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Saturday 24 auguSt 2024 locAl

            Ayo & Casibari: Aruba’s famous rock formations

            (Oranjestad)—The Ayo and
            Casibari  Rock  Formations
            are  known  locally  as  one
            of the crucial sites to have
            in your “off-road” trip itiner-
            ary. These naturally formed
            rock formations as just one
            of the few places on the is-
            land that hold a rich history
            of  our  culture  and  of  our

            The  Ayo  Rock  Formation  is  Aruban backyard. The Ayo  ing breeze offer a sense of  center of the island, much  ture!
            located in the northern part  is  usually  quiet,  as  it  is  situ-  comfort and peace.   closer—and  more  acces-
            of  the  island,  right  on  the  ated farther away from the                           sible—to  the  general  pub-  Both sites are open free to
            road that leads you to the  busier  parts  of  the  island.        Casibari            lic.  Just  like  Ayo,  Casibari  the public, 24 hours a day.
            Black  Stone  Beach,  and  However,  this  is  just  anoth-  Probably  the  busier  rock  is  a  fenced  area  contain-  However,  unless  you  are
            close to the Natural Bridge.  er  charm  of  the  site:  the  formation  site,  the  Casi-  ing  several  boulders  that  taking a trip with a profes-
            The Ayo is a fenced terrain  quiet area and the refresh-  bari is situated more in the  lay on top or lean on each  sional tour guide, there are
            that consists of several giant                                                         other.  The  best  aspect  of  no  guides  at  the  sites  to
            boulders,  resting  neatly  on                                                         the  Casibari  Rock  Forma-  help  you  climb  the  rock.
            top of or side by side each                                                            tion  is  the  accompanying  So,  do  be  careful  when
            other,  adding  gorgeous                                                               view  when  you  climb  up  trudging  on  the  boulders,
            natural architecture to the                                                            the  top  of  the  round,  flat  and make sure to befriend
            surrounding  “mondi”*.  This                                                           bolder. For this position, you  any roaming goats you see
            is also one of the few sites                                                           can see the majority of the  along the way!
            to contain prehistoric mark-                                                           island and the ocean in the
            ings  of  our  indigenous  an-                                                         south.  Right  in  front  of  the  *Mondi:  what  we  call  our
            cestors.  The  Ayo  Rock  for-                                                         entrance, there is the Casi-  Aruban   wilderness.   We
            mation  contains  stairs  that                                                         bari Café and Grill, a great  don’t  have  forests,  or  des-
            lead you to the top of the                                                             place  to  get  refreshments  erts, but we do have mon-
            highest  boulder,  offering  a                                                         and snack before continu-    di! q
            breath-taking  view  of  the                                                           ing  your  off-road  adven-

            Meet Aruba’s biggest hero
            Boy Ecury

            (Oranjestad)—This      past  Born in Aruba on April 23rd,
            May  4th,  Aruba  as  well  as  1922,  Boy  spent  his  child-
            The Netherlands commem-      hood on the island, before
            orated  those  who  sadly  being  sent  to  The  Nether-
            perished  during  the  Sec-  lands by his father when he
            ond World War. As is known  was 15 years old to contin-
            around  the  globe,  this  ue  his  studies  abroad.  This
            chapter  in  world  history  is  was in 1937, three years be-
            one of the most tragic yet,  fore WWII broke out.         person of color with a Hai-
            and many soldiers and reb-                                tian  heritage  living  in  The
            els have died on the front-  During the war, he actively  Netherlands made him vul-    bombings  of  Rotterdam  taging  operations  against
            line during this time.       participated  in  the  rebel-  nerable  to  discrimination,  first-hand,  he  decided  to  the  German  military  oc-
                                         lion  in  The  Netherlands  and this inspired him to be  join  the  resistance.  At  the  cupying  The  Netherlands.
            One  of  those  rebels  who  against  the  Nazi  regime,  an activist, to stand up and  same  time,  he  was  still  These  included  bombings
            have  fought  against  the  but his rebellious streak and  fight  against  discrimination  studying  and  living  with  on  German  military  trucks
            Nazi  regime,  was  an  Aru-  constant  drive  to  fight  for  and oppression.         family in Tilburg. It was there  and  trains.  The  group  also
            ban named Segundo Jorge  justice began even before                                     where he met people who  helped people go into hid-
            Adelberto    “Boy”   Ecury.  the war broke out. Being a  After  seeing  the  horrific  printed and distributed the  ing, as well as opened fire
                                                                                                   rebellion  newspaper.  This  against allies of the Nazi re-
                                                                                                   would  be  the  first  of  three  gime.  In  these  operations,
                                                                                                   rebellion  group  that  he  Boy really stood out for his
                                                                                                   would  join  throughout  his  cold bloodedness.
                                                                                                   4-year  service  to  the  resis-
                                                                                                   tance.                       In 1943, he received a no-
                                                                                                   Boy’s primary task as mem-   tice to be placed for work
                                                                                                   ber of the group was to dis-  in  Germany.  This  he  re-
                                                                                                   tract  the  German  soldiers  fused, of course, and went
                                                                                                   while others ran into hiding  into  hiding  using  multiple
                                                                                                   into alleyways. This he was  addresses in multiple cities.
                                                                                                   able  to  do  because  of  his  Because he was a wanted
                                                                                                   skin  color  and  confronting  man,  he  of  course  could
                                                                                                   demeanor. Boy also partici-  not  continue  to  be  active
                                                                                                   pated in the multiple sabo-  as a rebel.q
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