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HEALTH Thursday 23 april 2020
Eggs and Butter
By Carlos M Viana, Clinical Nutritionist nium, a powerful antioxidant. We use salt free
ORANJESTAD — A favorite dish of mine in a to eliminate the harmful processed salt which
Japanese restaurant is a raw quail egg yolk is used as a preservative to help the butter last
on sea urchin eggs. A variable “cholesterol longer on the shelf. If you like the taste of salt,
bomb”, one of my colleagues called. Notice try adding your own natural sea salt, which still
that the Japanese sushi chef throws away the has some of the minerals left and is not chemi-
white of the egg. A good thing, since raw egg cally processed.
whites should never be consumed. Egg whites Even better is Clarified Butter or “Gee” a form
contain substances that remove vitamins from of butter found in the Indian section of your su- in memory functions and learning difficulties.
your body and could possibly inhibit digestion permarket. Gee can be made easily at home Lecithin supplementation is very important to
of protein, and affect growth. Cooking the egg and is butter which has the milk solids or fat re- babies, even while still in the womb. Dietary
for just a few minutes destroys these and other moved. It has a high smoke point and is a safer, deficiency of lecithin can provoke respiratory
harmful compounds. healthier choice for cooking than other fats or distress in newborns, and failure to thrive. In
oils. With people afraid to eat egg yolks, the very young babies a continuing deficiency can
The reason a myth has survived for years about richest source of choline found in modern diets produce impaired growth, and abnormalities
the dangers of eating egg yolks is because one comes from an additive called lecithin. Leci- in bone formation. Medical data on lecithin
egg yolk contains about 213 milligrams of cho- thin is most often added to foods as an emulsi- suggests that simply supplementing the diets
lesterol. This is about the same amount as my fier which helps keeps food blended. As a di- of pregnant and nursing women with lecithin
other favorite food, olive oil that is also loaded etary supplement, I consider lecithin to be es- could affect their children's lifelong learning
with cholesterol. However, any clinical nutrition- and memory. In adults, lecithin can boost cog-
ist will tell you that the different types of choles- nitive function, diminish age-related memory
terol are not the same. Olive oil, like egg yolks, decline, and reduce the brain's vulnerability to
both have a high content of monounsaturated toxic substances.
fatty acids and antioxidative substances. In lay Eggs are nutritious. They're nutrient dense that
terms, both of these great foods are rich in HDL, means that eggs provide a good proportion
the “good” cholesterol. of needed nutrients for the calories they pro-
If you enjoy the convenience of taking a multi- vide. Eating nutrient-dense foods is particularly
vitamin to be sure you’re getting enough nutri- important for children as well as older adults
ents, you should consider including soft boiled because their energy needs are less but their
or poached eggs in your diet. They come close nutrient needs are high. Nutrient density is also
to having everything a natural multivitamin pro- important for anyone of any age who is trying
vides. Eggs are low in sodium and are a good to lose weight. One of the reasons for eating
source of protein, riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Pan- sential for everyone. In our clinic I see patient’s eggs is lecithin and supplementing your diet
tothenic acid, phosphorus, and selenium. Ad- daily suffering from fatigue, insomnia, kidney with a quality lecithin supplement give us a
ditionally, there are amino acids, the building and bladder problems, high cholesterol levels, healthy boost. By the way, I recommend most
blocks for muscle and a great source of leci- nerve-muscle problems, including cardiovascu- of my patients take individual, natural supple-
thin. In fact, the word "lecithin," comes from the lar disease, infertility, liver and gallbladder prob- ments, like Vitamin C, Magnesium, Zane and
Greek word “lekithos” meaning "egg yolk". Oth- lems, anemia, and high blood pressure. Leci- always Lecithin. However, if you prefer taking
er foods that contain lecithin include: butter, thin in your body keeps your cells functioning a multivitamin, make sure you are using a natu-
peanuts, cauliflower, tomatoes, banana, or- properly, allows your nerves to communicate ral one. There is a difference between quality
anges, lentils, oats, barley, corn, sesame seeds, with your muscles; and prevent the build-up food based nutrients and cheaper, synthetic or
flax seeds, whole wheat and human breast milk. of homocysteine in your blood. Homocysteine artificial vitamins, which may also include fillers,
Notice I said, butter, not margarine. Actually, if is a harmful compound that is associated with dyes and preservatives.
you are worried about cholesterol, according cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Since Get The Point! Eggs and butter do not in-
to a Harvard Medical study, margarine may lecithin has fat-modifying effects, lecithin helps crease heart disease risk in most people. A Har-
increase heart disease in women by 53% over prevent fatty build-up in the liver. vard School of Public Health study found that
eating the same amount of butter. Margarine An important part of lecithin is choline. Since healthy adults were able to eat an egg a day
contains up to 45 percent of artificially cre- the 1930s, research has shown that choline is a without increasing their risk of heart disease or
ated unhealthy trans-fats. No more fattening component of every human cell. Lecithin can stroke. Want help with a cholesterol problem
than margarine, butter has been in the diet for help control cholesterol levels. Because of its or a healthier gall bladder, liver, brain or to im-
thousands of years so our bodies are used to di- role in nerve-muscle function, lecithin has been prove the learning ability of your child? Come
gesting it. Besides lecithin, butter is a rich source used to help improve neuromuscular function in so we can tailor a health program to your
of easily absorbed vitamin A, E, K, D and sele- in Alzheimer's disease and plays a critical role specific needs.q