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                                                                                                                           Saturday 25 November 2017

            ‘CunucuFeast’ 2017 Happening this Sunday in Tanki Leendert

            TANKI  LEENDERT  -  To  cel-
            ebrate  the  traditional  Aru-
            ban  cunucu  houses  that
            are  scattered  over  the  is-
            land and are of monumen-
            tal value, Monument Funds
            (SMFA)  organizes  the  ‘Cu-
            nucu  Feast  2017’  this  Sun-

            The cultural celebration will
            take  place  in  Tanki  Leen-
            dert  65  in  and  around  a
            traditional  ‘cunucu  house’
            that  exists  more  than  70
            years.  The  original  owners
            were  the  family  Brete.  The
            event will be in the spirit of
            Christmas  and  the  house
            is  actually  decorated  with
            original  furniture  from  the
            old  times  with  the  help  of
            the Community Museum in
            San  Nicolas.  There  will  be
            also  a  guide  than  can  ex-
            plain you about the differ-
            ent  antique  furniture  and
            the  traditions  from  that  local  plants,  decorations  tural  program  for  this  day  tion here, come and join in  This amazing event is orga-
            time.                        made  by  local  artisans  for  which  promises  to  be  very  to  indulge  some  real  local  nized  by  Monumentsfunds
            Santa  Rosa  takes  care  of  Christmas  and  activities  divers  with  Caha  di  Orgel  culture  and  connect  with  in  cooperation  with  the
            a  complete  market  with  for  the  kids.  The  Ministry  of  ‘Trupial’,  Chaz  Dancers,   the  locals.  There  will  even  Ministry  of  Culture,  Santa
            typical  local  food:  Crioyo,  Culture  organizes  the  cul-  Bertha  Wolff,  Steelband  “  be  a  ‘Wantomba’,  scare-  Rosa  and  Foundation  Aru-
                                                                      Steel  Edition”    Tipico  Ola  crow, symbolizing the Fiesta  ban  Musea.  The  first  Fiesta
                                                                      Musical,  Rosea  Cultural,  di Cunucu. You can take a  di  Cunucu  was  organized
                                                                      Sharon  Rose,  Tipico  Pega-  selfie with him, download it  in  2014  and  turned  out  to
                                                                      saya, Mighty Whitey, Gaita  on  the  Facebook  page  of  be a great success. Come
                                                                      Los Paranderos, Javina Bes-  Monumentsfunds  and  you  this Sunday between 10am
                                                                      selink,  and  a  spectacular  may  even  win  a  price  like  and 3pm and see why!
                                                                      closure with Grupo di Beti-  a  weekend  stay  at  la  Ca-  More  information:  Face-
                                                                      co.                          bana Beach resort & Casi-    book  Stichting  Monument-
                                                                      While  enjoying  your  vaca-  no or Aruba Aloe products.  en Fonds Aruba.q
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