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a28     obituario/u.s. news
                      Diasabra 23 Juli 2022

                                                                   Lee Zeldin, GOP nominee for NY governor,

                                                                                            attacked at rally

                                                                                                                             rested.  Among  those  subduing
                                                                                                                             him was Zeldin’s running mate,
                                                                                                                             former New York Police Depart-
              Mi ke alabá SEŇOR tur tempo,                                                                                   ment  Deputy  Inspector  Alison
              Su alabanza lo no kita fo’I mi boca,                                                                           Esposito.
              Mi alma ta gloria den SEŇOR,
              Laga humildenan bin tende y gosa.                                                                              Jakubonis, 43, was charged with
              Canta grandesa di SEŇOR huntu cu mi,                                                                           attempted assault in the second
              ban alabá SU Nomber tur huntu!                                                                                 degree,  arraigned  and  then  re-
              Salmo 34                                                                                                       leased,  a  Monroe  County  sher-
                                                                                                                             iff’s  spokesperson  said.  It’s  not
              Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta anuncia                                                                        clear whether he has an attorney
              fayecimento di nos ser stima:                                                                                  who can speak for him. A mes-
                                                                                                                             sage seeking comment was left at
                                                                                                                             a number listed for Jakubonis.

                                                             (AP)  —  A  man  has  been  he  was  wearing  a  hat  that  said  Jakubonis  is  an  Army  veteran
                                                             charged  with  attempted  as-   he was a veteran,” he said. “And  who  was  deployed  to  Iraq  in
                                                             sault  after  brandishing  a  my  guard  couldn’t  possibly  be  2009  as  a  medical  laboratory
                                                             sharp  object  and  attacking  more dropped. But at the same  technician.
                                                             U.S.  Rep.  Lee  Zeldin  as  the  exact time, I noticed that he had
                                                             Republican  candidate  for  a weapon in his hand.”              Zeldin  said  he  was  grateful  for
                                                             New  York  governor  deliv-                                     everyone  who  jumped  in  to
                      Mario Dennis Croes                     ered a speech in western New  He  said  the  man  was  saying,  help. He finished his remarks af-
                                                                                             “You’re done,” to him.
                                                                                                                             ter Jakubonis was subdued, say-
                      Cariñosamente yama “Danny”                                                                             ing Friday it was important “not
                       *26-01-1951 - †19-07-2022             The  incident  happened  Thurs-  “And obviously in that point, re-  to be intimidated.”
                                                             day as Zeldin, who is challeng-  gardless  of  whatever’s  on  your
                                                             ing incumbent Democratic Gov.  hat, this was not a normal situ-  Jacob  Murphy,  a  spokesperson
              Na nomber di su:                               Kathy  Hochul  this  November,  ation and there needed to be ac-  for  Zeldin’s  congressional  of-
                                                             was  addressing  a  Veterans  of  tion taken,” he said.         fice, said that Zeldin had a mi-
              Yiunan:                                        Foreign Wars post in the town of                                nor scrape from the incident. He
              Jeffrey Croes y Hayley Croes-Thode             Perinton, outside Rochester.    Videos recorded by people in the  said Zeldin had private security
              Jocy Malacia Croes y Willroy Malacia                                           audience showed the man walk  for the Perinton event but would
              Patrick y Jorenko                              The attacker climbed onto a low  up to Zeldin and try to grab him,  start having increased security.
              Danielo y Daniela                              stage  where  the  congressman  bringing a pointed object shaped
              Susan y Rumbo                                  was speaking to a crowd of doz-  like a cat’s head toward Zeldin’s  In  a  statement,  Hochul  con-
              Marlon y Jenifer y Gweny                       ens, flanked by bales of hay and  neck as he reached for the con-  demned the attack and said she
                                                             American flags.                 gressman.  Photos  of  the  ob-  was “relieved to hear that Con-
              Demas famia                                                                    ject suggested it was a keychain  gressman  Zeldin  was  not  in-
              Croes, Maduro, Ras, Leung, Ferguson,           Zeldin said at a news conference  meant to be worn on the knuck-  jured.”
              Barbieri, Boekhoudt, Tromp, Semeleer,          in the Syracuse area Friday that  les for self defense.
              Damian, Engelhard. Kelly Kock, Middendorp      he saw the man in his periphery                                 President  Joe  Biden  also  de-
                                                             on stage.                       People  at  the  gathering  held  nounced the incident and said it
              Ta invita pa acto di despedida cual lo tuma                                    down  the  attacker,  identified  as  “defies our fundamental demo-
              lugar na Royal Funeral Home diasabra 23 di     “The  first  thing  I  saw  was  that  David Jakubonis, and he was ar-  cratic values.”
              juli 2022 di 2’or pa 4’or di atardi. Cremacion lo
              tuma lugar despues.

              Disculpa nos si den nos tristesa nos por a      Mayors ask Biden to help with influx of asylum-seekers
              lubida algun familiar.

                                                             (AP)  —  The  Democratic  Adams  had  incorrectly  claimed  They’ve sought to put President
                                                             mayors  of  New  York  and  migrants  have  also  been  bused  Joe  Biden  on  notice  about  the
                                                             Washington  are  asking  the  to  New  York.  He  downplayed  consequences of border enforce-
                                                             Biden administration to help  those  misstatements  Thursday,  ment.
                                                             with what they say is a surge  but  stood  firm  in  his  criticism
                                                             in their cities of asylum-seek-  of the tactic touted by Gov. Greg  About 5,200 migrants have been
                                                             ing  migrants  from  border  Abbott of Texas and Gov. Doug  bused from Texas since April and
              “Dios ta amor... y amor ta Dios,               states,  eliciting  gleeful  reac-  Ducey of Arizona, both Repub-  more  than  1,100  from  Arizona
              maske mi no ta na e mundo aki,                 tions  from  Republicans  who  licans.                          since  May.  The  governors  call
              tur dia lo mi ta banda                         say the pleas are evidence the                                  the practice a voluntary free ride
              di boso Curazon, mi por stens di               U.S. is in an immigration cri-  “The  mere  fact  that  they  sent  that gets migrants closer to fam-
              loke Señor ta hasi”                            sis.                            people out of their states, people  ily or support networks.
              Salmo 33
                                                                                             who were seeking refuge in our
              Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta                Muriel  Bowser  of  Washington  country,  then  sent  them  away  But  Bowser  said  the  asylum-
              participa fayecimento inespera di              and  Eric  Adams  of  New  York  —  did  they  deny  that?”  Adams  seekers  are  being  “tricked,”  as
              nos ser stima:                                 have plunged deep into the na-  said.  “They  ended  up  here  be-  many don’t get close enough to

                                                             tional debate about how to deal  cause they didn’t get the support  their final destinations and some
                                                             with  migrants  appearing  at  the  there.”                     are  ditched  at  Union  Station
                                                             U.S. border with Mexico, seizing                                near  the  U.S.  Capitol  and  the
                         Regina E. Tromp                     on bus trips paid for by the states  Abbott  and  Ducey  have  trum-  White House.
                       Cariñosamente yama “Tanchi Ina”       of Texas and Arizona to send mi-  peted  the  bus  trips,  a  months-
                         *07-09-1960 - †13-07-2022           grants to the nation’s capital after  old  practice  that  has  been  long  “This is a very significant issue,”
                                                             their release by federal immigra-  on political theater but short on  she said Sunday on CBS’ “Face
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues       tion  authorities  at  the  border.  practical impact.          the Nation.”
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