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P. 12
Saturday 25 November 2017
Yes, I do Again
PALM BEACH - Barbara host and creator of the
Posner and her sister Patti comedy club) to officiate
O’Donnell have been visit- the renewal ceremony.”
ing Aruba for twenty years,
and have attended the At first, Ellin was reluctant.
Aruba Ray Comedy Club “I have performed in pretty
- a standup comedy show much every scenario imag-
that features US comedi- inable. I hosted a corpo-
ans from all of the popular rate event held in a barn
television shows - over a in Texas, on a stage made
dozen times the past four out of bales of hay and
years. So when their friends livestock walking around
Eileen and Steve Bradicich and behind me. I’ve done
told the sisters that they standup for a private party
wanted to renew their wed- on an airplane. I emceed
ding vows after fifty years of a Japanese kimono fash-
marriage, the sisters came ion show in the middle of
up with an idea; “Let’s all Grand Central Station in big deal to me, I really like a beautiful Aruban sunset. he in some sort of witness
go to Aruba, and ask Ray New York City. So being in it. But I was hesitant to do It was a sweet, touching, protection program?
Ellin (aka “Aruba Ray”, the a unique situation isn’t a this since I had never met and funny affair. Steve and Eileen love to
this couple before, and I Eileen and Steve met at a entertain their friends. They
knew how meaningful and CCD church dance when are both very warm and
important their celebration they were fourteen years friendly people, and Eileen
would be. I was really flat- old, and dated for five has a FANTASTIC laugh,
tered to be asked to be a years. The true story is that Ray says. “Eileen is known
part of it.” one day Eileen said to Steve for her excellent cooking,
But after speaking with “I’m late… we’re going to and Steve is beloved for
the sisters, and learning the courthouse.” They were his fantastic cocktails. One
more about the Bradicich married at a courthouse in of the keys to having a
family, Ellin agreed to of- Brooklyn, NY on Dec 19th, happy fifty year marriage,”
ficiate. So a few days ago 1967. They have three boys, joked Ellin. After the cere-
the Bradicich’s, the sisters, five grandchildren and two mony on the beach, Steve
and their friends Jeannine great-grandchildren. All of popped open a bottle of
and John Callahan took the friends currently live in champagne. The group of
off their shoes and stood in Lakewood Ranch, Florida. friends then went to din-
the sand on Palm Beach at Prior to that, Steve and Ei- ner, and Ray went to do his
the Marriott Resort during leen lived in Brooklyn, Ken- show.
tucky, New Jersey, Mary- And the following night,
land, Florida, and Indiana. the six friends sat in the
Ray asked Steve why was front row at the Aruba Ray
he always on the run? Was Comedy Club.q