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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 7 december 2022
            School as a triangular relationship: “We work together with parents

            and students to reach the best for our children”

            ORANJESTAD  –  During  the                                                                                          dia,  videogames  and  all
            event  ‘Topami  na  Mita’,                                                                                          sort  of  electronic  games
            which     in   Papiamento                                                                                           are educating the children,
            means,  Meet  me  in  the                                                                                           and  they  are  inundated
            Middle,  the  head  of  Abra-                                                                                       with positive and negative
            ham  de  Veer  School,  Mrs.                                                                                        information.  However  the
            Bueno-Guzman-Hooft  was                                                                                             information  often  is  nega-
            present, and she explained                                                                                          tive,  even  fake  news,  and
            the important role of school                                                                                        this  can  cause  sometimes
            in  the  life  of  a  child,  the                                                                                   that the children and teen-
            negative  effects  of  media                                                                                        agers fall into anxiety.
            and    electronic   devices                                                                                         “They  cannot  live  with-
            on  children,  and  the  im-                                                                                        out  their  smartphones.  The
            portance  of  cooperation                                                                                           smartphone  makes  sure
            between  parents  and  the                                                                                          that  they  have  a  friend,
            school.                                                                                                             someone  close  to  them
                                                                                                                                because  they  feel  alone.
            Mrs.  Bueno-Guzman-Hooft                                                                                            But even though the smart-
            explained that as a school                                                                                          phone  is  something  good
            they are there to work and                                                                                          when you know how to use
            help the children and teen-                                                                                         it,  when  you  don’t  know
            agers  together  with  their                                                                                        how  to  use  it,  it  can  be-
            parents.  The  parents  are                                                                                         come  something  hazard-
            the first line, and if they par-                                                                                    ous”, she said.
            ents keep the school aware
            of  any  developments,  to-                                                                                         She  indicated  that  if  a
            gether  they  can  continue                                                                                         teenager still doesn’t know
            working  with  the  youth  to                                                                                       how  to  properly  use  their
            improve  any  situation  that                                                                                       smartphone,  the  parents
            may arise.                                                                                                          need to be aware; it’s not
                                                                                                                                enough to just buy expen-
            She  commented  however                                                                                             sive items to fill the void that
            that  times  have  changed                                                                                          the parent wants to fill from
            greatly, and in her 28 years                                                                                        not  being  present  in  their
            of experience working in Ed-                                                                                        children’s lives, to fill it with
            ucation, she has seen ma-                                                                                           a smartphone which could
            jor  changes.  The  change,                                                                                         turn dangerous.
            as she indicated, was that
            many years ago there was                                                                                            “This  is  why,  the  school  in
            better social control. When                                                                                         a  triangular  relationship
            the  child  went  home,  she                                                                                        works together with parents
            could have her mother still                                                                                         and  students  to  reach  the
            at  home,  or  grandmother                                                                                          best for our kids. So parents,
            or  even  great-grandmoth-   is completely different.     them  even  have  two  jobs  that  parents,  not  because  come to your child’s school
            er, or a neighbor, who had                                or  even  more,  in  order  to  they don’t want to, but be-  when you are in a difficult
            some control over the child.  These  days,  both  parents  be able to afford all house-  cause they are not able to,  situation.  Don’t  stay  silent
            But  nowadays,  everything  need  to  work;  some  of  hold expenses.  This means  don’t have enough time to  because  the  school  is  al-
                                                                                                   spend  with  their  children  ways  there  to  help  when
                                                                                                   and  no  longer  have  that  possible”, she said.q
                                                                                                   type of control.

                                                                                                   “This  is  the  part  where  we   ARUBA
                                                                                                   need  to  work  together
                                                                                                   with  parents,  so  that  par-
                                                                                                   ents  can  be  more  aware           CLEAN
                                                                                                   and  be  more  responsible
                                                                                                   with  their  children.  We  un-
                                                                                                   derstand  that  they  need
                                                                                                   to  work,  but  the  problem
                                                                                                   is  that  right  now  the  par-
                                                                                                   ents want to educate their
                                                                                                   children,  but  they  are  not
                                                                                                   educating them the way it
                                                                                                   needs to be, and then you
                                                                                                   have the media is educat-
                                                                                                   ing  their  children”,  Bueno-
                                                                                                   Guzman-Hooft  comment-              IS MORE
                                                                                                   ed.                               DUSHI

                                                                                                   She  emphasized  that  me-
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