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heAlth Tuesday 12 sepTember 2023
U.S. approves updated COVID vaccines to rev up HEALTH
protection this fall DOCTOR ON DUTY
Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Tel. 527 4000
AP Medical Writer Imsan 24 hours
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Tel.524 8833
U.S. approved updated Women in Difficulties
day, hoping to rev up pro- Oranjestad:
tection against the latest Eagle: Tel. 587 9011
coronavirus strains and Centro Medico : Tel. 584 5794
blunt any surge this fall and
winter. Women in Difficulties
The Food and Drug Ad- OTHER
ministration decision opens Dental Clinic 587 9850
the newest shots from Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
Urgent Care 586 0448
Moderna and Pfizer and its Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
partner BioNTech to most +297 588 0539
Americans even if they’ve Women in Difficulties
never had a coronavirus EMERGENCY
vaccination. It’s part of a This photo provided by Pfizer in September 2023 shows single-dose vials of the company’s Police 100
shift to treat fall updates updated COVID vaccine for adults. Oranjestad 527 3140
of the COVID-19 vaccine Associated Press Noord 527 3200
much like getting a yearly Sta. Cruz 527 2900
flu shot. Just like earlier vacci- tection against the original the shots still will be free to San Nicolas 584 5000
There’s still another step: nations, the fall round is coronavirus strain and an most Americans through Police Tipline 11141
The Centers for Disease cleared for adults and chil- older version of omicron. private insurance or Medi- Ambulancia 911
Control and Prevention dren as young as age 6 And while even the XBB.1.5 care. But for the uninsured Fire Dept. 115
Red Cross
582 2219
must sign off. A CDC ad- months. FDA said starting variant is no longer domi- or underinsured, the CDC
visory panel is set to issue at age 5, most people can nant, FDA determined is working with health de- TAXI SERVICES
recommendations Tues- get a single dose even if that it’s close enough to partments, clinics and cer- Taxi Tas 587 5900
day on who most needs they’ve never had a prior coronavirus strains caus- tain pharmacies to tempo- Prof. Taxi 588 0035
587 2300
Taxi D.T.S.
the updated shots. Vacci- COVID-19 shot. Younger ing most COVID-19 illnesses rarily provide free shots.q Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
nations could begin later children might need addi- today to offer good cross- A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
this week, and both the tional doses depending on protection. Like earlier ver- Women in Difficulties
COVID-19 and flu shot can their history of COVID-19 in- sions, they’re expected to TRAVEL INFO
be given at the same visit. fections and vaccinations. be most protective against
A third vaccine maker, The FDA pointedly isn’t COVID-19’s worst conse- Aruba Airport 524 2424
Novavax, said its updated calling this latest round a quences rather than mild American Airlines 582 2700
shot is still being reviewed “booster” but instead a infection. Avianca 588 0059
588 2244
Jet Blue
by the FDA. vaccine updated to better But while the FDA’s deci- Surinam 582 7896
COVID-19 hospitalizations match the currently circu- sion allows for wide use Women in Difficulties
have been rising since late lating virus. The new recipe of the updated shots,
summer although - thanks targets an omicron variant the CDC will decide how AID FOUNDATIONS
to lasting immunity from named XBB.1.5 replacing strongly different groups FAVI- Visually Impaired
prior vaccinations and outdated combination are urged to get them. Tel. 582 5051
infections not nearly as vaccines that mixed pro- Federal officials have said Alcoholics Anonymous
much as this time last year. Tel. 736 2952
But protection wanes over Narcotics Anonymous
time and the coronavirus Tel. 583 8989
continually churns out new Fundacion Contra Violencia
Relacional Tel. 583 5400
variants that can dodge Centre for Diabetes
prior immunity. It’s been a Tel. 524 8888
year since the last time the Child Abuse Prevention
vaccines were tweaked, Tel. 582 4433
and only about 20% of Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
adults ever received that Women in Difficulties
earlier update. General Info
“Vaccination remains Phone Directory Tel. 118
critical to public health
and continued protec-
tion against serious conse-
quences of COVID-19, in-
cluding hospitalization and
death,” FDA vaccine chief
Dr. Peter Marks said in a
statement. “We very much
encourage those who are
eligible to consider getting