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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 15 Juni 2021

                           Schools across US brace for surge of kindergartners in fall

            (AP)  -  School  districts  across                                                                          the pandemic for years.
            the  United  States  are  hiring  ad-
            ditional  teachers  in  anticipation                                                                        Albuquerque  Public  Schools  Super-
            of what will be one of the largest                                                                          intendent  Scott  Elder  said  children
            kindergarten  classes  ever  as  en-                                                                        who  skipped  kindergarten  or  were
            rollment rebounds following the                                                                             homeschooled last year may be a bit
            coronavirus pandemic.                                                                                       behind  on  their  numbers  and  let-
                                                                                                                        ters. The same goes for the kids who
            As they await the arrival next fall of                                                                      were enrolled and studied online, but
            students  who  sat  out  the  current                                                                       couldn’t  always  connect  or  get  sup-
            school year, educators are also bracing                                                                     port from parents.
            for many students to be less prepared
            than usual due to lower preschool at-                                                                       “When  people  talk  about  learning
            tendance rates.                                                                                             loss and kids being behind, it won’t
                                                                                                                        be a quick solution. That’s going to
            “The job of the kindergarten teacher                                                                        be a multi-year solution, but it will be
            just got a lot harder,” said Steven Bar-                                                                    solved,” Elder said.
            nett,  senior  co-director  of  the  Na-
            tional  Institute  for  Early  Education                                                                    In Connecticut, some school districts
            Research  at  Rutgers  University.  He                                                                      are targeting summer programs at in-
            coauthored  a  report  that  found  that                                                                    coming  kindergartners  who  missed
            the number of 4-year-olds participat-  allergies and her immune system al-  anticipating nearly 22% more kinder-  out  on  preschool.  Irene  Parisi,  the
            ing in preschool fell from 71% before  ready was in overdrive. “We wanted  gartners than in fall 2020. The district  state’s chief academic officer, said in
            the pandemic to 54% during the pan-  to make sure that as a family we were  plans to do testing over the summer  an interview that districts are also us-
            demic, with poor children much less  being smart and being safe.”       to identify any special needs that have  ing federal relief money to add staff to
            likely to attend in-person.                                             been missed, such as vision problems  help out and training them that they
                                                Neu, who works in retail in Wichita,  and speech delays, said Lori Erickson,  need to adjust their expectations.
            Kindergarten is not required in most  Kansas,  cooked  with  her  daughters,  a  veteran  kindergarten  teacher  who
            states,  and  in  normal  times,  parents  bought  educational  workbooks  and  now  coordinates  the  district’s  pre-  “It is important that teachers realize
            sometimes “red-shirt” children who  played educational games with them.  kindergarten program.              that the routines are going to be dif-
            would be young for their kindergar-  She said she has no regrets but is ap-                                 ferent  than  perhaps  what  you  may
            ten class to give them an extra year of  prehensive  about  the  burden  facing  She said the district also just learned  have expected of learners in the past,”
            developmental  readiness.  This  year,  kindergarten teachers.          it  is  getting  more  money  to  expand  she said.
            even children nowhere near the cut-                                     its jumpstart to kindergarten summer
            off age were held out of school be-  “I  would  be  really  concerned  about  program,  which  will  include  a  field  In  the  900-student  Freeman  School
            cause of health concerns and the dis-  stress and just the teacher getting ev-  trip  to  a  strawberry  patch  and  visits  District  in  Rockford,  Washington,
            ruptions caused by the pandemic.    erything done with a big class,” she  from a dancer and painter.        Superintendent  Randy  Russell  just
                                                said.                                                                   hired  a  new  teacher  as  the  district
            Among  them  was  the  daughter  of                                     “The  biggest  thing  on  our  radar  is  prepares  to  add  a  third  kindergar-
            Christina  Neu,  who  held  her  back  With large amounts of federal relief  recognizing the trauma that has hap-  ten class. He said about one-third of
            even though her daughter has a De-  money  available,  school  districts  are  pened,”  she  said,  adding  that  the  the  preschoolers  and  kindergarten-
            cember  birthday  and  already  would  taking a range of approaches to pre-  district has various staffers “who are  ers in the mostly rural district about
            be relatively old for her class because  pare.                          ready to rumble.”                   15 miles (24.14 kilometers) south of
            the entry cutoff is the end of August.                                                                      Spokane skipped this school year and
            Across  Kansas,  kindergarten  enroll-  In Orange County, Florida, there are  It  remains  uncertain  just  how  big  that other districts around the region
            ment fell by nearly 9%.             estimates  that  the  incoming  kinder-  kindergarten classes will be in the fall.  experienced similar drops.
                                                garten class will be 17% bigger than  The increase could be offset by par-
            “There  was  a  little  bit  of  fear,  not  in  fall  2020  and  officials  are  plan-  ents who decide to wait an extra year  But  the  upcoming  school  year  has
            wanting her to have to deal with kind  ning a 5 1/2 week transition program  to send 5-year-olds or opt for home-  him  encouraged:  “Even  if  you  do
            of  an  unknown  there,”  Neu  said,  this summer at some of its neediest  schooling because of safety concerns.  have  a  gap,  it  is  going  to  be  closed
            adding that her eldest daughter, who  schools.                                                              pretty quickly. We are just excited that
            is 8, had just been diagnosed before                                    Regardless, education leaders say they  we are going to get the kids back.”
            the pandemic with 26 different food  In Minnesota, the St. Paul district is  expect to be addressing the effects of

                           Illinois chemical plant explosion, fires prompt evacuations

            (AP) — An explosion at a  grease in the Americas.         that  the  wind  pushed  into  will  be  working  with  local  termine  what  happened  and
            northern  Illinois  chemi-                                the  community.  Wilson  said  authorities and with our own  identify  any  corrective  ac-
            cal  plant  Monday  morn-    Following  reports  that  the  those  fires  were  caused  by  risk management team to de-  tions,” it said.
            ing  sparked  massive  fires  plumes of smoke were so big  burning  pieces  of  cardboard
            that sent flames and huge  they were being picked up on  boxes and chunks of wooden
            plumes  of  thick  black  weather  radar,  the  Rockton  pallets, not chemicals falling
            smoke  high  into  the  air  Police  Department  posted  from the sky.
            and  debris  raining  onto  an alert at 8:46 a.m. warning
            the  ground,  prompting  that fire officials had ordered  Trisha Diduch, the planning
            evacuations.                 a mandatory evacuation near  and development administra-
                                         the  plant.  It  told  people  to  tor for Rockton, said she esti-
            After 7 a.m., emergency crews  evacuate  homes  and  busi-  mates about 1,000 people are
            rushed to the scene of the fire  nesses,  and  to  await  further  affected by the 1-mile radius
            near  Rockton,  northwest  of  instructions.              evacuation order, she said.
            Chicago, at Chemtool Inc., a
            company  that  manufactures  Crews from the 40 or so fire  There were no immediate re-
            lubricants,  grease  products  departments  that  responded  ports of injuries.
            and  other  fluids,  and  is,  ac-  to the blaze were fanning out
            cording  to  the  company,  to respond to spot fires, grass  “We  do  not  yet  know  what
            the  largest  manufacturer  of  fires,  and  burning  debris  caused this incident, but we
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