Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
a8 local
Wednesday 11 May 2022
Law restriction on the use of tobacco products
ORANJESTAD - The "Na- to those who smoke (13% fines for violating this law.
tional Ordinance Restric- of the population), but also
tion Tobacco Products (AB to persons around these Section 2A: In the Tobacco
2016 no.41)" will come into smokers (passive smokers). Act, persons under 21 are
effect in Aruba from May 2, considered minors.
2022. Article 2: Smoking ban in Paragraph 1: It is prohibited
publicly accessible areas to smoke in a private motor
This law was passed unani- or buildings. vehicle if minors are pres-
mously in the Parliament of This prohibition applies to ent. The police will control
Aruba on October 26, 2021. schools, recreation areas, compliance with the law.
This law prohibits the sale, dining rooms with terraces, Failure to comply with this
use, or work in the immedi- and even at bus stops. It is law runs the risk of a fine. It
ate vicinity where tobacco prohibited to smoke on ter- should protect the passive
products are for sale. races. due to their proxim- smokers per the rights of
ity to buildings. children to protection.
In connection with the Article 2 contains some ex-
national prevention plan, ceptions, such as parking Paragraph 2: It is prohibited
the Ministry of Health and lots, palapas, the beach, for minors to work in loca-
the Department of Public or areas without walls and/ tions where tobacco prod- point of sale for tobacco tobacco products or smok-
Health worked to improve or roofs, where this smoking ucts are for sale. Minors are products, as is already the ing at a young age.
the community's quality of ban does not apply. allowed to work in super- case for products contain-
life and healh. The enforcement of this markets. However, they are ing alcohol. he Depart- The Aruban community
This law is an essential part law is in the hands of the not allowed to work in the ment for can become healthier, but
of the national prevention Department for Goods designated sections of to- this takes responsibility and
plan. Inspection and Hygiene bacco products. All shops The Department of Goods dedication to take bet-
Smoking is not only harmful (DWH), which can issue must have a dedicated Inspection and Hygiene ter care of ourselves, eat
(DWH) also enforces this healthier, and be more ac-
law. You will get a fine for tive. Be aware that tobac-
not complying with the co products are dangerous
law. This article is to prevent for your health. We're go-
young people from using ing to make it together.q
Starting the 11th of May there
will be changes in the prijs for
petroleum products
Oranjestad - The Minister crease of 2,0 cents, making
of Economic Affairs, Com- the total price 289,0 cents
munication and Sustain- per litre. Diesel LS will see
able Development has an- an increase of 14,5 cents,
nounced that there will be bringing the total price up
changes in the price of pe- to 289,0 cents per litre, and
troleum products starting Kerosin will see an increase
the 11th of May of this year. of 21,8 cents which will
bring up the total price to
The change in prices of pe- 275,6 cents per litre.
troleum products will be as
follows; Gasoline unlead- These prices include BBO,
ed-premium will see a de- BAZV and BAVP. q