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P. 8
Our Beloved Rock
May 11, 2022
T: 582-7800
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A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Political reality: Congress can't save -- or end – abortion
By LISA MASCARO can-led filibuster.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Fight- At the same time, Repub-
ing for decades over abor- licans led by Sen. Mitch
tion policy, Congress is McConnell face similar
about to run into the stark political problems trying to
political limits of its ability to ban abortions nationwide,
save — or end — the Roe v. even if they wrest control
Wade protections. of the chamber in next fall's
President Joe Biden has midterm elections.
called on Democrats to en- Instead, whatever the Su-
shrine the nearly 50-year- preme Court decides on
old Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade in its final
into law after the disclo- opinion this summer almost
sure of a draft opinion that guarantees a new era of
would overturn the land- political fighting in Con-
mark decision that de- gress over abortion policy,
clared a constitutional right filibuster rules and the most
to abortion services. basic rights to health care,
But passing bills is easier said privacy and protecting the
than done in the narrowly unborn.
split Congress — reflective “All of us will have to an-
of a deeply divided nation. swer for this vote for the rest
A test vote Wednesday of our time in public office,”
in the Senate on a Demo- said Senate Majority Lead- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., speaks to reporters ahead of a procedural vote
cratic bill to protect access er Chuck Schumer ahead on Wednesday to essentially codify Roe v. Wade, at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, May 10,
to abortions is expected to of Wednesday’s action. 2022. Associated Press
fail, blocked by a Republi- Continued on next page