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38 LOCAL NEWS AWEMainta Diabierna, 13 October 2023
Music brings joy, inspires, and lifts your spirits
Music will resonate in the main hall
of the Horacio Oduber Hospital
RECENTLY, the Horacio Oduber Hospital officially inaugu- and psychological well-being of our patients, visitors, and
rated a grand piano in its main hall. During the inaugura- colleagues. It’s a simple yet powerful way to make a positive
tion of this piano, spectacular melodies filled the air thanks impact on everyone who enters our doors daily.
to our talented colleague Tjerk Koekkoek, Olaf Vroegop,
the son of director Vroegop, and special guest Mr. Johnny As a hospital, we also believe that introducing a piano into
Scharbaay, who delighted everyone present with melodies our main hall will bring people together. Patients, visitors,
from our beautiful culture. and staff can connect and share musical experiences in a
friendly environment. The hospital hopes to encourage
According to the director of HOH, Mr. Jacco Vroegop, “We patients, visitors, and talented colleagues to play this grand
believe that a piano will enhance the atmosphere in our piano and provide a space where creativity can be expressed,
hospital and also contribute to the well-being of our patients thereby enhancing the atmosphere at HOH.
and colleagues. Music has the remarkable ability to inspire,
lift your spirits, reduce anxiety, and create a sense of calm The Board of Directors wishes to sincerely thank the spon-
and comfort.” sors from the Netherlands, Columbus Medical, and MP
Corporation, who believed in this idea and, thanks to their
Incorporating the piano into the HOH environment is part of support, it is now a reality for all of us at HOH and the Aruban
our mission at HOH, where we provide hospitality, focusing community! And remember, the piano belongs to all of us, so
not only on medical treatment but also on the emotional feel free to play and let music resonate at HOH!”