Page 22 - AHATA_Neat
P. 22

                                                                                                           local Thursday 2 March 2023

            Jair Dijkhoff  ‘Casper’:

            “Aruba needs to unite in music, support
            each other, show respect and show love”

            (Oranjestad)—He      is   a  of  13  or  14,  he  joined  the  dio  Jam  Artist  of  Carnaval
            young  man  whose  talent  brass band, which became  at Roadjam.
            in  the  last  few  months  sur-  a part of his life to this day.  “I  always  loved  soca  and
            passed expectations when  At  20  years  old,  he  volun-  it’s one of my favorite music
            he  made  both  young  and  teered in different activities  genre,  and  this  crazy  idea
            old  dance  to  the  phrase  in order to build a base to  became  a  reality  thanks
            “Feeling       good…feel-    do  many  things.  He  cur-  to  my  Mighty  Campo  ta
            ing  nice”.  Our  reporter  rently  works  at  WEB  in  the  helped  me:  Sergio  Barros,
            sat  down  with  Jair  Dijkhof  Receipt Department.       Jeronim  Lampe,  Hubert
            ‘Casper’, the king of Aruba                               Thiel,” he said.
            Caiso  and  Soca  Monarch  He further told our reporter
            2023,  Winner  of  Roadjam  that  he  joined  the  radio  When  he  got  up  on  stage
            2023 and artist of the year  industry,  where  he  hosts  a  for the first time to perform
            according  to  several  me-  radio program called “Jai-   the  song  that  everyone
            dia outlets.                 goo’s  Groovyhour”  from  now asks radios to play, Jair
                                         5pm  to  7pm  every  day.  In  expressed that he felt very
            Jair  Dijkhof,  better  known  2022, he decided to partic-  nervous:  “My  heart  was
            as Casper, is a young man  ipate in the biggest a music  beating  out  of  my  chest,
            raised  in  several  neighbor-  event on the island, which  but  once  I  got  on  stage
            hoods  in  Tanki  Leendert,  was  the  “Caiso  and  Soca  and saw the audience, my
            Noord, Madiki and Dakota.  Monarch”.  It  is  here  that  nerves  went  away  and  I
            From  a  very  young  age,  his  origin  story  in  the  soca  got real excited.”
            Casper  started  his  singing  world started. This year, he  When  Jair  won  the  win-
            career.  Then  he  played  won  the  honorary  titles  of  ning title at the Caiso and
            baseball  and  by  the  age  Rockie of the year and Ra-   Soca Monarch, there were
                                                                      certain opinions that noted  and it doesn’t faze me, be-  from  him  again  this  year:
                                                                      that  Caiso  and  Soca  is  a  cause I don’t focus on the  “We  will  be  releasing  two
                                                                      genre  of  San  Nicolas.  This  negative, but the positive.”  or three new songs this year
                                                                      caused  uproar  online  and  Moreover, he affirmed that  God willing.”
                                                                      certain  people  in  media  young  people  have  more
                                                                      even addressed this.         of  a  chance  now  to  “ex-  To  finalize,  Jair  would  like
                                                                      About  this  topic,  Jair  had  pand  our  carnaval  and  to  relay  his  message:  “In
                                                                      this  to  say:  “I  got  a  lot  of  Caiso  and  Soca  Monarch.  order  to  keep  supporting
                                                                      criticism  from  big-named  I don’t think we should tear  each  other,  show  respect,
                                                                      people known at San Nico-    each other down, but Aru-    show  love—not  to  just  ex-
                                                                      las  that  see  me  winning  ba needs to unite in music;  pand our carnaval, but our
                                                                      as  bad,  but  everyone  has  we can accomplish bigger  culture  too,  I  hope  to  see
                                                                      their opinions. I respect ev-  things  instead  of  criticizing  more young people willing
                                                                      eryone and I will keep the  each other.”                  to achieve their dreams in
                                                                      same  charisma  and  love                                 life,  or  to  chase  any  cra-
                                                                      for everyone, as well as the  Now that the carnaval sea-  zy  idea  they  may  have.  I
                                                                      respect  for  different  opin-  son has passed, Jair informs  hope  to  see  a  united  and
                                                                      ions. They have the right to  that  he  will  be  pursuing  blessed  Aruba,  with  many
                                                                      make  their  own  decisions  other projects in mind and  successes  in  the  future  for
                                                                      and to express themselves,  that people will be hearing  everyone.”q
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