:
action with the resident ostriches and emus, and fun!
The Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and its history
(Oranjestad)—The Bushiri- Over the years, conces-
bana Gold Mill Ruins is one sion-holding had seen dif-
of the most visited places ferent companies from
by tourists on the island, around the world, all of
as it lies along the north- which used primitive meth-
ern coast line near the mini ods to dig and carve out
pool and on the way to the gold from the rocks. Aruba
Natural Bridge. Despite its Island Gold Mining Compa-
seemingly plain appear- ny Ltd. was no different, but
ance, this ruin represents used a unique method that
one of the most important involved grinding the rocks
histories of the island: The and letting the dust be
Aruban Gold Rush. blown away by the strong
northeast wind, leaving
Built in 1872 by English com- clumps of gold behind. The
pany Aruba Island Gold next step was melting the
Mining Company Ltd, the gold and letting it attach
gold mill at Bushiribana to quicksilver in order to
was constructed in the obtain pure gold. All these
area where most gold was found some gold, it was then sold the lump for $70. immediate actions, and processes were done at
found by locals. The story enough to motivate a fur- Unbeknownst to the boy informed Curacao that the Bushiribana Gold Mill.
of gold on Aruba actually ther search, and the assign- and his father, they quite gold was found. At first,
dates back to 1725, when ment was discontinued by literally struck gold, and everyone could look for The gold mill itself had a
a first exploration for gold Printz himself. as word got out, a gold gold, as long as they sold short life-span: only 10 years
on the island was commis- fever spread among the it to the government. How- in service, but its structure
sioned by the Dutch West It wasn’t until 100 years lat- locals who started search- ever, after some time, the remained relatively solid till
India Company. Under the er, in 1824, when a young ing for more gold. About 25 government decided to this day, and is now a his-
leadership of Mr. Paulus boy found a lump of gold pounds worth was found. implement stricter rules and torical remnant.
Printz, a three-year search while out herding his fa- banned local search par-
was conducted on Aruba, ther’s sheep. His father took At the same time, the Aru- ties. Sources: Etnia Nativa & gold-
to no avail. Though they it to a local merchant who ban government took