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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 7 december 2022
            Successful first coaching clinic by USA Baseball in Aruba

            A total of 70 coaches took part and received a certificate

            ORANJESTAD  –  During  the  the  first  session  began  at  sphere  was  very  positive  into  practice.  Attendants  the local coaches. And we
            weekend  of  the  2nd,  3rd  the  University  of  Aruba  at  and filled with energy. Most  had  the  honor  of  having  received  good  comments
            and  4th  of  December,  the  12:05pm  sharp.  It  must  be  importantly, it showed that  Mr.  Randolph  Oduber,  ex-  from our local coaches.”
            first coaching clinic by USA  noted that this was attend-  the  coaches  are  here  to  ecutive  member  of  WBSC
            Baseball took place in Aru-  ed by 70 coaches from dif-   continue developing them-    as  a  participant,  and  he  It was admirable to see so
            ba. A weekend dedicated  ferent organizations in Aru-     selves as a coach. Without  joined  during  both  days  in  many  coaches  coming
            to  improving  the  sport  of  ba, and two of them were  a doubt, some topics were  his  role  as  coach.  The  sun  together  to  the  benefit  of
            baseball on our island.      female.                      new,  and  some  were  be-   was shining brightly, but the  sport and our children. On
                                                                      ing  refreshed,  but  every-  participants   persevered  the images, a hidden mes-
            Friday afternoon, the Meet  During  this  session  they  one present learned some-     until the end, and they re-  sage becomes visible: if we
            and  Greet  took  place  in  elaborated  on  different  thing on this first day. At the  ceived  their  participation  work  together,  we  can  all
            Local Store, allowing the lo-  aspects,  for  example  in-  end  of  the  session,  all  four  certificate.         achieve.
            cal coaches to meet more  field,  hitting,  base  coach-  coaches received a beau-
            closely  and  have  a  chat  ing,  outfield,  pitching  and  tiful souvenir of Aruba.  Sr. Elston Figaroa, president  Thanks go out from the or-
            with  the  coaches  of  USA  baserunning.  Even  though                                of Aruba North Little League  ganizers to all participants,
            Baseball.  In  a  friendly  at-  the session lasted five hours  On  Sunday,  at  9am  the  emphasized:  “This  was  the  the  speakers  of  USA  Base-
            mosphere, the four coach-    and was dedicated to the  second  session  began  at  first  clinic,  but  we  are  sure  ball,  all  organizations  that
            es were presented and this  theoretic  part,  the  ques-  the Nadi Croes/Crismo An-    it  will  not  be  the  last  one.  helped us to give the best
            way,  the  event  was  kick-  tions and interactions were  gela  station  and  coaches  The  coaches  of  USA  Base-  possible  treatment  to  our
            started.                     great,  and  were  well  re-  had  to  come  on  the  field  ball  were  extremely  satis-  guests,  and  of  course,  to
                                         ceived  by  the  coaches  of  to  see  and  put  what  they  fied  with  the  organization  the  team  of  Aruba  North
            On  the  3rd  of  December,  USA  Baseball.  The  atmo-   learned  the  day  before  and  the  participation  of  Little League. q
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